My Surgery is Soon...Where is a Tawdry Shirt?

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2007
Silverdale, Washington
Okay guys, my surgery is just around the corner and I definitely plan on posting my picture with pride! Just wondering, do I take the picture right away (within the first few weeks) or wait for it to heal a while so as to not scare the newbies? Anway, I see there is a combination of approaches. I can probably come up with my own Tawdry shirt or is the tradition to pass them along?

Let me know cuz I'm joining the ranks soon!!!


Hi Lorie, well another late night person, had to watch SNL. I'm looking forward to showing off my scar too. My first one from 1963 goes across my chest so with the new one I'll have a cross!! Debbie
Preferably take the pic in early recovery. When you feel comfortable doing so I suppose. We had some shirts being circulated along with Order of the Tawdry Shirt history book, but I don't know what happened to them. One can be sent or if you wish, find one from the 70's and post away.
If no one comes up with one from circulation (*ahem*), please let me know, and I'll ship out another for you.

The *ahem* is for the current possessors of the original Tawdry Shirts: The agreement is that you will pass the shirt and history along to the next person. The shirts gain their only value from being passed on...

Best wishes,
I can't wait to join the elite "order of the tawdry shirts" and flash away! I will have no problem finding a shirt if one doesn't surface to be sent...However, I thought part of the ritual was that we pass on the same group of tawdry shirts so that after I am done another member will come along and I will send it to them, washed and ready to be worn of course. Regardless, I will be posting my picture with pride after everything I will have gone through!!

Take care all and Merry Christmas!!
harleygirl528 said:
However, I thought part of the ritual was that we pass on the same group of tawdry shirts so that after I am done another member will come along and I will send it to them, washed and ready to be worn of course.
You thought right! Were going to have to search for the shirts locations and the Order of the Tawdry history log too.
It's Surfaced !

It's Surfaced !

I have the purple one that I wore in my pic, e-mail me with your address and I will get off to you reall soon.

There are only a few photos with it, but I will send along what I got and add my own pic, too.
The last folks I could find in the TOOTS archives to have Tawdry Shirts may well be outdated, and the shirts may have been passed on. But to whom?

Rain, KAAsmom, Annie10, and KarenS are the last holders I could find in a brief hunt. If you've passed the shirts on, could you tell us to whom?

Thank you,
Free Shirt

Free Shirt

Hi Harley,

I've got a flashy one I'll be happy to send. My e-mail address has changed and I've been unable to replace the old one with the new one when I've tried to update. I'll be happy to post my new one if you need it. You'll like this shirt; it's a good one.

The originals are silk, and come with a certificate. Photos are added and are intended to be passed along (along with the shirt - Ahem!) so each can share in the experience of others who have gone through the same rite of passage. I have two left from the original vintage and source.

StretchL really got it going, when he asked for the shirt right off my back. The original photo was of me in one of the shirts, in a disco pose to show my mother in North Carolina that I really was all right. It was taken in my front yard, three days after the surgery. Obviously, I still had staples...

Be well,
Hello Everyone,

Just an update...Philip was kind enough to send along a really great "tawdry shirt" although I believe it was just his personal shirt. There was no certificate of pictures of previous recipients. But, I will post a picture as soon as I am able to...

Thanks date is now Jan 15....I'll be "over the moutain" before we know it!
May I suggest that a before and after TOOTS picture be supplied.
Just so we can make an accurate comparison
Rain raises hand!!

Rain raises hand!!

Now Bob... don't you take the tone with me! :p

I have been patiently waiting for the next recipient of the shirt. The one I have is sitting safely in the out box... just waiting for a name and address. Admittedly I have been a little busy with the holidays and missed your posts asking about it. Sorry!!

So...... who's next? :D
Okay, Everyone....I am now officially over the mountain! I am hoping to be able to get my tawdry picture taken tomorrow. My scar looks really great and the middle portion has already shed it's scab and you can really hardly see it, which is amazing since I am only 2 weeks out! My bullet holes look a little narly but I figured if I would post one now and another in a month or so to show the improvement. My husband is staying home from work tomorrow morning so I will donn the lovely shirt that Phillip was kind enough to send me and I will take a picture.
By the way, if you want me to receive an "official tawdry shirt" and take another picture I will be glad to. Or I could start this one one it's way to someone else...unless Philip wants it back? It's really quite a cool shirt and although "flashy" probably isn't really tawdry. Let me know....


Hi Lorie, could you send the shirt to me next, i can't wait to take the picture!! The strips are still on but hoping they'll fall off soon. Thanks Debbie
I can print another certificate, if Phil wants to keep it circulating. Yes, the idea is to keep the shirts in motion and for each to develop a rich and unique history as it passes between members in kinship.

Best wishes,
New Tawdry Shirt

New Tawdry Shirt

Please circulate the shirt as requests come in. It would be nice to have a certificate to make it the real deal. I would love to have other members enjoy this Tawdry Shirt. It is flashy!
