New Ross Procedure Patient-Member Jul 25

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Hi everyone,
My procedure was done by Dr. Paul Stelzer at Mount Sinai in NYC. I was discharged on Tuesday, 7/29 -- in hindsight a little quick I think now, but so be it. Putting aside for a second his extensive experience, Dr. Stelzer is the most down to earth, extraordinarily compassionate professionals I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Since I discovered my BAV approx 2-1/2 years ago and in May 2008, I was striken with a branch retinal artery occlusion , I have come across many professionals - Dr. Stelzer is one of a kind. The BRAV is what perciptated the necessity for AVR sooner rather than later.

The worst post op issue for me after pain has been my lack of appetite and the sensation that foods I am craving like barbecue sauce over a thick juicy burger/ketchup; my beloved sweet jersey corn (now in peak), and garden grown tomatoes --all taste disgusting. We had a small gathering for a barbecue today and the best I could keep in my mouth is a plain piece of chicken/potatoe salad. I've never seen so many desserts on one tableI it was as though the guests were unknowlingly torturing me.

Taking just one pain med for the day at bedtime now. No more ibuprofen + nexium since that made me nauseous from day one. My hope is that stopping these would improve my taste, but I'm now resolved that the cause for me is the anethesia and that it will take a few weeks for it to leave my system. Right now I'm walking about 2-3 tenths of a mi 3X a day.

Thanks to all for everything you contribute and I hope as well to make a contribution from my personal experience. Bottom line is I'm grateful to be alive and on the journey toward recovery.
Just wanted to welcome you. I am six months post op with aortic valve replacement. Food tasted like cardboard for awhile but gets better pretty quickly at least in my case it did.
Welcome! Glad you found us. There is a wealth of information on this forum. If you have any questions, ask away. Someone will know the answer. It's great you have so much admiration for your surgeon. That helps so much. You sound like you are doing good with your walking. So many of us have had trouble with food not tasting very good. It will come back. I hope you are feeling better every day. Prayers.
Well "Hi" there Pete and Welcome.
I tried eating ice cream to kick start my taste buds; I may not have really tasted it but the cold ice cream just made me feel better. I think your right in regards of the anethesia numbing our taste buds for a couple weeks, give it shall return.
Hi, Pete.
Having had several conversations with Dr. Stelzer, I concur that he is a wonderful human being and an amazing surgeon. Offhand I can think of five other members who were fortunate enough to have him for their surgeon.

I don't think I regained my appetite for several weeks following surgery. I remember sending my husband out to buy different foods that sounded appealing, but after I took the first bite, I couldn't stand to eat them. :eek: It seems to be a rather common occurence with many of us.

Once again, welcome!
Hi Pete.

Happy you found us and good to hear that aside from appetite you seem to be doing very well. Be patient and hopefully your taste will return soon. Each of us is different. I had little appetite post both my OHS but I did not lose my taste. I only ate small portions but the usual foods I always enjoy. Keep up the walking. It really makes a big difference.

Hope you continue to heal well and soon. Don't rush things though.


...and I too am glad you found us. I am just over 3 weeks out and still have to remember to eat. Nothing really does a lot for me. Sweets have definitely changed. Can't eat much of ANYTHING sweet.:eek: Spicy is good though. I sort of hope this doesn't change too fast. Sort of a forced diet.;) Well, once again, glad to have another experience to learn from.
Hi Pete,
Dr. Stelzer did my Ross in Oct. 2004, two days after my 42nd birthday. All those of us who know him understand what you mean about how unusual and special he is. I feel truly priviledged to have had him as my surgeon.

I know exactly what you mean about the appetite. It took me longer than I expected (several weeks) but my appetite gradually came back to completely normal. Just give it time, and eat what you can for now.

BTW He had me on ibuprofen (something like 800mg/day) to prevent inflammation. Didn't work, though. About 3 weeks out I started having bad pains in my ribs. Turned out to be pericardial swelling which was fixed by taking steroids.

This is an exciting time for you. It's good to be alive! The first week or so after I was discharged was a special time for me; my wife and I spent a week without the kids in New York City, and we had a great time. I hope you can also enjoy yourself while you get better!

David P.
Welcome from a fellow Rosser........
Glad you found us and I hope you recovery continues to be unevenfull.

Beer tasted horrid to me for about 6 weeks.....then things got normal again.

Welcome fellow rosser!
Glad to hear all is going well...don't worry about the food...your taste will eventually come back with a vengeance!
Glad to have you on the site and glad you made it to the other side! I agree with you when you talk about Dr. Stelzer. I had my Ross done in February and I had my surgeons narrowed down to Dr. Stelzer and Dr. Ryan. I talked with Dr. Stelzer a couple of times and he was awesome! Very compassionate and also very brilliant. I ended up chosing Dr. Ryan only because of location (Dallas versus New York)...and I felt that he was equally as competent. Both are amazing!

As far as appetite and taste, I didn't get those back for a couple of months. Mountain Dew didn't taste right and I was mad!!! It came back you have that to look forward to.

Just walk as much as you can without over-doing it. You will be just fine. I wish you an uneventful recovery and post to let us know how you are doing.

Take care!
Welcome Pete,

It sounds like you're doing really well. The poor appetite/bad taste experience on this forum has quite a range, but it does go away. I read over the side effects of all my medications, and found only one that I took only 10 days after coming home--but it was one that takes a while to clear the system.

(Another Virginian and Steltzer Ross patient named Stretch was very active on this board when I start reading regularly, but haven't seen him for a while.)
Hi and Welcome!

My husband had surgery on July 23 rd and they replaced his PV, corrected a ASD and did the Maze procedure and was discharged on the 29th! He complains that food tastes awful and smells awful. I have been making him eat at least a little something every few hours. He seems to tolerate yogurt and fruits ok and some cereals.
He still gets out of breath easily so we havent started a walking program yet. I am hoping to get him out more next week once the heat lets up a little here in the St. Louis area.

Congrats on the new valve.....we have been told that the appetite wil return!



Great to hear you are walking already, and having parties! The taste buds were never a problem for me, humph, but sounds as though many others come back eventually.
Best of luck in your continued recovery- it goes pretty quickly really.
Yes I remember Stretch. I asked Dr. Stelzer about him during a pre-op office visit on June 16. He said he had heard from Stretch and that he is doing fine.