My thoughts and a prayer request

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Mark Wagner

Well-known member
Jan 26, 2003
Port Orchard, WA
I feel a little uncomfortable sitting down and writing this.
I believe in God, but due to my job schedule, I do not attend church. I have wonderful support from a wife whom gives me love, but in no way will allow me to feel sorry for myself. In that I am very grateful.

A month ago I urinated blood, and it has happened about three times since. The first thing I did was check my INR and it was fine. At that same time I began to feel terrible nausea, about 80% of my waking hours, and still do. My left side around my kidney's began hurting and my bladder and complete urinary tract started hurting and becoming very uncomfortable. I have tried but failed to keep my running schedule, because of a heavy work schedule and fatigue and pain and nausea. Two weeks ago I took my shirt off and noticed lumps on my ribs above my left kidney. One is the size of a 50 cent piece, and a couple of others the size of quarters. In the mean time my lower back and bones of the left hip and legs have been almost unbearable with pain. They are also concerned, because my balance is off. The doctor said he expects that from a 70 year old, but not a man 45.
A cat scan was done, but no mass has been found. That's a good thing. My kidney's have stones , but according to the urologist, not large enough to cause the pain and nausea I am experencing. More blood tests are being done, and today they will be removing two of the tumors and sending them to pathology at the University of Washington. My prostate is infected (embarrasing) so I am now on very heavy anti-biotics. Doxocyclin (spelling, please forgive me) Celebrex, Zantac, and Nausea medicine and prescription sudafed, along with my coumadin, 80 mg aspirin, and nuerontin. I feel like the local legal junkie! :)
You know I find that I am really not scared, for I know all things are for a reason. If I fear anything, it is not being able to support my family. Right now I am trying not to look at what it can be, but what we know. I spent the first weeks scaring the hell out of myself.
I am looking at this wondering why I am writing this. Maybe I really am scared. I just want to know whats going on and I am sure in time I will find out. I started to have a panic attack a couple of nights ago. I think it is just the worry and so many drugs.
When you face things like this, suddenly running marathons means little. Their is so much in life more important than being caught up in ourselves and working. When all said and done, I hope I remember this lesson. I probably have drove myself to this point as far as my health is concerned.

I know some of you worry. Please don't. A prayer would be nice and appreciated. It feels good to get a lot of this off my chest. That way I will not dump the emotion on my wife. I have to live with her! ;) I admit there has been a little watering of the eyes as I have written this. That is probably a good thing, for I feel a little better now.

Thanks for listening.

PS All so thank you for the birthday wish. I am sorry I did not respond.
Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.


It?s amazing how we can pick ourselves back up when something like this happens. Somehow we have the ability to face things we never thought we could. I too, believe it?s mostly because God is there holding our hand.

I?m sending you lots of positive thoughts, vibes and prayers. Warm hugs from your family.
Lots of love going your way, Mark. Also prayers and the assurance that they are always heard. Remember, Mark, that your status with the Lord depends on what He did for you not what you do for Him. I love my church and the worship, fellowship and friendship with the other members and I would suffer spiritually without it. I do not for one moment however believe that it determines whether or not I am a Christian.

Please let us know how things go with you, OK?
Hey Heman, even the fit guys have troubles. I'm glad to see you letting some of it out. Holding it in all the time can do nothing but fester. I wish I had the answers as to why some of us seem to suffer so many different things, but I don't. I'm sure we'll know in time. The waiting stinks though.

Keep us up to speed. You know I'll be saying some notes to God for you. Sometimes I wonder if he still hears me at all, but I'm sure he does. ;)
We're here for you!

We're here for you!

Hi Mark, I know what you mean by not wanting to keep on at your wife about all this. I feel the same way about my husband at times. Although there must be a lot of things going through your head at the moment, I've always been told that we shouldn't suffer in advance, as we say here in Brazil, because many of our fears turn out to be nothing in the end. I'll remember you in my prayers too and please, feel free to come here whenever you feel like venting, and also let us know what the doctors have said about the exams as soon as you hear from them. Take care and have faith in God!
I just had to respond....

I just had to respond....

Hi There Mark,
I just wanted to let you know that I just went through kidney stone surgery myself and I also have other multiple illnesses and complications from having diabetes, and I want to let you know that I know how you are feeling as it seems like almost every other day, I am having something new added to my already long list of disasterous Illnesses....I will say a prayer that you will feel better and soon!! Harrybaby666 :D :D :D
Mark, I'm so sorry see you are going through all of this at the moment - your wonderful attitude can only help, but it's OK to feel scared or even angry sometimes too.

I'll be sending positive thoughts your direction and hope your test results show nothing too serious. Keep us posted.

All the best
Anna : )


You are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep your chin up (as my aunt will tell me). :)

God does hear you and will see you through -

Christina L.
Mark, bless your heart. Hugs and prayers are coming your way. I sincerely believe that God doesn't give us more than we can handle. I've always said He must think I have really big shoulders, but I'm still here on this old world because He isn't through with me yet, He's still got work for me to do. Praise the Lord, He's still in control and on His throne!!
Just adding my prayers along with the others..........

Just adding my prayers along with the others..........

I'm so sorry that you are going through this horrible ordeal, but you will certainly be added to our prayers. Please do update when you know something. Sending hugs and prayers.
I'm not one to write especially when so many have already said it all. But did want to say Hang in there Buddy! One doesn't know what your near future holds on treatment (or no treatment needed). good days or bad days. Take each day at a time,enjoy life, and appreciate your loved ones.It is true that when something like this happens, priorities DO change oh so quickly.Get some great doctors and do what you are told.
Mark Wagner said:
Their is so much in life more important than being caught up in ourselves and working. When all said and done, I hope I remember this lesson. I probably have drove myself to this point as far as my health is concerned.


It's ironic that I read this tonight, only because I'm experiencing a sense of uneasiness/not belonging/unsure of what to do on many different levels, including some health issues, job issues, etc. But, your words that I quoted above highlight a booklet I read today by Norman Vincent Peale (sp?)...about attitudes and having "winning ways" through faith, hope, etc. You certainly helped bring that to life for me tonight, Mark.

With that typed, please know that prayers/thoughts are coming your way.

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 31swm/pig valve/pacemaker
'72/'6/'9/'81/'7, train/models =
MC Guide =

Prayers are coming your way! :)

I have had on and off problems with chronic prostatitis for the last year and a half and I'm here to tell you that it's no fun. I hope they get to the bottom of the problem and it's nothing serious.
Mark, you are in my prayers. Please let us know when you hear anything.

Sorry to hear that you are struggling and on the sidelines. Sounds like a lot going on. You are up to this challenge. Please don't be hard on yourself,but do take time for yourself. We want you well again very soon I'll be praying for you.
Thank you each and everyone of you for your kind words, prayers, and thoughts. I don't know what to say. When I don't know what to say, you know you touched my heart.

The doctor removed two tumors today. The large one, that from the outside felt the size of a .50 cent piece, was about 1 3/4 inches in diameter. The other was taken above the kidney right at my lower rib, and was rather small. Maybe an inch in diameter. On a positive note he said they felt benign, but a pathologist would have to make that determination. He said a cancerous tumor usually feels a little softer. They are being sent to Seattle, and hopefully I will know something by Thursday or Friday.

Once the infection is cleaned up, in January they will be taking a 'looksee' inside and try to find out whats going on. (Oh, I am looking so forward to that! :eek: ) Another good sign is my blood tests are coming back postive.

The moral of this story is pushing yourself on 3 and 4 hours of sleep a night will put you in bad way. With my long hours on no sleep, plus the heavy running has probably knocked my immune system down some. I think learning to say "no" and pacing myself will be my new motto.

Thanks again everyone. I'll let you know the good news in the next week.

hi mark,
so sorry you are going through this. i hate the "not knowing"; i find that's sometimes the scariest part.
please let us know as soon as you hear more.
you are in our thoughts and prayers.
all the best,

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