Ok Folks - Lets discuss the Chicago date again!

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VR.com Founder, Now just a Member
Jun 5, 2001
Mesa, Arizona in the good ole USA
Hi friends and such,

Well, we just had a wonderful meeting tonight in Phoenix with several valvers from lots of places. Being that Gina was one of these fine folk, we had a discussion about the Chicago Reunion.

I want to float the date issue out there again.

It has been suggested that early October would be better. It has been suggested that early every month except the one I chose would be better.

What I want to know, is why in the heck did I put up the poll originally if I wasn't gonna choose what folks voted on!

Hindsight is always 20/20.

Anyway, I want to know if anyone is locked into the date I announced as the official date. If you don't know when that is, then your answer is probably no.

Anyway, how about the nice 3 day weekend the 2nd weekend of October? (Columbus Day Weekend).

Or how about someone else put up a poll because I already cried wolf and I don't think people will vite in my twisted elections anymore!

What I am trying to say is that I would like some more feedback and I would like to know if anyone is already locked into the current date in such a way that plans cannot be changed.

Let me know y'all..
Either date works...

Either date works...

But the October works better for me. That sounds like the weekend before our anniversary, so I'll bring China along and celebrate with a long weekend out there. The August date would mean giving up running the Cub Scout camp this year, so my vote is October...


Now that you mention it. . .

Now that you mention it. . .


I'm a Chicagoan, so maybe it is easier for me to plan (travel is a car ride, or maybe a train). I don't have a problem with the August date, but one later in the year would simplify family scheduling. My daughter is still in high school and the August date would fall during her summer vacation time. After Labor Day would be simple -- I go downtown and she goes to school. . .

Either way, I'll see all of you there!
Hi Hank,

Yeah, I know I was one of the ones whining along with Rain and a few others about the Aug date. I don't have kids but like I said since I work at a University it was going to cramp my being able to be with everyone for all the events, since the August date was the first week of fall classes. Wouldn't have been able to make it until Saturday.

Second week in October sounds great! It will be Fall out here. Usually at that time of yea, the colors on the trees are just gorgeous!

The last two years the reunion has been the second week in October, which falls on my birthday weekend. So I've been able to celebrate with my heart buddies! :D Count me in for that date!
Lock it in and rip the knob off!

Lock it in and rip the knob off!


Any month of the year works for me (naturally it would, I live here!). However I do recommend as quick a decision as possible and notification going out so people can book/lock-in their vacation/travel plans.

I'm looking forward to meeting many people in the "Windy City."

I'll be happy if someone takes a lap top and taps into the web with reunion reports live on the scene. I'm not going to be able to make it no matter when it is thanks to this oxygen/insurance dilemma. :eek:
Hi all,

Here in Phoenix enjoying some wonderful company and sunshine. We had a great turnout yesterday for our local gathering.It was great to meet and reunite! We spent the day talking, swimming and eating. Some of us enjoyed a few Mai Tai's. Hmmm wonder what that INR will look like :D. Christina and I took alot of photos. I will get mine up next week when we return.

Ok, on Chicago you can push the blame on myself for throwing the curve ball here. From the responses Hank received on the poll.....fall looked better for most? Correct? Though, we are open for the original plan if anyone has made formal arrangements that cannot be changed without a fee.

Please log your intentions ASAP. I will be available next week to work on new hotel group rates for whatever date is chosen. Who knows, we may be in a better position for a deal at that time of the year!

Thank you for your time and patience. Looking forward to assisting with the reunion and seeing everyone there!
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hi all!
august would not work for joey and myself. we will be settling our daughter into a new college (she is in the midst of transferring) and that is around the time she'd have to be there.
october.... i might be able to convince the man to come and celebrate his second year anniversary with , who better than you guys?
we're more likely to make the october. the august would be impossible for us.
hope you're all well... sylvia
Looking decisive!

Looking decisive!

Well Well Well - It is looking pretty overwhelmingly October so far.

I'll give it a day or two more and then we'll make a decision for sure.
Rain ... on good behavior today.

Rain ... on good behavior today.


I know you are expecting some really smart a$$ comment outta me.... :eek: ....not gonna happen. :p

I will say once again that I think it?s a bad time for anyone with school age children. I know my Ry will be starting school the week before and Sara that very week you chose. I?m sure Ryan would be fine... but I?d have a hard time leaving Sara.

I hope to see you all in Chicago!! :)
Either date seems to be fine for me....... Course, the sooner I know for sure...the better I can plan ;).

Always the planner....

BTW...anyone want to meet up with me at the Volo Auto Museum this coming Saturday?

Cort S, pig's valve & pacemaker-enhanced 29/swm
Instant Messengers...AOL="fc72mc"...Yahoo="knightfan2691"
member, Faith COB http://www.faithcob.org
MC's Future: http://www.projectmonte.com/petition/
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RIP: 1976=Parents' [my] car ... 1988=Silver Bullet
*****WANTED: 87 MC LS (or) Olds Cutlass*****
Hi All,
October would be better it seems for most, myself included. However, the Columbus Day Weekend is the same weekend as the Chicago Marathon and EVERYTHING is already virtually sold out in downtown. Having run Chicago, it's interesting to note, the hotels jack the rates up 2 to 3 times for that weekend! Plus, the crowds would just be overwhelming. Any other week in October would be wonderful!
Les AVR '93 / '95
Hi everyone,

I'm coming to the reunion this year no matter what the date. But I do have to agree with Les, that the Columbus Day weekend is probably crazy for hotels and air fare. I'm sure the prices really are jacked up. I think we should definately take that in to consideration. How about another poll?? Anyone up for doing it, Don't know how:confused: :confused: :confused: .

Cristi and I were planning on going to the reunion this year, but if the date is later in the month of Oct. we will not be able to attend.

We were all set for August, but can make other arrangements as long as they are not later than the first 2 weekends of Oct.

If we can't attend... We'll try again next time.



Hi Les,

Thanks for the heads up on the Marathon. I did a basic check on Orbitz....they show a good deal open downtown for that weekend thus far. We can investigate futher when I return to Chicago next week.

As Hank said....looks like October may be better. Keep the responses coming!
Still here in Phoenix....

Still here in Phoenix....

Hi Hank and Gina and everybody!

It sure was great meeting all of you the other day! We're having a wonderful time here, just getting my internet fix at my sister's house at the moment!

Anyway, We'd probably try to make it if it's in October, however my husband's birthday is the 1st Sat. in October, and it's a big one, the Big 5-0, in fact. So unless that's the way he really wants to celebrate it, we probably wouldn't come that weekend.

BTW, I finally got to meet and play with my grandbaby, Alex. And he's by far the cutest baby in the whole world, (in my humble opinion of course). :D
What a sweet baby.Your one lucky Grandma. Though....you don't look a day over 25! It was great to meet you and your family. The girls really hit it off big time. Were heading to Sodona in the AM. God willing.....Kara was in the ER with an ear infection. Our allergies are bothing us big time. Something is in the air for sure. We can see if on our clothes. Kind of stange. If we don't catch up with you again...have a very safe trip home. Hope we can get together again sometime. Maybe in MN. Would like to take Kara to Camp Snoopy in the Mall of America this summer. :D
I'm a former Chicagoan who can attest to the beauty of Chicago in the fall as opposed to August. However, I'll make either date. I am so looking forward to this. Have a cousin who owns a bed and breakfast in Lake Geneva. He's tied in to a lot of places in that general area so if need be let me know and I'll get him working on it. Just make it soon - surgery is April 9th.:eek: Then again, is there anything better than a walk on Oak St. beach in the fall? Oh to do that one more time in my life........

You're right, Steve, especially when it comes to the Cubs of which I have been, am, and forever will be a die-hard fan. Hey, if we do October for the reunion, we should get tickets to a World Series game at Wrigley. After all, this IS the Cubs' year.!
