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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2001
Liverpool England
Been having lots of pain in my left leg ( the same leg I had the Ilizarov on 10 years ago )
had an appointment with the orthapedic surgeon and he says it looks like the Osteomeylitis had recurred, so I am waiting to have a CT Scan, MRI Scan and a Bone Scan to determine exactly what the problem is, the best I can hope for is 3 months on strong antibiotics and if that fails, the infected bone will have to be cut out,
I am in a lot of pain and back to using a walking stick so I am feeling a bit sorry for myself,
I dread the thought of having another fixator on, the last on I had on for 15 months it was so painful.

Google Ilizarov ( but be warned they are gruesome)

so I could do with cheering up


I hope the antibiotics work for you. Maybe with God's grace, you will avoid the dreaded surgery and fixator.
I hope the antibiotic help and you don't have to go thru that again. I am sorry you are in such pain. Do they know why the infection came back?
Oh Jan, I am so sorry you are having these problems. I know how long and complicated these orthopedic problems can get. I understand how you can feel sorry for yourself. My orthopedic problems have not been as serious as yours and I had to fight that too. I'll add my prayers to the others already being sent. Cyber hugs to you! I hope you soon feel better.
Hi Jan,

So sorry to hear you are going through a tough time! Hope the antibiotic will work for you. Any time you need a sympathetic ear we are here Jan.
I hope not Jan. Chris is still walking around on his otherwise destroyed ankle and amputation is still on the table for that too. He kept his fixator. Don't know why, but he wanted it.

For those that don't know what a fixator is:
I really hope this clears up for you,I know that osteomyelitis can be very
slow to heal,but if they are giving you the correct antibiotic,it should work
for you. I also hope your doctors are giving you the pain meds that you need,
Wishing you all success- Dina
Oh drats Jan...what crappy news for you. I'm really hoping the 3 month course of antibiotics work fast and hard for you. What the heck brought this back on the scene?

In the 'cheer you up department'...
Guess I'll have to post that funny interview of Bill in front of the Alamo giving us Texans credit for "winning the war"..!! Gotta love our Mr. Bill..!! Mr. Bill, Mr. Bill...you better take care of Jan..;)
I am feeling a bit better today, I managed to get about 6 hours sleep last night !!!
I just dread the thought of an ilizarov again the last one was in place for 15 months and boy that was arkward to live with, but hey I am going to be positive the antibiotics WILL ,do the trick.
The Dr told me that the fact that it is 10 years since the previous episode is a good sign

Bill is being a love and taking care of me, so no worries there Janie


Jan XX