My First Home Test

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It takes as long as 10 minutes?!

It takes as long as 10 minutes?!

Not to worry, you'll improve. (teasing).

Soon you'll wonder how you got along without it.

A slice of celebratory cake is in order.

Well done.
Getting a home unit is like getting the best present ever (okay, maybe not better than diamonds - but close). Congrats on your first test and the good results. My first home test was 5.4 and certainly helped me to believe better monitoring was a great decision.

Have fun.
Congrats, Bina......HOME TESTING ROCKS!!!!!! We test every Friday.....soooo much easier to keep in range that way.

"Better than diamonds," Geebee?????? Not in my book...LOL

I must admit I was very cautious....hence the 10 minutes of re-checking my lancet, and re-reading the instructions.
And as a matter of fact, afterwards I did enjoy a nice piece of cake with chocolate icing.

When I called my doc with the results he was impressed with my comments on the ease of it all. He knows full well how fussy I am ;)

The diamonds will have to wait.....those wedding anniversaries have to be good for something :D
That's awesome. We just got ours in the mail and I have to do the phone lesson next Monday. It doesn't look too complicated and I can't wait to miss all those lab tests too!
It is the best!!

It is the best!!

I have been doing the home testing for the last 2 1/2 year and love it!! Congrats!!