Other side of the mountain at last!

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Thanks for everyone?s well wishes and special thanks to giJanet for posting for me and chatting with my mom. Another salute out to AlCapshaw for my On-X valve which is ticking away as I type!

Surgery went well, Dr. Bove is a wonderful man and a skilled surgeon. The On-X rep/surgeon flew in the morning of my surgery to observe Dr. Bove and also brought my valve. I went from a failing 15mm valve to a 23mm On-X. Dr. Bove said he thinks mine may have been the smallest he has ever seen on anyone. Considering he is a pediatric surgeon that is really amazing to me. I had surgery on Monday the 23rd and they let me out on Saturday afternoon. My roommate was a beautiful 10 day old baby named Reese and I miss her terribly!!!!! I got really attached to her even though I tried really hard not to. I made friends with the lady in the room next door and her 8 day old baby Aubrey. I am such a sucker for babies!!!! All of the nurses I had were fantastic and loved to torment me....why do I bring that out in people:rolleyes: The only trouble I have had was at discharge when they said practically as I was being rolled down the hall in my wheel chair that I had an e-coli infection from my cath. Jeez. So I have antibiotic for that. I was warned that I did have some fluid around my heart but that the lasix should pull it out. What they FORGOT to mention was that I had fluid in my left lung which made it so I could hardly breathe by this afternoon. So I went to my regular doc and he ran tests and put me on Zaroxolyn followed by Lasix to pull the fluid out. He said I would feel better by tomorrow. I hope so, I am ready to walk and get going on recovery and I can barely manage laps around the living room right now!! All in all a good experience and I am glad I did it and it's done and over with. Having this group made it so much eaiser and I will continue to support others here and read in other threads to keep myself in good health.

Thanks to everyone.....Things look really nice on this side of the mountain...much clearer than I thought.
Welcome home!

Walk, Eat, Sleep, Deep Breath and well.......recover! Now if that breathing becomes painful, get thee back to the ER pronto.

If you run into trouble with Coumadin, come see us in the anticoag forum and we'll help you out. You should be have a stable INR in one month or less.
I sure hope they get rid of the fluid around your heart and lung. I am sure you will feel so much better after that. You need to rest and take care of yourself and ofcourse, walk. ;)

Jody...... So very good to hear from you and wonderful hear you are safely over the mountain and truly into recovery.

Hope you have as uneventful a recovery as possible. BEST wishes to you.
So glad to hear that you are doing much better. Hope that takes care of the fluid around your heart and lung. If it's not better get in asap. Sounds like you made it over a slight bump and your on your way to recovery. So glad you posted and that your feeling better. Yes, the walking really helps the recovery.
Keep posting and let us know how your feeling in a couple of days. God Bless!!!
Welcome to this side of the mountain. Be sure to keep an eye on the fluid. If you start to gain weight quickly, be sure to get checked out asap. I procrastinated as I didn't want to bother the doc, and thought it would reverse itself, and I ended up back in the hospital for a surgical drain. Remember, it's always better to be safe than sorry so if in doubt call the doc. Best wishes for a smooth and speedy recovery.

Hoping that any issues are resolved quickly without any further intervention. Be sure and follow instructions and get lots of rest.

Welcome to this side.
Glad you are home and hope the meds take care of the fluid. Look forward to your contributions here as a "graduate".
You have been through an awful lot these last few months. Glad to hear your on the other side now. Get your rest and you will be back on your feet in short order. Congrats !
Welcome home Jody!

Glad to hear you're on this side of the mountain, finally.... you've had your share of bumps, how about a smooth ride from here, huh?

Wishing you the best in your recovery.

What a GREAT Outcome Jody !

I'm so glad it all worked out as you wanted.

Did you give a "Go Blue!" Cheer upon leaving UofM / Ann Arbor? ;-))

Be sure to use your incentive spirometer (the plastic Breathing Exercise device) regularly. I was told to use mine for 10 minutes every 2 hours to prevent fluid buildup in the lungs and prevent pneumonia from setting in.

Welcome to the Rest of your Life!

'AL Capshaw'

After your first mis-adventure, I'd be tempted to send that surgeon a note to NOT bother to send you a bill for his 'botched surgery'.


Glad to know things are well for you. Thoughts/prayers for a continued SUCCESSFUL recovery :).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Heaven knows how long it's been since I felt so out of place" ... Garth Brooks ... 'Learning To Live Again'
So good to hear your positve post! May the small hiccups that are happening right now
(ie. fluid etc) be resolved quickly and a smooth recovery.

Take care and don't over do it!

Heart hugs (gentle ones!)

Good work Jody,that darn waiting's over!!!!!
Now don't over do it, and glad ur home .:)
