New Baby!

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2001
Chicago, IL
We are expecting an addition to our family in a few weeks. Beautiful female Birman kitty. We named her Abby. Hope I can get her picture to post below...
Just look at her expression! Can feel her saying - just wait, I'm gonna go get that thing I am looking at soon. so watch out.

A beautiful new baby, Gina. You are a good mama to your 'other' babies. I know your beautiful little girl is learning kindness because of your love for animals.
Ain't they cute!?

Ain't they cute!?

Gyzmo can't stand cats!!!

These are definitely good looking critters. Congrats on becoming an animal household again.

You said the breed is Birman(?). Do you mean Burmese?

Watch the boat!

Watch the boat!

It's a beautiful kitten. Kara will just love it, I'm sure. We used to have one that looked just like it. A very loving and wonderful cat....

But about the time I figured out it was cat hair making Eric's eyes red and watery all the time is about the same time we found out cats were finding a way inside our boat ..... scratching the upholstery and ripping the knee boards to shreds.

No more kitty cats for us! :eek:
Thanks everyone. We can hardly wait! your saying Gyzmo would have my kitty for lunch.;) Burmese in another breed, but of the same distant bloodline I believe. Physically they don't look a thing alike. Our little girl is a Birman. We visited a cat show in Villa Park a month or so ago. We hear the Birmans are very intelligent.....will fetch and come when called by name.

Rain, your scaring me! We had the dog from $ell! It can't happen a second time. We were going to do the humane thing and not declaw the cat. You can trim the nails back weekly. May have to reconsider that.:eek:
Have fun

Have fun

Have good fun with your new addition.

We have good friends and neighbors who are the "Bermans."


Abbey's adorable! Actually they all are. Congratulations on your new addition. I bet you can't wait until she joins the family. I am such a cat lover! Have two myself. Kara is just going to love that little bundle of joy!:)
Your kitten is adorable. Keep that in mind when she does things like scratch your furniture, barf on the carpet and jump into and climb onto( or try) the Steinway!
Our Ocicat is now 5 , he has done these things and more, but we do love the guy.
Enjoy your new baby,
Hi Gina,

Ooh, I am a real sucker for cats, period! Always have been, and always will be. I love any cat. I don't allow myself to go to a cat breeder or to a petstore because I will come out with another cat for sure. I have 4 beauties myself. Mine are persians.
The kitty you chose is beautiful Gina, and Abby is a cute name. I would have chosen the kitty that's in the front to the right. I better not say anymore, because I might want it. They do ship cats across country you know. My 4 other cats wouldn't be happy with that decision though, and probably would rebel by peeing all over the place in my house.

Have fun with the kitty.

AVR's 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
Tucson, AZ
Oh, I just love kitties and could take the whole basket! Kara is a lucky little girl! I'll bet I know where Abby is going to sleep...

Gail -- I heard on TV the other day where the State of California was going to make it illegal to declaw cats....true or false?
We fully expect little devious endeavours:D My husband will throw us out if the cat claws our furniture to heck! I know Christina has her cats declawed.

The breeder is trying to tell me trimming the nails once a week and promoting 'good scratching' habits should do the trick. I really have mixed feelings about declawing. :confused:
Hi Girlie....seems like there may be some truth to the subject of California declawing. The link is at the top of the page.

If you have a the first page. It sounds like a major stress for the cat. When I was a child we had a little gray tabby. My mother swears that after she took it to be declawed her whole attitude changed. For the worse. Poor kitty. There are little nail caps available like the fake jobbers ladies use.Would be willing to try that if I had to be away for any prolonged period of time. Hummmm. Will see how it goes.
I hadn't heard that Ca is making declawing illegal.
I sort of wish we had declawed ours, though. His breeder had us sign a contract and we agreed not to declaw him. Most breeders require this now.
But, even though I trim his claws weekly, he has done major damage to our sofas , my mahogany furniture, and our Steinway.
He has a scratching post that he loves, but this doesn't keep him from using the sofas as well.
My daughter didn't want us to declaw him when he was a kitten, ( but I would have , contract or not) so we didn't.
We had a siamese for 14 yrs and she was declawed in the front, and always an indoor cat, like our cat is now.
He's too old to do it now. I don't know what to do when we get new sofas. I've tried the double stick tape but he just works at it until it peels and then on to the fabric he goes.
What is a cat owner to do? We love the rascal, and he is such a friendly cat, comes like a dog.
Luckily, not all cats do such damage.
Have fun raising your sweet kitten.
There are a couple other options to declawing. There are nail cover-ups that slip on over cats' nails; I have no idea how they work but have heard that some folks seem to think they're OK.

There's also a different operation that can be done that's considered more humane than declawing. They cut the tendons so the cats don't lose their claws, just can't use them. I had a friend who had her cats done like this and really thought it was great. I think you need to find a veterinarian who specializes in cats to get this done. It's pretty pricy, I heard.l

Good luck; that Steinway thing would have put me over the edge. And I think you can declaw cats older than most people think. They can be adult cats. (people, please don't write to tell me I'm terrible. I think declawing is preferable to getting rid of - either by dumping or euthanizing - a cat).

Gotta throw in my opinion...

Gotta throw in my opinion...

I have 6 cats, all indoor only. I live on a busy street and regularly see neighborhood cats on the side of the road after being hit.

As far as declawing is concerned, it's the equivalent of having your fingers cut off. Understandable why they become psycho after having the procedure done.

Best thing is to learn how to trim your cat's nails. With 6 cats I'm doing it every time I sit down. Start when they are kittens by just rolling them on their backs and playing with their nails. Eventually they will get used to it. Also realize that even with the best trimming and training they will still want to scratch, so find something to give them that is acceptable for them to scratch, and put lots of catnip on it so they will be attracted to it.

Sorry about the soapbox....

Will, I've never had a cat declawed either. And I'm with you on the clipping claws. But I really can't get upset with people who have them declawed because otherwise there'd be even more unwanted, dumped and euthanized kitties.

And I do regularly donate to my local no-kill shelter that has a feral cat sterilization program.
