My Dad surgery

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It Emily Randy daughter my dad out of surgery and is doing fine. He is in the ISU right now but he will probaly be on the floor tomerrow. I'll wright so more tomorrow. From Emily
Thanks so much for posting, Emily. Please give your Dad our best wishes for a speedy and uneventful recovery.
Thanks Emily. We are so very happy to hear things are going well. Please give our best to your father.
Wonderful news, Emily!!!!

Wonderful news, Emily!!!!

Thank you, Emily, for taking the time to share the good news that your dad's surgery went well; you and your mom and sister must be tired. It makes for a very long and stressful day for the family. All we as the patients have to do is sleep through it all. ;)

I have really enjoyed reading your dad's blog and look forward to reading more of his experience when he is able to return to his keyboard.

I'm on my way to bed now but just had to get on line first to see if there was any news of your dad's surgery. I have been praying for him and your whole family!
Thank you Emily. That's so nice of you to post so that we don't worry from not knowing how he's doing. Please tell him that we are all thinking of him and wish him a good recovery.
Thanks for giving us the good info. I am off to surgery tomorrow and hope I do as well as your dad! I have been thinking of him all day and have been checking to see if there has been news. Glad I checked before I went to bed! Maybe you can tell him how I am doing tomorrow!! Wishing you all well and best for smooth recovery.:D
Thanks Emily for taking the time to post. My wife & I are both thinking of him today, as well as you guys! It's hard, but you'll all get thru it and eventually your dad'll be stronger than ever. Peace!
Thanks for letting us know, Emily!! We've been waiting to hear and it was very nice of you to take the time to let us know how he is doing.

Best wishes for continued success and a speedy recovery.

:) Marguerite
Hi Emily-

Thanks for posting. I am sure you are so happy that the surgery is over with and your dad is doing well. Happiness all around!

So happy to hear the good news. Let your dad know that we're all thinking about him.

Wow......great news! Thank you very much for posting Emily! We certainly appreciate the family members who take the time to keep all of us updated!

Here's hoping for a very speedy recovery for your dad.

Glad to hear the good news. Hope recovery is continuing well. prayers and good thoughts continue for you and your family.