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Brian B

Sep 9, 2023
Hello all, first of all, this forum is fantastic. I have been looking for support through this ordeal and this is fabulous. I recently had an Aortic dissection and am recovering well so I look forward to Hoing the good men/women on this site in helping others cope as it has been a journey for me
Wow , I just looked it up!. Can you tell us the story?
I am 54, African American. No history.I was in really good shape. As a matter of fact preparing for a Masters Strongman competition. I was on the gym about to do a set, then I felt a sharp pain on my right side and it got vey hot. For a second I thought it was a heart attack but the heart is on the other side. I drove myself to the hospital about a mile away. I decided to go home and lay down. Maybe it will go away. The pain got worse. I asked my son to take me to the hospital as he was home. He took me back and they performed a boatload of tests on me and told me that my Aorta had essentially burst on me. I didn’t know what happened. They could not operate on me there because they did not have resources or the support, so they put me in a helicopter and flew me to a hospital about 20 miles away that specialized in cardio heart issues. My family told me I was on surgery for about 14 hours. They chose a mechanical valve due to my age. Now I have to take Coumadin, and a host of other meds for life. My wife helps out in this department. I also have to get my INR twice a week but now I have an INT machine for home testing. This experience has changed my life a lot. And have had to change a lot for me. It has been an ordeal and battle. Everything from depression to losing 30 lbs. But, I am well and getting better everyday. I went through Cardiac rehab and had Afib at first. I see my cardiologist Thursday for a monitor. This has rocked my life. I am sure I have left a lot out but not too much do I remember. Thanks.
The most painful part was the chest tibes that were inserted to drain fluid off. I could not get comfortable at all and went from the bed to a chair in the hospital room.
Yes, getting used to my new way of living was rough at first, but easily adjustable. I still enjoy things that I have before, IE...working on my classic car, etc. Just a little more smarter and more careful than I was before. I stay on schedule with my meds as well...I may have gotten 15 minutes of schedule but I have been very good with it. I purchased an Apple watch to monitor a few things, and I purchase an ID bracelet in case on an emergency and I am by myself. Lookin forward to answering some questions and helping others cope......
Welcome, Brian! My, oh my, what a story. You truly did get a second chance. We’re glad you’re here.
Thank you so much, glad to still be here. My coworkers tell me the difference is night and day. The first day I came back I looked like hell, now I have some pep in my step and my skin glows......Thanks-
The most painful part was the chest tubes that were inserted to drain fluid off. I could not get comfortable at all and went from the bed to a chair in the hospital room.
Welcome! What a story. You were very lucky to have gotten correctly diagnosed quickly, unlike John Ritter. Maybe the entire medical community learned from that mistake. How long ago was your surgery? I totally agree on the chest tubes. From the pic, it appears that you 2 tubes? I had 4 tubes on my last surgery. Not fun, but very effective at quickly draining fluids.
Welcome to the forum Brian!

That is an amazing story. So glad that you are still here with us. Aortic dissection is very much a life threatening event, and we're happy that you are one of the fortunate ones.
Welcome! What a story. You were very lucky to have gotten correctly diagnosed quickly, unlike John Ritter. Maybe the entire medical community learned from that mistake. How long ago was your surgery? I totally agree on the chest tubes. From the pic, it appears that you 2 tubes? I had 4 tubes on my last surgery. Not fun, but very effective at quickly draining fluids.
I had 4 tubes there are 4 inscisions

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