Out of Surgery and doing well

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Well-known member
May 29, 2002
Sarasota, Fl
Hello, I my name is Will and I am Starkone's son. She asked me to post this and let you all know that she had her surgery this afternoon and is now in recovery. The surgery went very well with no suprizes or complications. We will post more later as her recover progresses.

Thank you all for your concern and support.


Thank you, Will. We always want to know how our fellow member is doing and that all is well. Please tell her we are happy she made it up the mountain and is now on the good side. Also tell her 'don't sneeze'. Keep us posted as she progresses.

So very happy to hear your mom is doing well. Please give her my best and tell her things will get easy very fast.

Thanks for posting.
Thanks for posting Will. We are so happy to hear that all went well with no surprises. Send her our best and tell her that we are all looking forward to more posts. :)
Hi Will, give your mum my best wishes! I hope her recovery is every bit as uneventful.

Anna : )
Great News

Great News

Thanks for the update, Will. As you can tell, we're one big family. Wish your mother well for us and keep us posted. Can't wait for her to be back on line with us.

Good news. Very glad to hear she's done and healing. Thank you for keeping us updated on her progress.

Now she can heal and feel better than she has in years. Enjoy your mother during the weeks after she gets home. She may well develop some unusual and intriguing viewpoints about life, and will be extra interesting to be around.

Best wishes,
Glad to hear your Mom's surgery is behind her. Tell her we are thinking of her, wishing her well! Thanks for posting, we all feel better when we get word that everything went well.
Kathy H
starkone said:
Hello, I my name is Will and I am Starkone's son. She asked me to post this and let you all know that she had her surgery this afternoon and is now in recovery. The surgery went very well with no suprizes or complications. We will post more later as her recover progresses.

Thank you all for your concern and support.


:p :p Please tell her how pleased we are to hear she's doing well. I was thinking about her all day, and am a little jealous now that's she's gotten over the top of the mountain and has started down the other side. Give her a kiss for me and tell her we are still praying for her.
congratulations are in order

congratulations are in order

Sounds like good news! It's a hard thing but she'll get through it.

Pamper her as much as you can.

Thank God!

Thank God!

We All Know How Nervous She Was And What A Relief She Will Feel That It's All Over Now. I Can't Wait Till My Husband Is On That Side Of The Mountain.
Welcome to the Other Side

Welcome to the Other Side


Thanks for the post. We will continue our prayers and good thoughts on her walk on this side of the mountain. Glad everything went so well.

Now she can get "up close and personal" with that recliner.

May God Bless,



Thank you so much for letting us know! Wishing her continued success! :D

Hurray hurray - good news is always welcomed. Thanks for taking the time to post, Will.
Great News!

Great News!

Thanks for the post. Give her a great big "HI" from Darryl's heart and tell her that I'm thinking about her. She's lucky! All the waiting and nervousness are now over.
Thanks for the update Will. I'm glad to hear she is doing well...we are all pulling for her and sending well wishes her way! :)