Professional Dingbat, Guru and Merkintologist
claims to, but in practice doesn't.The On-X opens a full 90 degrees.
See my above post
Best Wishes
claims to, but in practice doesn't.The On-X opens a full 90 degrees.
I was 36 when I got my St. Jude's Aortic leaflet valve in 2001. It is now 2023, still ticking and alive. And on warfarin and living alone. Very active. After one year, never heard the ticking, for you get so used to it, you won't hear it. So do not hesitate if you do not want another surgery 10 years later. Mechanical is a great way for a young person to go. Good luck with your decision.Your rationale is very valid. That’s why, I prefer mechanical as well. There are only following elements that are making me hesitant:
1. Recovery time/process but pellicle has informed me that it is the same regardless.
2. Dependence on warfarin/Coumadin. My advising cardiologist discouraged me.
3. Any annoyance from valve noise, if any.
Must admit that freedom from any future surgeries is a very big incentive for me to head in the way of mechanical valve preferably St. Jude.
Well, i know one lady with a Ball Cage Mechanical Valve, that she got 45 years ago at 22;Although it's fair to think about the mechanical valves as not wearing out, scar tissue does get in the way and they may have to replaced and from everything I have looked at, it's sensible to imagine getting 25 years out of one, and hoping for the home run of living very long and not needing another heart surgery. As I said earlier, one could have bad luck, like having it last 30 years and needing another surgery then. If I could do it over again, starting at 58 instead of 40, it would be a toss up for me between mechanical or Bio, knowing that making the bio choice created a path to bio, bio, tavr. Or possibly, bio, tavr, tavr. My own experience with tavr at age 60 was it was basically like nothing though I was pretty anemic for a few weeks. I was back at work the next week. But I ended up on warfarin anyway as clots developed.
There just nothing easy about the decision but starting warfarin at age 58 instead of say 38, is useful.
In a ideal situation, you get a bio valve at 75 and tavr at 88 and never end up on any blood thinners. We just can't plan these things in the real world
So presently this where I stand:
1. Mechanical valve.
2. Preferably On-X due its being second generation and somewhat lenient on INR.
3. If available, keyhole surgical procedure.
first thing I notedMeanwhile I came across this paper that relates to 20-year follow-up of On-X.
delighted to see that a new technique for appendix removal via the mouth is known as "cakehole surgery"![]()
so I thought I'd walk you through how I read that sort of thingthis paper that relates to 20-year follow-up of On-X.
I can tell you that is absolutely not true. "On paper" the valve will, in practice it does not. Marketing hype. Hint: that tells you something about the flow through the valve.3) The On-X opens a full 90 degrees. However, there’s some studies going around that show this makes one part of the flow better while making the other side worse. It’s a give and take.
I disagree that they are a good read. The document is more than 30 years old, and much has changed since then. Not least the introduction of POC devices like the CoaguChek meter to monitor INR and enabling the patient to manage it effectively, and valve design.While I wait for my cardiac catheter test on July 10, I came across a good read relating to quality of life after AVR. Although the papers are from 1992 they are good read, IMO.
That is why I go by expert information, not marketing.I can tell you that is absolutely not true. "On paper" the valve will, in practice it does not. Marketing hype. Hint: that tells you something about the flow through the valve.
no you should be vigilant.Should I be worried?
I eat like the first picture. Did a 20 mile bike ride today though. I’m all about you should be vigilant.
The accident rate is not what happens to everyone, its what happens to the group who behave like a group
Do you eat like this?
View attachment 889360
or like this?
View attachment 889361
that isn't taken into account when dealing with the average who eat like the above one
What you do makes a difference to those scores.
Just Saying