One post surgery thought.

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When I had to experience this 'concrete' :eek:I wondered how with all the advancements in medicine and how routine it is to pull the valves out of the heart and replace them, yet no medicine is good enough to pull the 'concrete' out!! my advice in addition to above is SOUP!!

Good luck and keep breathing through the process!
I can relate. Had one very BAD night... I've been on prune juice and pay special attention fiber on a daily basis. Any time there is any hint whatsoever of "blockage", I go with stronger stuff. Not going through a that night like that again !!!!
This is a problem for me also.I found two tablespoons of Metamucile (SP) in the morning takes care of 95% of the problem.In rare cases when thats not enough I add some mirolax.
I am still taking the 100mg of Biscodyl twice a day, lots of fluid, salad, soup, etc. In the hospital they were giving me a "fiber pill" once a day as well. I am going to add that OTC to my regime and see if that helps. I think the increased walking exercise will also help!

Vocodin was NOT good to me in that respect. I had a fairly invasive dental procedure last Friday and they gave me some Vicodin for pain. Sure enough I had the same result...a whole bunch of nothin ! Im off them now and things are back to normal. What did help me some during my recovery was a big ol cup of Starbucks each morning along with a Bran muffin.
Ya I am not supposed to drink it until my pulse regulated downward a bit but, this morning I had one sip, inhaled the aroma and.... well. Whew!
Having an ostomy I have the opposite to be concerned about. Most things I take in, in pill form, leave in pill form. Especially anything extended release.
Big problem if it not available in a liquid or cannot be crushed.