Newbie here "chest blew up"

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Wayne G

Was wondering if anyone else has experianced this ? Had AVR on May 11. On May 19 I noticed leakage from incision (a "gluie" )and the two drainage holes, went to ER seen a PA and was told this was normal and not to worry about it. The next morning had a fairly large cough and felt something pop in my chest. Looked down and my shirt was soaked with fluid. Lifted shirt and could see my incision had opened about an inch (gaping slit could see inside my chest)and was pumping red watery fluid every time I breathed. Fast trip via EMS back to hospital and another surgeon reopened my chest, did what he called a "power wash", removed some tissue and bone from my sternum to prevent possible infection and wired me back up this time using a "figure 8". Used staples instead of glue to close.
A whole lot more to this story including lying on the gurney in the operating room listening to the ER doctor who had told the PA to release me the previous day complain that the surgeon had yelled at him and wouldn't even allow him to assist. All seems to be going ok now but chest and rib cage still a bit sore.
Oh, gack! Wayne, I think you've got a new one here. This is NOT a common occurrence. I can't even imagine how scary this was.

Welcome to the site - I certainly hope the rest of your recovery is normal and uneventful.
Weird deal. Are you OK now? The same surgical team? Maybe theres some link there.
Wow! Can't say I've heard of that before. You must fill us in on what else you heard!
Hope you are doing much better!

Hope you are doing much better!

since you found us, I assume you are. What a frightening experience. Seems like I did read a similar experience on here before...........maybe that poster will appear before too long. Hugs. J.


Holy man! Please do not tell me that this is normal! Thank goodness that they took care of it... I live in a town where they do not do I would be back down to Vancouver for that one. Glad that you found the site and that you seem to be okay. Take care of yourself and thank you for sharing.
Wow.. I never heard of that! I am sure that was a very frightening experience.
I hope that things are taken care of now, and that you will heal properly.
Not even sure what to say.. but welcome and I hope you are better each day.
Did the PA do the job the first time? Sure sounds like it! Man that's terrible. It really sounds like some shoddy workmanship on someones part.
I have been here more than six yrs and you are the first to pop open. You must have had a hissy fit! I would have. The surgeon sounds like he did, too.
Glad you have it fixed and all seems well now. We have had several who have been pasted back together and it seemed to work. Glad you got staples just to be sure it's gonna stay this time. Thanks for telling us. When someone comes in to post, especially something we haven't heard of before, we know how to answer someone else who might have the same thing. Blessins.....

Welcome to VR.
Welcome Wayne.

The closest I came to your experience was a chest tube hole that opened up a couple of days after surgery and starting spewing similar liquid. They stapled it back together also. Also, I ended up with an infected incision scar a few months after my last OHS surgery with a small section that opened up but it was not as deep as yours apparently was. I did end up with my incision being completely re-opened and removal of infected tissue and some muscle. They determined all this was a reaction to the type of internal stitching used.

Strange things do happen but, as others have said, this is the first I have heard of an incision opening up so soon after surgery and the subsequent symptoms you described.

Hope everything is under the "normal recovery list" now.
Welcome to the site. Thank for sharing your story, so sorry that you had to go through all that! Hope that your recovery is going normally now, and hope to hear more from you.

Take care,
Thanks for the warm welcome

Thanks for the warm welcome

Thanks to all for all your concern, I seem to be OK as far as the incision goes, no infection so far, but they tell me that because of the tissue and bone removal it's going to be iffy that my sternum mends back together totally. My surgery was done at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, susposedly one of the best heart hospitals in the midwest and was told by nurses how fortunate I was to get my surgeon ("all his patients think he is God"). Second surgery was done by another surgeon on same team ( "hated by all nursing staff") A REAL KICK ASS NO NONSENSE GUY. I have had a heart murmur all my life but never any problems, even got into the Air Force. At 57 a echo showed I had aortic stenosis but not severe enough to operate. At 61 (this year) echo said I needed AVR. I have NEVER had any symptoms but my cardo said my first one could be my last one. He also told me I had A fib and heart failure ( never told that before) After second surgery I gained 30 pounds of fluid while in hospital and now told I have congestive heart failure. I was discharged looking like pilsbury dough boy. Thanks to lasix, spironolactone, and metalzone have finally gotten rid of the 30 pounds. I also had a maze done with AVR anyone have any info on that? My cardo says could be months before they can tell if it did any good. You kinda know your in trouble when your lying in ICU and you happen to overhear one nurse tell another 'that poor bastard in there has really been thru hell". Really feels good to vent this hope its ok here.
This is THE place for venting as we all understand. Sounds like things are a bit back on track for you and I hope they continue to be good.
The Maze procedure is one that sometimes works and sometimes does not. It is true that it can take some time before you will know for sure.
I have been in constant a-fib for about 2 years now and, since I do not usually feel it and am on coumadin anyway, we have decided to just let it be. I do not want any of the strong drugs that would make a difference as that just creates an opportunity for other problems.
So, vent away and let us know how we can help.
Wayne G said:
Thanks to all for all your concern . . . . Really feels good to vent this hope its ok here.


It's a good place to post and a better place to vent!
Glad you've found us--
Wayne G said:
You kinda know your in trouble when your lying in ICU and you happen to overhear one nurse tell another 'that poor bastard in there has really been thru hell". Really feels good to vent this hope its ok here.
Hey I could apply for tour guide! I know what that's all about and then some.
Sounds like you dehissed your incision. Not that uncommon in regular surgery. You must have been scared to death. Sorry you had that ordeal to contend with. OHS is hard enough when everything goes right. Hope you are really on the mend now.
All I can say to the first post is WHOA! As far as the maze procedure goes I did indeed have that done to correct a-fib and so far so good. (Thank You Dr. Todd Chapman...go team!) It does take some time for the scare tissue to heal which actually creates the new path (maze) in which your heart will beat. Once the tissue has healed it creates the maze for the electrical current to travel through making both the upper and lower chambers of your heart beat in-sync. It's quite an amazing deal and once things settle with your recovery and body you will notice the difference......I did ...big time!!! Good luck and I will keep you in my prayers.:) I hope I explained the maze correctly also.:D


oops meant SCAR tissue but neverthess.(scare tissue is for whiping the eyes):D

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