My cardio fired ME!

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Well-known member
May 1, 2005
Salem, Utah
What have I done...?

After my visit with my cardio in July (bumped up because of our employment/insurance situation), and after some thoughtful responses here -- especially one PM by Arlyss -- I wrote an e-mail to my cardio. Long story short, I explained to him that I have little concern about heart enlargement or valve size -- that I was confident that the annual echos would monitor all of that adequately. But I had concerns about his dismissal about the possibility of an aortic aneurysm developing BECAUSE of the nature of the tissue in some BAV patients. I also referred him to the paper written by Dr. Gosta Pettersson suggestiing that the Ross Procedure may not be a good choice for BAV patients. My cardio was satisfied from the heart cath done last year that (1) I don't have "one" (an aneurysm) and (2) for someone my age, his recommendation, IF my valve had to be replaced "soon" would be to have the Ross procedure. It was only AFTER I left his office -- AND read responses on this forum -- that I decided I wanted him to consider these issues more than I felt he did during my appointment.

After a month of weekly phone and e-mail messages with his staff, he finally responded to my e-mail by telling me that he was sending my records to the director of the Adult Congenital Heart Disease Clinic at the University of Utah. He said that this cardio sees patients with my "condition" in high volume, and would be able to better follow me and answer my questions...

I'm sure that this must be a good thing. But I feel like I may have "burned a bridge" with my cardio... I told him I WAS happy to hear of his study into the percutaneous valve replacement and that I was optomistic that that will be an option for me when the time comes. It's just in the meantime that I hoped he wouldn't look past "new" developments in understanding the BAV package... I'm still waiting to hear from the ACHD clinic as far as when I will see this new cardio. My "old" cardio has a great reputation and is the director of the Cardiology department at our regional hospital...

Sometimes it IS necessary and best to Move On.

Nancy has cited a couple of times when Joe's condition was simply beyond the capability of his then current Cardiologist to deal with. Rare and/or complex issues often require the services of the "Best of the Best" type Doctors who see such cases more frequently.

See what the new guy has to offer and then consider 'smoothing the waters' with your local Cardio if you are so inclinded. It seems to me he DID respond to your concerns by referring you to someone he felt was more qualified to address your concerns. That is a MUCH BETTER scenario than just turning you out to the street!

'AL Capshaw'
Before my surgery, when I was having lots of issues with arrhythmia, I was going to a cardio that was highly recommended by several people. After going to him for 6 months, having him put me on some whopping antiarrhythmics that didn't work, he said to me "I'm stumped! I don't think I'm the doctor to handle your issues." He agreed to be there for me in case of any emergency, until I found another cardio. But I have to respect him for telling me when my issues were beyond his scope of capability. I had a doctor prior to him that almost killed me with a medication, that should have done that. (He was also the guy that wanted to put me on Valium because he thought my complaints were all "in my head". I fired him!)
I agree with the rest -- this sounds like the best thing for you. Your cardio could have just thrown up his hands & given you a list of doctors to pick from, but instead he's sent your records to someone he thinks is the best expert around to handle your unique situation.
Does this man at the University of Utah also have a private practice? Or is this through the school there?
I agree with everyone else, but would add that I think you humbled him by doing your homework and he realized that he needed to send you to someone that was better qualified to treat you.:) From what I understand U of U is a top notch medical school so they should be right on top of things.
Hi Karen,
I had a similar experience when I was trying to get answers from my cardiologist about surgery timing. I contacted his office several times, didn't receive a call back and then contacted the surgeon directly. Shortly thereafter, my cardiologist finally got back to me and everything seemed okay (although he seemed a little defensive on the phone). Then, when I had my surgery a few weeks later, he never came to see me (in fact, visited my roommate without even peeking around the corner to check on me) and I was covered by the surgeon's cardiologist. No one ever explained to me what happened or why this shift was made. It turned out alright - I like the new cardiologist better - but it added unnecessary stress to an already stressful situation to suddenly be dealing with a brand new cardiologist.

So, while I imagine it may have felt strange to be referred like that, I'm glad at least that your cardiologist had the courage to tell you what was going on! Kate
catwoman said:
I agree with the rest -- this sounds like the best thing for you. Your cardio could have just thrown up his hands & given you a list of doctors to pick from, but instead he's sent your records to someone he thinks is the best expert around to handle your unique situation.
Does this man at the University of Utah also have a private practice? Or is this through the school there?

Marsha, the new cardio is part of the faculty at U of U. He goes to clinics throughout the valley and even one in Wyoming, but they are all a part of the University Health Services network. A receptionist called this morning and said they had received my records and an appointment was made for October 2nd...

Thanks to all of you for your responses.