Not trying to jinx myself but....

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2008
Columbus, Ohio
I was just curious if anyone had heard of a situation where a mechanical valve has failed and for the re-op they went with a tissue valve ? My On-X is performing wonderfully but I've read some posts where mechanicals have gone bad and was curious if you can go back to tissue under a re-op scenario.
When I was getting my third OHS scheduled, my surgeon said he would use any valve I wanted, tissue or mechanical.
If/when my mechanical fails, I'll consider tissue seriously depending on my age. Some people do formulate a multiple type plan. Go tissue - when it's time is done - go mechanical. Or go mechanical, and when it gives out in later years go with tissue so as to avoid any issues of bleed risk at an older age.

Or go tissue - have babies - then go mechanical.
I didn't make my choice lightly but am delighted with my choice for tissue. If (heaven forbid) something in the short terms goes wrong and I need more surgery, I absolutely would ask for tissue valve again..... if there was any way I could drag my sorry self back through those hospital front doors which is highly questionable.
I was asking because of the conversation that was within the "Tussle" thread. It just got me to thinking "what if" and is it possible to go back to tissue. If I ever face that choice I will be like the rest of you and see where Im at in life before making that choice. Its just nice to know that I can go back to tissue if Im ever faced with surgery.

Im thus far very happy with my mechanical valve. Im running now which is what spurred me to go to the cardiologist in the first place. I figure if running is what helped me figure this out then at the very least I should continue to run just to see what its like to not have SOB and chest pains when you do. I HATED running before my surgery because it was such a struggle to go significant distances due to my breathing. Even when I was significantly younger I hated to run for the very same reason. Now I know that it was the stenosis and it was simply getting progressively worse. Now I can go along for 3 or 4 miles without stopping which is amazing to me.
My surgeon said he implanted my on-x valve in a way that it could easily be replaced in the future. An an example where I would need to go to a tissue valve would be if I developed some condition that prevented me from taking coumadin. He said it would be less complicated procedure second time around because of the way he sewed in the on-x. Hoping that never happens but if it does he says it is no big deal.
HHHHMMMMM good question Ctyguy,
I know my aortic's likely tickin but noone can
hear it theory has it the mitrals so leaking ,its
not getting enough pressure into the aortic mechanical
to click:eek:oh well,mitrals still my own full of rhuematic fever.
At age 47 and needing another surgery soon and the aortic mech.valve
is 16 years old ,they tell me will be fine when mitral's changed out(LOL)
sound like a car part here...changed out!!!!:eek:
You know i miss the clicking now,can't sleep without it since had it
for 16 years and it clicked ,i really miss it,but tissue wouldn't be a big
deal either if i had to go tissue,i could always get a heart pillow that
says oink,oink,make up for the click sound. But i :confused:my choice for
this 2nd surgery will be mechanical also. Besides i'm addicted to the
coumadin after 16 years.(LOL);):p

anything is possible, and always remember that as the patient, you are in the drivers seat! Good luck, and hopefully it is not a decision you will need to face!
I was also told my mechanical valve and aortic root and arch would outlast me for centuries...Hee hee- im only 31
ONE of our (former) members had to have a mechanical valve replaced, not for valve failure, but because she kept having Brain Bleeds related to anti-coagulation / Coumadin and her Doctors were concerned about the Stroke Risk from repeated bleeds.
If I were up there in years, I'd go tissue. Yes they can go bad, not likely, but they can and yes you can interchange if you wish.