New Drugs for Post Surgery Brain FOg

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I think we all have to some degree. On my last surgery, I was pretty out of it for a good long time. I still think it's all the drugs they pump into you. The Bypass Machine, I think, also plays a part in these symptoms. That's why some of us are refered to or as pumpheads.

I think in time, we all return to normal. It seems to go with the territory. In that article, it sounds more experimental then anything else. They really don't know what causes this problem.
Nancy also posted that same article elsewhere on the site and I read it with interest. I'm still waiting for my brain fog to disappear - almost 3 months after my surgery. I don't notice the decline in my cognitive abilities as much as truly the feeling of my brain being surrounded by fog - I've called it "dullness" in the past. I feel like I never get enough sleep (which I do) or that I drank too many drinks the night before (I haven't had alcohol since my surgery.) That's how I describe it, but my doctors just shake their heads and seem baffled by what I'm describing. I am truly looking forward to the day in which I wake up and KNOW I'm going to have a fantastic day - because the fog has lifted!
I had an episode that may be related but was acute rather than chronic. I had been coming along quite well, but on the third day after surgery, I woke with a very intense case of brain fog. I could not think clearly or express myself clearly. I could not bring myself to eat anything but liquids, and that seemed a great effort. All I could really do was lie in bed and hope for sleep or relief. The condition lasted about 12 hours before easing but returned for another 4 hours or so the following morning. I'm sure my condition must have been extremely frightening for my wife. I was very concerned but my doctors and nurses did not offer any explanation or medication. I had another, much milder episode at home about 2 weeks later. Fortunately, I don't seem to have any lasting effects of this kind.

Has anyone else had a similar experience?

-- roy --

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