OTC for wheezing?

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2001
Chicago, IL
Will be calling my GP in the AM. Did see her earlier this week. Confirmed that I have influenza type B. Fever just broke. Upon minor exertion, i.e. walking I start to wheeze. Not much on the chest. Minor congestion. It feels like my bronchial tubes (if that is the right term) are constricted. Any suggestions apart for calling the doctor in the AM;)
You might rub your chest with Vicks Vapor Rub. Also, I have had good luck with a humidifier, especially at night while sleeping. I might also gargle with salt water.

Back in the day when I smoked, I had bad breating and allergy problems. I remember inhaling saline solution, which is available at the drugstore....or you can just mix salt and water. That used to help me a little.

Sorry to hear you are unwell. Please do call the doctor tomorrow.

Thank you Blanche. Have done all of the above. Vaporizer running 24/7. Vicks, saline.

I am a bad patient! Would make a better nurse for sure!;)
Gina, you could also try making yourself a steam tent. Just plug in your kettle and put a towel over your head and inhale the steam - just be careful not to burn yourself ;) or a hot shower will work too.

Good Luck and take care
I'd call the after-hours number, talk to the doc and see if there's something he can prescribe until you see him. Sounds like you need a bronchodialator of some sort.
They also came out with "SHOWER SOOTHERS" you put them on the shower floor and they send vapors of menthol, and a few others smells. It really helps break the congestion up and they really seems to help. You can get them at Walgreens or Frys or any store that has a drug department but they are over the counter. I had the same thing and had to call my dr to get meds for my breathing machine... I hope you feel better soon....
fraid you are just going to have to get to the dr. this is close to the end of the week, so don't put it off due to unavailability of your dr on weekend. Something's not loosening up to cough out. That is bad. You need something to fix that and a dr visit is the only thing - and maybe xrays.

Morgan here, this sounds like something more than congestion to me, it sounds like you need a bronchodialator, like albuterol, there isnt anything OTC like this, and this is something to consider going to the ER for if it gets any worse or changes, you are right, your bronchials are probably tightened, and this is what causes wheezing. (I am a resp therapy student, but my advice isnt to be taken as medical advice, you really need to see a doc) I would avoid inhaling anything like like vicks or anything like that at least untill you can see your doc, these can irritate already irritated bronchials and cause more inflammation and constriction (I have been going through the same thing with my lungs, had a flu/cold, and was recently Dx'd with asthma). my best advice would be hot showers, avoid really cold air, and anything that could be irritating, and either get in to your doc, or go to the ER if anything changes this really isnt something you can manage yourself

When I was sick in January I went to my family doctor. He listened to my lungs and said my flu had gone into bronchial. He prescribed the Advair Inhaler. It was different than the other inhlaers he prescribed in the past when he use to think I had asthma!:mad: :rolleyes: Anyway you only use it once every 12 hours. It was very powerful and helped a lot. It's been advertised on TV and you can look it up on the internet. He gave me the 500 series. It sure did the job. I had tried all the solutions everyone had suggested too prior to using this inhaler. Good luck and hope you start feeling better.
Thanks everyone! Really appreciate the thoughts!

Doing much better this AM. It seems to have dried up some. Could be the Tamiflu is working. Not coughing with basic exertion. My GP is around today and tomorrow if I need her. Will make a judgment call later today:)
Hope you are truly on the mend. The flu has been nasty this year to those unlucky enough to catch it. For a while it was thought that inhaling cool moist air helped wheezing but I've been out of the ER for too many years now to know if that is still what is current. I remember many times when parents would bring kids in during the night with croup. After having done all the home remedies they would give up and bring the little one in to be seen. Sometimes the wheezing would have abated by the time they arrived. The docs would credit the cool moist night air. Kids though have smaller air passages and change more rapidly to the good or bad then those of us older. It might be worth a try though if you start the wheezing again. In the meantime, conserve your energy and save it for getting better. Has anyone else in your family caught it?
Hi Betty,

I am doing remarkably better today. Cool air was recommend by the nurse at the Drs office. Plan an keeping a close eye. Staying out of public places. This has wiped me out. Not much energy to go out! My husband has been out of town. Which has been difficult. But..probably good so he was not next to me during my fever period. My daughter has been at school and outside activities much of the week. We stayed clear of each other as much as possible. Funny, daughter and hubby had the flu (I believe) weeks apart. Hubby around xmas, daughter about 3 weeks ago. Amazing we did not all pass it around. I believe in isolation when stuff like this is in the air!
When my daughters were little, they were susceptible to croup and it was pretty bad. We had an old fashioned pediatrician who believed in trying home type things first.

One night when I called, and it was raining, I was told to take my daughter for a ride in the car with all the windows open. It worked, and broke up her croup.

Another time I was told to put her in the shower for a while until the croup broke up. I had to go in there with her since she was so little. But that worked too.

In defense of the pediatrician, he did prescribe antibiotics when necessary. He was considered the best in his field at the time.

So I agree with Betty about some of those old time remedies.
Nancy -

Yes, like to try what I can first. Have already visited the GP. She has also called twice in the last few days to check up. Great doc! We know it is viral. Everything is clear.

Still understanding that the valve needs to be protected from infection. I agree that an antibiotic is not necessary for a virus. There are many folks out there that still say 'did you get your antibiotic'? It's not the answer if there in not a bacterial infection. Time could go on and secondary infections could occur. In my case, I will not go out until my resistance is up!
LUVMyBirman said:
Nancy -

Yes, like to try what I can first. Have already visited the GP. She has also called twice in the last few days to check up. Great doc! We know it is viral. Everything is clear.

Still understanding that the valve needs to be protected from infection. I agree that an antibiotic is not necessary for a virus. There are many folks out there that still say 'did you get your antibiotic'? It's not the answer if there in not a bacterial infection. Time could go on and secondary infections could occur. In my case, I will not go out until my resistance is up!

That is absolutely true. Just be careful that you keep the secretions cleared out as best you can. It doesn't take long for the mucus build-up to become an incubator for bacteria that might need an antibiotic.

Sure hope you are feeling better now!!!!

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Nancy said:
When my daughters were little, they were susceptible to croup and it was pretty bad. We had an old fashioned pediatrician who believed in trying home type things first.

One night when I called, and it was raining, I was told to take my daughter for a ride in the car with all the windows open. It worked, and broke up her croup.

Another time I was told to put her in the shower for a while until the croup broke up. I had to go in there with her since she was so little. But that worked too.

In defense of the pediatrician, he did prescribe antibiotics when necessary. He was considered the best in his field at the time.

So I agree with Betty about some of those old time remedies.

reminded me of a neighbor who had a tiny 3 yo who was so sick with a rising temp heading upwards to 105. young neighbor called me over and we put the baby in cool water, tried all the usual things. I called the dr and he told us to do it again. took 3 calls, but he finally said to bring her on in. There was snow everywhere (in Maryland) and off they went. By the time they got to hospital the fever was GONE! and the child got well quickly after that. Amazed me.