My surgery will be next week !!!

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2006
Canada .
:) Hi , everyone. My surgeons office called today and told me my surgery will be next week , either Tuesday Feb 14/06 or Thursday 16/06. Right now I'm having a huge sense of relief but I know that as the surgery day gets closer , I'm going to start to worry and get scared . I'm thankful that my surgery date is near as I just want to get on with my life. Thankyou everyone for your prayers and support . I will post which day the surgery will be done on , I should know within the next few days .
Great news. If you're not scared right now it's likely the waiting has drained a bit of the fear from you. I found that the nearer the surgery got, the calmer and more accepting I became.

Do the stuff you need to do in the next week - pay bills in advance (or at least write the checks), have an up-to-date living will (and regular will if you don't have one yet), go out with friends and eat, drink and be merry; stock up on movies for recovery time.

Really happy for you that your waiting is nearly over.
Garth, I'm so glad for you that your wait is almost over with. I well know the feeling of wanting to get on with your life! I hope all goes well for you and soon this becomes a just a part of your past. You might find it changes you in some unexpected ways. It is not at all uncommon to be emotional over some very little things....crying over not even so sad movies, and finding life all the more precious. I just want to give you a heads-up on it. There are a lot of other little things too that when you are home recovering with extra time on your hands we can all fill you in on!

One more thing, it is a great time to do some soul searching and set your spiritual house in order. No better time then the present.

We will all be here as your cheering section.
I think you should shoot for Feb. 14th (if you have a choice). I can't think of a better day to have heart surgery than Valentine's day. ;) ;)

Best of luck to you and I am happy for you that surgery will soon be in the past.
Im with Gina.
GO for the 14th, thats the date that I have for my first follow up with my surgeon. I thought it was appropriate. Anyway, my surgery was on 1/18 and I have been on a steady recovery...increasing my walking a little every day. I didnt have any fear leading up to surgery but geez, technically I was in the waiting room for 7 years. Good luck you will do fine.
surgery soon

surgery soon

Hi , everyone . Thankyou everyone for your prayers and best wishes , I'm actually feeling relatively calm today and I do think it is because finally I'm not at the indefinite waiting stage anymore. I started having syptoms in the early 1990's and was diagnosed in 1994 with the leaky bicuspid aortic valve. Since then I've known that it would eventually have to be replaced and the last few years I've really been extremely limited in what I could do physically. I should know tomorrow , which day my surgery will be next week. I hope it is the 14th but I won't get picky at this stage of the game. I will post which day as soon as I know. Thankyou Lord for making my surgery date available to me and please hear our prayers for all of the wonderful people who may be suffering while in the waiting room for their much needed surgeries , so that they too may get on with their lives , Amen!
Good luck with your surgery

Good luck with your surgery

My surgery was January 18th. I am home recupreating and doing fine. I hope everything goes well for you as I am sure it will. Will send positive thoughts your way.