Nearing Surgery !!!

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2006
Canada .
Hi , I'm a 51 year old male and I've been on the heart surgery waiting list since Sept/05 when I had met with the heart surgeon . I'm having my leaky bicuspid aortic valve replaced with a mechanical valve but I don't know which type or model I'm to receive . I also require aorta reconstruction as mine measures 4.7mm ; this will be done at the same time . The day before my surgery , they are doing an angiogram to see if I'll need bypass surgery as well . Since late Nov/05 my Dr. has been telling me my surgery would be done within the next few weeks. I had a embolism come from my heart and hit me in the right eye in May/05 , this caused ( central retinal artery occlusion ) , which has resulted in severe permanent vision loss to my right eye . I was on 81mg aspirin a day and I still am . I'm worried about it happening to my left eye ! I don't have my surgery date yet but the surgery co-ordinator told me last week that it would not be much longer . My anxiety has been off the wall for months as I don't know what to expect . I've recently been attending Bible study and I've been praying lots . This is a wonderful website !!! Thanks


It really seems unfair that this affected your sight in one eye while waiting for necessary surgery. I wish I could give some chearful words about that. But I am just one more person waiting for surgery. I hope that this incident forces the medical community to pull out the stops and get to your surgery instead of having you go through this crazy waiting. I don't think it is right, and I bet you are angry and frustrated about it. I don't know of any of us has any words to make it better. Only that there are people who do care for you and are willing to pray for you. (I certainly am).

My surgery is Monday for a Mitral valve repair. Hopefully they will also do a Cox-Maze proceedure for irregular heart heartbeat, and repair 5 broken dislocated ribs.

Does anyone know if there have been any studies on pre-surgery stress and how it it can influence further problems? This could be a case in point. I am not sure, but I think pretty much anyone that has heart / brain / cancer surgery is in need of a lot of counseling and perhaps light tranqualizers! This waiting is the pits! I have until Monday, but I know people wait much longer than this. I am getting in fast. How about it, are there any studies on pre-surgical stress out there?

Welcome Garth! I'm glad you found us prior to your surgery. There is lots of information to be found. Just browse the forums and take a look around. If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask.

Since you are getting a mechanical valve you will be on Coumadin after the surgery. Our esteemed member Al Lodwick is an expert on the subject and has a great site that you'll want to bookmark.

Let us know your exact date and we'll put you on the calendar.
Welcome Welcome!!

Welcome Welcome!!


I too am awaiting AVR. You seem to be closer than I am and you are right the waiting is a bear at times. This is a great place to gather information or just vent. Many wonderful folks to help you along the way before and after.

Some great advice I got from Bob is to just get on with life as normally as possible and things will go much smoother. And remember you will be in so much better shape when done. This is a scarry thing but it done every day with great out comes.

Keep us posted and know that you are not alone.

Best Wishes,
Also Waiting

Also Waiting

Hi Garth
I have been waiting for a surgery date since Nov.16/05 for BAVR and 2 by-passes.
This is my second OHS and is more stressful than the first. It will be better once I get a date.
Will pray for you.
Welcome, Garth. I hope browsing this forum helps to relieve some of your anxiety. Hope you get a date soon- keep us posted.
Hi Garth. Welcome to this wonderful place! Ask any question you want and surely someone will be along to help you with an answer!!

You might want to learn more about the mechanical valve lifestyle. Not much to it, from what I hear, but definitely requires you to be informed.

Remember that everyone is built differently, has different responses to various procedures, and has different ways of making personal decisions. But we're all here to support each other, so please feel free to ask for whatever you need.

I'm 52, have known about my bicuspid for about 25 years, but wasn't planning to have it tank on me until I was in my 80's!! The stenosis suddenly started giving me problems 2 years ago and I've been going downhill since. I'm due to have my BVR sometime this spring. I've been feeling more and more run down and not enjoying this waiting time for that reason. This site has helped me realize that I really do not have much to fear. Sure, it will be quite a personal journey, but there are SO MANY success stories. Just work to maintain a positive outlook and I know that will help you succeed.

Michael. Hello from down the I-5! And whether or not you are much of a fan......

And, of course, my goodness! Good luck on Monday!! Now that you are "part of us" we would appreciate it if you could have someone post on your behalf and keep us apprised of your condition until you can come back yourself.

:) Marguerite
Garth51 said:
Hi , I'm a 51 year old male and I've been on the heart surgery waiting list since Sept/05 when I had met with the heart surgeon . I'm having my leaky bicuspid aortic valve replaced with a mechanical valve but I don't know which type or model I'm to receive . I also require aorta reconstruction as mine measures 4.7mm ; this will be done at the same time . The day before my surgery , they are doing an angiogram to see if I'll need bypass surgery as well . Since late Nov/05 my Dr. has been telling me my surgery would be done within the next few weeks. I had a embolism come from my heart and hit me in the right eye in May/05 , this caused ( central retinal artery occlusion ) , which has resulted in severe permanent vision loss to my right eye . I was on 81mg aspirin a day and I still am . I'm worried about it happening to my left eye ! I don't have my surgery date yet but the surgery co-ordinator told me last week that it would not be much longer . My anxiety has been off the wall for months as I don't know what to expect . I've recently been attending Bible study and I've been praying lots . This is a wonderful website !!! Thanks

I had two TIA episodes while waiting for valve replacement. After the last one, the surgeon was ready to operate the following week, but I delayed it for a month. During that time I was on the 81 mg aspirin plus Plavix.
You might check with the cardiologist, and see if he'll prescribe the Plavix so you're less likely to throw another clot while waiting for your surgery date.
Good luck!

I think you should let your cardio and surgeon know how you feel. There may be some meds available to make you less anxious. Being so concerned cannot be good for you.

I hope you get a surgery date soon and all goes very well for you.
The only people who don't have pre-op stress are those who either have NO wait (diagnosis, cath, surgery within 24 hours) or are comatose.

I think the stress can be debilitating to some, irrespective of how lousy you feel or how brave you are (everyone who's walked into a hospital for ohs is brave in my book; I thought my hubby might have to carry me). This is prime time for tranquillizers; ask for them.

You are in the company of friends now and we are all dealing with this in some way or another...

The saying "knowledge is power" certainly holds true for me...

...and a new friend "Mr Valium" :D has also kept me from jumping off that cliff-edge , sometimes I slip while I am waiting my turn for surgery too.

I have been annoying these lovely people here with my questions and whinging ever since I got my diagnoses. They are so good at knowing how to ease your worries...

and defiantely many of us are fans of the power of prayer...
another friend to add to our list...
Thankyou to all !!!

Thankyou to all !!!

Thankyou to all you wonderful people who have replied to my thread . Thankyou for your wonderful ; advice , concern , caring and your prayers ! Many of you have been through so much and many of you have a lot ahead of you to get through ! It is an honor to know you and hear from you even though its via the net ! I pray to our Lord that things will be well and go well for each and everyone of you in your health , faith and happiness ; BLESS YOU ALL ! I have been on Lorazepam for several months now to help me sleep and to ease my anxiety but my anxiety was still growing . My Dr. put me on the antidepressant (Effexor) about 1 month ago and it does seem to take the edge off the anxiety a bit but I still seem to have episodes . I saw my Dr. about a week ago and he said upping my dosage at this point would not likely help and that its just very difficult waiting . He said that he thinks my anxiety will drop by about 80 percent once I recover from surgery . Right now I'm tending to want to sleep about 12 hrs. a day , it could be the meds or self preservation . I'll continue working on my faith with our Lord . Thanks .
this all sounds pretty normal to me Garth :D ...

The next step in my journey was to arm myself with knowledge and a huge bunch of friends ( these guys here ;) ) who have shown me that life after AVR is usually even better than it was before we went and got all scared about what lies ahead...

so ask questions and get involved in the site...youll be champing at the bit too , to get yours over and done with also if thats what is needed to fix you!