Newbie (sort of)

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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2010
Hello all - I've been lurking here for a couple of years, and have learned a lot. Looks like my turn is coming pretty soon - after many years of chronic ("vague", according to my internist) symptoms, and a diagnosis of "mild-to-moderate" aortic stenosis 3 years ago, my cardio thinks it may be time to get this thing fixed. I have a cath procedure in a couple of weeks, and based on the results I'll be hooked up with the surgeon (TBD - Johns Hopkins or U of MD Medical Center in Baltimore).

I have two hopes - 1) that the surgery is successful, and 2) that this in fact turns out to be the cause of my symptoms ("brain fog" - dizziness/lightheadedness, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, and recently increasing shortness of breath). It's been so long since I've felt "normal" (clear-headed) that I can barely remember what it was like. Perhaps interestingly, my shortness of breath manifests mainly when walking uphill, and when turning over in bed. During vigorous daily exercise (elliptical trainer and rowing machine, which I use for a combined total of 90 minutes daily 7 days a week) I have no shortness of breath at all (unless I exert at a level that would make any person breathe hard).

If the symptoms I describe are similar to what others have felt, I'd be interested to hear about it!


69, in Maryland
I never really had shortness of breath, but I was starting to experience angina when riding my mountain bike about 2 years ago. This would go away as I continued to ride; I thought it was just gas. Some belching and another half mile, and I would feel better. I now understand that my heart was compensating for the aortic stenosis. I also had occasional dizziness that I attributed to blood pressure meds. I was wrong. I had AVR surgery on June 10th and the doctor described the old valve as, "an ugly, ugly thing. Like three little rocks attached to tissue". Seven years earlier, there was only a murmur and no concern from my cardiologist, so this progressed fairly quickly.

The cardiac cath procedure is a snap. But afterwards, you have to be careful with the incision where they put the catheter into the artery.

Your procedure is sure to be successful.
For me it was gradual shortness of breath, burning sensation along left side of neck and tired most of the time regardless of how much sleep I got.
The cath procedure will be a breeze and will give the doctors insight into what your heart is doing. You will be given "I don't remember a thing, really" juice so it should go smoothly.
Keep us updated and ask questions when you have them cause someone is always around with a non-medical opinion.
Best Wishes
For me it was gradual shortness of breath, burning sensation along left side of neck and tired most of the time regardless of how much sleep I got.
The cath procedure will be a breeze and will give the doctors insight into what your heart is doing. You will be given "I don't remember a thing, really" juice so it should go smoothly.
Keep us updated and ask questions when you have them cause someone is always around with a non-medical opinion.
Best Wishes
This is my second cath, so I know what to expect. My symptoms have worsened since the last one, although echos have not shown much change. My cardio thinks replacement time is getting close. I'm in not exactly chomping at the bit to undergo surgery, but if it improves my symptoms I'll be very relieved. If it doesn't, well, I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

Thanks for your good wishes.

Well then Dave all I can say is onward we go. I understand about your not looking forward to surgery. I doubt many of us were. However, by the time I went into the operating room I was more than ready to get it over and done with. Now 5 years later I can honestly say that I feel better than I ever have. Hang in there and I hope things go smoothly for you.
Re: Newbie (sort of)

When I learned that my aortic valve needed to be replaced and later met with the surgeon, I told him that if his schedule opened up, please slot me in. They called me the next day to say they could get me in eight days earlier than they thought. I jumped on it. I'm glad for that. It's eight days head start on recovery. So, if I were to encourage anyone to do anything, it would be to get it done now so you can begin the next chapter of your life.
When I learned that my aortic valve needed to be replaced and later met with the surgeon, I told him that if his schedule opened up, please slot me in. They called me the next day to say they could get me in eight days earlier than they thought. I jumped on it. I'm glad for that. It's eight days head start on recovery. So, if I were to encourage anyone to do anything, it would be to get it done now so you can begin the next chapter of your life.

Actually, I'm ready to go. I've been feeling lousy for so long it's become a way of life - not fair to my wife either, because I never feel well enough to travel or do much of anything. I work, diet and exercise a lot and that's about the extent of it. My horizons have shrunk almost to the footprint of my house and I'm getting cabin fever.
Go for it. I am now (5) weeks post AVR and yesterday I went for a mile walk and went up a hill I use to walk and guess what? I didn't have to stop. My heart rate got up to 133 but I made it to the top of that hill without stopping. Talk about happy! I had been in the waiting room for 10 years and now I am finally getting to feel better than I did before the surgery. We will be thinking of you. When is your date? All the things people post here are really true. Good luck with it all. Kim
Go for it. I am now (5) weeks post AVR and yesterday I went for a mile walk and went up a hill I use to walk and guess what? I didn't have to stop. My heart rate got up to 133 but I made it to the top of that hill without stopping. Talk about happy! I had been in the waiting room for 10 years and now I am finally getting to feel better than I did before the surgery. We will be thinking of you. When is your date? All the things people post here are really true. Good luck with it all. Kim
Thanks! I have a cath in 2 weeks - should be able to get a date at that point. The symptoms I've reported have been with me for many years - don't know if any but the SOB are related to the valve or not, but I guess I'll find out after surgery. I'll certainly post here when I have a date.


So many of us have been there, with gradual declines we attributed to aging or getting "out of shape." I'm there, too, and will be having my valve replaced on August 5. One thing I did notice, which is similar to what you experienced, is that I would feel a very mild angina upon starting to exercise (that I actually thought was a reaction to inhaling pollen, or mild indigestion) that would go away once I got into a rhythm. We are lucky that our hearts were able to adjust and compensate, I suppose, but I'm looking forward to the day when I can really go for it on the trails and the bike paths without fear once more. Good luck to you, and I expect you will feel terrific once the surgery is done and you are recovered!

So many of us have been there, with gradual declines we attributed to aging or getting "out of shape." I'm there, too, and will be having my valve replaced on August 5. One thing I did notice, which is similar to what you experienced, is that I would feel a very mild angina upon starting to exercise (that I actually thought was a reaction to inhaling pollen, or mild indigestion) that would go away once I got into a rhythm. We are lucky that our hearts were able to adjust and compensate, I suppose, but I'm looking forward to the day when I can really go for it on the trails and the bike paths without fear once more. Good luck to you, and I expect you will feel terrific once the surgery is done and you are recovered!

I saw my cardio today - I'm getting a cath on July 15 with an immediate referral to the surgeon. My cardio thinks surgery will probably be scheduled last week of July/first week of August (at Washington Hospital Center in DC). So looks like we'll be contemporaries, if not roomies. Good luck to us both!:thumbup:
I'm thrilled to have the company! Let's keep in touch as we go through this on opposite coasts (I'm in San Francisco -- but grew up in Rockville, MD).
I'm thrilled to have the company! Let's keep in touch as we go through this on opposite coasts (I'm in San Francisco -- but grew up in Rockville, MD).
Sounds like a plan! I'm near Annapolis, thought I'd be sent to UMMC or Hopkins, but my cardio has a guy at Wash Hospital Center who he holds in very high regard. I'll post my surgery date when I get it. Onward and upward!
Sounds like a plan! I'm near Annapolis, thought I'd be sent to UMMC or Hopkins, but my cardio has a guy at Wash Hospital Center who he holds in very high regard. I'll post my surgery date when I get it. Onward and upward!

One step closer tomorrow - cath by my cardiologist 9:30 Monday, followed by referral to surgeon. I'm having a touch of anxiety (not about the cath, I've done that before, but about what comes next :eek2:).
Possitive vibes going your way. Hoe your cath gives the doctor insight into what you need for your fix-up. Keep us posted once you get your surgery date. :)
Cath showed the arteries clean, so we just need to replace the valve. Meeting with surgeon Monday 7/22 with surgery the same week or next. Onward and upward!
Cath showed the arteries clean, so we just need to replace the valve. Meeting with surgeon Monday 7/22 with surgery the same week or next. Onward and upward!

OK - I have pre-admission testing at Washington Hospital Center in DC on Tuesday 7/23 and surgery (Dr. Ammar Bafi) on Friday 7/26. Anxiety level is ratcheting up already.
I'm one week behind you (August 5) so I'm with you on the anxiety. I keep telling myself "one bad week in exchange for 40 more years of living = a really good deal," over and over. Also, I noticed in another thread that you're feeling frustrated about the exercise restrictions and the loss of the benefits of years of hard work in terms of tone and condition, and that is me also. I've been on a no-cardio restriction since mid-April and it's been driving me nuts. At this point I'm looking forward to the surgery just so I can get back to running, biking, hiking, etc. Maybe it will help you to focus on that in these tense couple of weeks?

Hang in there and keep us posted!
Hey dg, like Heather Anne said, just focus on how wonderful you will feel. You are a determined soul, so getting back your tone and conditioning will come along in a good pace once you have your heart mended. Just keep your eye on the end zone, you will get there. Sending you positive vibes for your surgery and speedy recovery.
Hey dg, like Heather Anne said, just focus on how wonderful you will feel. You are a determined soul, so getting back your tone and conditioning will come along in a good pace once you have your heart mended. Just keep your eye on the end zone, you will get there. Sending you positive vibes for your surgery and speedy recovery.

Here's hoping! Thanks for the kind thoughts.