Official 2008 Reunion Thread

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Thanks for that update, Bonnie ... it is good to know that all is well down there. Sounds like everyone is having a marvelous time.

Sure wish I could've been there this year....

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"I am tempted to keep the car in drive and leave it all behind" ... John Mayer ... 'Why Georgia Why'
Hey Everybody......who is the Canadian Male that made it down????

Glad to hear that everyone is having a great time and the weather is cooperating.

It was melting here today.......didn't have to wear a jacket.

Like to see some pictures from someone:)
This is the first time I've been on a computer since last Saturday, but no problem, Bonnie has been doing a great job of keeping everyone informed of our doings!
We had a great dinner and a fun time tonight at the Sleuths presentation/play. We came back to the hotel and managed to get a few pictures taken. I was going to call Bonnie again and let Jan talk to her, but that will have to wait until tomorrow.
Anyway, we've all had a fun time, and unfortunately I'm headed out of here tomorrow. I KNOW they will talk about me once I'm gone!:eek:
Here's a picture that was taken after several members had all ready left this evening, but take a look, and see if you recognize faces!;)
I see I had some messages about 10 34 last night. I took 3 sleeping pills at 830 and hit the hay at 9 I actually got 3 whole hours of sleep. Figures that's when you'd all call. :(
Gang just called me from breakfast..Talked to Mary /Bubba/Christina/Pam.......I know all the folks in the picture..Left /right on sofa .hank's daughter/Hank's wife /Peggy/Bubba and Ann..Back row..Sherrin/Bill Huitt/Hank leaning down..Christina..Bill Hall /wife /Chuck (Ann's son) and Pam in red..:) :) :) Handsome group...Forgot..left Mary out..she has on the black blouse
WOW! You are brave my friend. Good for you.;) :) Thanks for sharing. I can see how much I missed!:( Can't wait to hear where the next gathering will be! Missed the last few. Will make it a point!


OH MY GOSH HANKY........:eek: Lordy Mercy me, you are brave...!!!!:D

Keep us updated's easy to see the group is having so much fun that they don't have time to post..!!

Hi to everyone -- wish I was there..!!!!!
HOLY SMOKES!!! That was waay cool!!

HOLY SMOKES!!! That was waay cool!!

Hank that was amazing!! :D Waaayyy cool!! :D You are a gutsy little devil! Got my heart pumping just watchin the video! :eek: :D Who all jumped? Did Mike go?

I really, really wish I could have made it to the reunion. :mad: Only the second reunion I've missed. I can't wait to hear where next years will be. Are you having a summer one?

You all look like you are having a fabulous time!! :) Isn't it wonderful meeting everyone?!

Be sure to give Phillip and Lance a kick in the britches for me!!! :D :D
That was pretty awesome Hank.
Did you happen to take your HR before you jumped? You looked kinda terrified:eek: ;) :D and kinda pale when you landed:D :D
Your two point landing was done like a pro - good job!

Please say "HI" to everyone for me.


you guys are doing a wonderful job keeping us posted.....thanks (don't stop)


Pam was telling me on the phone at breakfast..that she/Christina..and Barbara /Bill Hallwere going to Epcot today....Ann/son left after breakfast..back to Sarasota and Mary /family on the road at 10 A.M. staying overnight in Atlanta tonight and home to Mo. tomorrow.....Pam did say they were flying out tomorrow..along with Hank/ probably no other updates from me.:D Mary has promised to post more pictures when she arrives home...I am sure that Ann will post to......Bonnie
Pictures, we want PICTURES (SHUT UP ALREADY)

Pictures, we want PICTURES (SHUT UP ALREADY)

Here is another cleaned up version of what Mary posted from my computer last night. Most of us had gathered in the lobby to gang up on Ross but he was smart enough to turn off is phone (Sleeping Pills-----RIGHT!!!!!).:rolleyes:

Bonnie has already provided the "Who's Who".:p :D


Danny :)
Table 2 - Food's on the way!!!!

Danny :)

I would like to take a moment to THANK QAS (from the bottom of my repaired Heart) for their kind and generous treatment of during the tour and meal afterwards. What a great bunch of folks and (ADVERTISEMENT COMING) always recommend them for the source of testing equipment and supplies. Great and caring bunch of people.

NOTE: The empty chairs in the back left were for Mary and her group. They didn't make the bus and we were on the phone guiding them to the place, thru a driving rainstorm I might add. They did make it.
what a wonderful time we all had yesterday, last evening and this morning at breakfast. Chuck & I found Pam and Christina by the pool and I knew them instantly. Then Jan and her husband happened along. We had a grand visit til time to go get ready for the evening dinner at the mystery theater. That was a really fun time. Then back to hotel where we gathered in the lobby to all have a word with Mr Ross, himself. Alas he was sleepin like a baby so we just hung around and took pictures, some of which are right here (on the couch PICTURe). Some of us had breakfast together this morning and then Chuck and I headed back to his home to his lovely wife and my granddogs.

When you meet someone you ahve been talking with for years, it's never like meeting a stranger. It's like coming together with a relative or family member after an absence of miles, but not togetherness. Truly a common thread runs from each of us to each of the rest of us. Guess it's a heart thing, huh?

i HAVE some pix, too but will have to wait til I get home to check them and post them.