New here, going for second OHS next month

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halleyg Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Hello. I am a 38 year old female and I underwent mitral valve repair surgery in January of this year, so it's been a little over 6 months. I started exercising regularly (besides the slow walking) at around 3 months. I was having a hard time building any stamina, and kept getting dizzy after my workouts. I kept thinking this was due to the recovery process, although my brother had had MV repair a couple years before and did not have the problems I was having. I basically ignored it until I was having a harder and harder time at the gym. Finally called up my cardiologist; underwent MRI and TEE and it turns out my valve is still leaking the same amount it was before the surgery. I am now scheduled for mitral valve replacement next month (8/22) and I am feeling very apprehensive about the whole thing. It hasn't been that long since the first surgery and I am just starting to feel like "me" again. I also have two small children who are starting back to school/activities the week before I am scheduled. There is no good time to do it really... I just know that after the first surgery I told my husband I will NEVER do that again if I can help it. It was so awful. And here it is so soon after and I am supposed to mentally prepare to do it again... I just feel like I can't. I am in Atlanta and my dr. is Dr. James Kauten. I did go to another Dr. here but didn't like him as much. I am considering going out of state but don't know if it's worth it. My cardiologist is Dr. Spencer King who is one of the best, so I don't see how I'll end up with a differing opinion. Anyhow, just looking for support, anyone who can relate or who has gone through this. Thanks so much. I'm so glad I found this site.
First of all, consider yourself hugged. You poor dear, this has to be very disappointing and I'm very sorry you have to go through this again. Did they say why it was still leaking so much? My first thought was "Did they repair the wrong valve???"

The good news is, since it hasn't even been a year, there shouldn't be a lot of issues with dealing with scar tissue build up from the last surgery. I will also guess that maybe you won't feel as horrible this time because you'll come away with a working valve this time. You still have the immediate pre-op recuperation and such, but hopefully, after that you'll feel better as far as energy.

I'm just very sorry you have to go through this all again, the worries of yourself and the worries you carry as a Mom. My children were young when I had my MVR and I still recall all those Mom feelings - even 16 years later. The other good news is that I now look back on almost 16 great years of raising my children, traveling to Europe and lots of good times. And best of all I have the energy to get down on the floor and play with my granddaughter.

This is a troubling time right now. But I know that you'll get all fixed up and be on the right road to recovery this time.
Hally -

Hally -

Hugs to you also. All I can say is you have to start psyching yourself up for this as it is going to happen. Try to think positive thoughts and how much better you will feel after the surgery to replace the valve.

I had mitral valve repair almost 4 years ago now (Nov 6, 2003) - my valve is showing signs of stenosis. I already feel symptoms of heart pounding and as if the blood is not getting through the valve area as it should. Not bad symptoms, but not good either.

I see the handwriting on the wall that another surgery for replacement is in my future. I am ALREADY psyching myself up for it and the one thing that I look forward to is feeling great - like Karlynn and others here on the board who have replacement valves. I just feel my heart is working overtime (again) and I don't like that - I want it to work as it should and I know with a replacement someday that will happen.

Put one foot in front of the other and think of how great you will feel in a year's time. This is the hand all of us here on have been dealt and the great thing also (if you can call it that!) is that our heart problems ARE fixable and treatable - unlike so many terrible diseases that are out there. It is all relative.

God give you strength. Keep your chin up! :)

Christina L
It's not fair that you have to do it again so soon. Both of my surgeries were nightmares, so I can relate to what your saying very well. I said I wouldn't go a second time, but when it came time to do so, I did. We do what we have to do. Consider yourself hugged and welcome to the Vr family.
Hi Halley,
I'm sorry to hear that you will have another OHS.
On the other hand, you will get fixed up properly and you will have lots of new friends here to talk with and lean on for support.
Welcome Halley,

Glad you found us but sorry for the reason. You will come to realize that many of us have had multiple surgeries and we are all here to help and show survival.

You are correct in that there is never a good time to schedule surgery but it is important for you to feel better and get on with your life. I am sure you will feel much better after the replacement since you will have a valve that is definitely working.

Best of luck to you and let us know how we can help.
I'm sorry Halley that you're having to undergo a replacement so soon after a repair.
I would suggest that you find the best surgeon possible to handle this surgery. I don't know how close you are to UAB, but several of our members have used their facility and it is top-notch.
Since you are in Atlanta, you might try the group that Granbonny uses. It's ..Peachtree Cardiovascular and thoracic atlanta.. phone #404-252-6104. She said Dr. Wolfe is great but they all work together as a team.
It never hurts to get a second opinion.

Did your surgeon or cardiologist give you a reason why the valve repair failed so quickly? Having had a mitral valve repair, when I hear of this type of thing, it kind of freaks me out!!:eek:
Dear Halley

Dear Halley

Having had 3-OHS myself for replacement of aortic & mitral valves with mechanical valves, I can really appreciate your fears at having to go through this type of surgery again. And too, you are still very young & like I read on another reply, the formation of scar tissue is still at a minimum.

I just had my last Open Heart last year, March/2006 to re-replace the aortic artificial valve with a St. Jude in Houston, TX. I had had my first two surgeries back in 1975 when I was just 24 years of age (I'm 56 now) & I too had to go back in six months to have the mitral valve re-sewn because it was leaking. But after that, I lived a full, wonderful life with no limitations whatsover for 31 years until last year. And just a month ago, June/2007, I began to show signs of CHF & I was told that the mitral valve may have to be re-replaced! Yikes! But with some medication adjustment, proper diet, monitoring my blood(INR), etc., the surgery has been put off for the time being. But you know what my dear, life is so precious and as scary as things may seem to be, if I have to have it re-done, I will do it!

With today's advanced technology and all the skilled and wonderful surgeons out there, I have no doubt that you will do just fine! God Bless you & I wish nothing but the best for you! When you get back & you're feeling up to it, let us know how you are doing! Best wishes!
Welcome to the site, Halley. So sorry that you have to go through this again, but as everyone has said, we will all be here to cheer you over the mountain. I put you on the calendar for August 22nd and I wish you the best!
Firstly, welcome to the VR community. Sorry for the circumstances but glad you found us.

Secondly, I am so very sorry you are going through this. I also had a mitral valve repair and I feel for how terrible this news must be. That said, if it must be done, I know you can climb the mountain again. My best wishes and thoughts are with you on the journey.
Hello there, glad you found the site, sorry you had to.

I live in Atlanta also. I used the Dr Wolfe that Mary mentioned. Great group, very nice people. Danny, screen name gadgetman used UAB, you can hit him up for some info on the group he used if you want more choices. One of the reasons I used Dr. Wolfe is that he operates at St. Joseph's. It is an excellent hospital (except for the food - of course I am a very fussy eater and prefer to do my own cooking). I also have two kids, boys, one just turned 5 and the other will be 8 in August. It is hard with young kids but they deal with it well. Just focus on how much better you will feel once this has been taken care of.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about Dr. Wolfe or St. Joseph's.

Sending you a BIG HUG and lots of prayers and positive thoughts as you prepare for your second surgery. You're absolutely entitled to feel angry and sad that you have to do this again but try to think about how good you will feel after it is over and you recover completely and how much better you will be able to be Mom again to your children.
Be good to yourself and Try to keep your chin up!
Take Care!
Sorry your repair failure Halley.

Before you commit to MVR you may want to get a second opinion from surgeons with LOTS of experience with "re-do's". Note that Scar Tissue makes repeat surgeries more complicated.

Emory Crawford Long Hospital in Atlanta comes to mind, along with UAB (University of Alabama at Birmingham).

Dr. David McGiffin at UAB has an excellent reputation in addition to being a genuinely 'nice chap' (from Australia). I can give you his office phone number if you are interested.

I also suggest that you browse through the Valve Selection Forum (and read the "stickies" at the top of the list, especially the one from Tobagotwo on valve selection).

'AL Capshaw'
Thank you all so much

Thank you all so much

I am overwhelmed by the warm welcome I have received. All of the support, insight and advice is more helpful than I can say. To a couple of you who suggested Dr. Wolfe w/Peachtree Cardiovascular: this is the practice I use, but I use Dr. Kauten. I have heard great things about Wolfe but have been told they don't take on another surgeon's patient. I went to Dr. Kauten b/c when my brother was told he needed the surgery, he told our cardiologist he would go anywhere in the US, and was referred to Dr. Kauten. My brother lives in Miami but received all of his care in Atlanta. I think he is a very good dr. (one of the best in the SE I've been told). To those of you who questioned why the repair didn't work - they did repair the original leakage by inserting a ring in my valve. At the time of surgery the leakage had stopped. But, I have connective tissue disorder and my valve just couldn't hold up even with the repair.
Thank you all again so much for reminding me again to focus on after the surgery, when I will have a valve that is working properly. I was positive about the first surgery and because it didn't work my faith has been tested a little bit... of course I will do it for my children. I am trying to get past the idea of having a mechanical valve in my body and like you all said, be happy that it is something that can be fixed.
I look forward to being a member of this site and relating to people who can, well, relate.
Yes, here is a gentle hug from a 62 year old woman who just when thru an aortic valve replacement. I can honestly say, I based my valve decision on the greater promise of NOT having to go thru open heart surgery again. The thought of it just upset me. Although, my surgical team was one of the best in the Northeast - I just don't every want to go thru this again unless it's my life at state like it was this first time. But, you have your children to consider and of course your husband - you want to be around for them. You must do what is necessary. There is a Dr. Jamie Brown in Maryland, as I read is outstanding. There is a Dr. Mike Strong associated with Hannamanhan hospital who is hightly recommened and there is my Dr. Grunewald who is part of a team which has been rated one of the 5 best in Delaware County Pennsylvania. The hospital I was operated on was Crozer Keystone Medical Center. They are a very hightly rated hospital in this area. Known for their burn unit for years. There is a lot of info on the web regarding the best surgeons and best hospitals - I read a lot, asked a lot of questions, and therefore, I was confortable no obtaining a second opinion. My Echo showed I had .7 closure to the max. of 1. When they did the heart cath the closure was .92 - not far from complete closer at 1. I had the cath 7/11 and the surgery 7/12. I'm doing very well. Just having a problem with my right arm.
Please take care of yourself and feel good about who will operate on you. You have got to get heathy for your children - they need you so.
You found the right site! Lots of encouragement from this forum:)

I am very sorry to hear that you will again be facing OHS. I too had a MVRepair..and would be very overwhelmed with the thought of it. My kids were 7/9 when I had my surgery..and it was a difficult journey for awhile.

Praying for things to go very well for you this time.
Glad that you are here at
I came across your post from a couple of weeks ago. I am so sorry to hear you are having to go through surgery again so soon. It must be really hard on your loved ones, too. Having just gone through surgery right after you, I know how much it takes just to get yourself to the point of having surgery. Everyone has hit on what worked for me....just seeing past the surgery and picturing myself on the road to recovery. Good luck. I will be thinking of you and saying prayers for you next week.