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hi all,
while on music, i was wondering if anyone has an ipod? i would like to buy one for joey for valentine's day, but i'm not sure which one to get (i hear there are several). he loves to run to music and this would certainly guarantee him lots of hours of music.
our cardio says he runs his marathons with his and loves it!
thanks for your help, sylvia is a healer ;)

Sylvia....I, too, love that feeling when you hear a song that brings back specific memory(s)....even if the memory(s) aren't so great.....

Richard...I like that quote you included...I don't know the song, but I definitely like the quote... are so right...I had no idea this post when generate so many responses and discussion ;). And yes...I do believe the responses here have definitely made me feel even more welcome here than I did before...glad to know that I knew what you meant ;). Hmm...we must be related...must admit, I really am looking forward to meeting you (and others, of course)...but, since we *seem* to have the same taste in music...hmmmmmmmmmmmmm......
These are a Few of My Favorite Things.

These are a Few of My Favorite Things.

Hi Everyone,

I couldn't resist... hehehehe

There are recent rumors that Julie Andrews did a concert for AARP.
Ms.Andrews sang a favorite from the Sound of Music, Favorite Things.
There were a few changes to the words, to fit in with the AARP theme.
Here are the new words to this tune:

Maalox and nose drops and needles for knitting,
Walkers and handrails and new dental fittings,
Bundles of magazines tied up in string,
These are a few of my favorite things.

Cadillacs and cataracts and hearing aids and glasses,
Polident and Fixodent and false teeth in glasses,
Pacemakers, golf carts and porches with swings,
These are a few of my favorite things.

When the pipes leak,
When the bones creak,
When the knees go bad,
I simply remember my favorite things,
And then I don't feel so bad.

Hot tea and crumpets, and corn pads for bunions,
No spicy hot food or food cooked with onions,
Bathrobes and heat pads and hot meals they bring,
These are a few of my favorite things.

Back pains, confused brains, and no fear of sinnin,
Thin bones and fractures and hair that is thinin,
And we won't mention our short shrunken frames,
When we remember our favorite things.

When the joints ache, when the hips break,
When the eyes grow dim,
Then I remember the great life I've had,
And then I don't feel so bad.

I hope your life is great and you are doing wonderful things.

;) :p :p
Julie Andrews....

Julie Andrews....

Her great great grandchildren were on 'Good Morning America' today. Van Trap children recreated and dressed for the part. They also have a CD out with all of the old tunes entitled "The Van Trap Children" Still reaping off of the old royalties ;)

PS. Love it Rob!
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Norah Jones

Norah Jones

Wonderful, Wonderful CD. If you can keep from singing Cold Cold Heart. My daughter-in-law burned it for me. I am a huge fan of hers. Very good for relaxing.
From Granma

From Granma

O.K. I know I'm one of the oldest members and probably the most vocal...but what in the h__l is "burning" C.D.'s????:confused: :confused: :confused: I only do e-mail and internet on this computer..My children bought it for me and set it up 2 Xmas's ago to keep me from calling them ALL the time..Now I call them to tell them they have an e-mail from me:D :D :D NEVER wanted a I go into a-fib if it goes off. Granny

some people have CD drives in their computers that allow them to record data or songs to a disk as well as read data or play music on the computer.

Recording a cd on a computer is called "burning" a disk. There are file sharing services that allow you to download music and other audio files and creat disks with them. Rembember hearing of Napster, it was the first and now defunct but you get the idea.

Taking a regular audio cd and capturing the music from it to digital form on the computer is called "ripping" a cd or dvd. Just to fill in the lexicon.

I have just gotten a DVD drive for my computer and can convert VHS and other video to DVD's. That, of course, is "burning a dvd".

got any list of favorite songs, I can collect them and burn them to cd disk for you. It is fun. and easy with the right software and computer hardware.
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Burning a cd

Burning a cd

Bonnie, I know what you mean about going into a-fib when your computer is down. We got our first computer is Jan. of last year. It was my sisters old one. My hubby said at the time he couldn't care less if he ever got on it. Well I made the mistake of showing him how to use it. In March my 2 year old nephew was over and I don't know what happened but the windows program got lost somewhere. It took me about 2 minutes to talk my hubby into getting a brand new computer. He's hooked. It's been my saving grace this winter since he's been laid off from work. The first thing he does in the morning is to check his fishing site. The new computer has a cd burner on it and I have downloaded over 500 songs. I make CDs and put pictures onto CDs. I am a music junkie so I'm always copying other peoples CDs also. It is a lot of fun. My hubby goes back to work on Mon. so I'll have the computer back.
burning a cd

burning a cd

If you have a music file and you have a burner and the software, you can burn a CD. I have roxio easy cd creater. It is so easy to use My burner will copy a CD in about 3 to 4 minutes. The creater (for files or downloads) takes about 6 to 7 minutes to put 80 minutes worth of music on it. Just thought I'd put my 2 cents in. If you finalize it you can pretty much play it on any standard CD player. You can also get erasable/reusable CDs so you can erase it and put new songs on kin of like taping over a tape only you have to erase it first.
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the answer is YES the napster files are mostly .mp3, very compressed and can be converted by the software back to cda or the traditional cd audio format to play on most cd players.

Peg have you had any luck using the rewriteable disks of audio? I have not.

I have 2 disks with only the .mp3 format on them and it is over 500 songs, etc. I put it in my dvd player and it plays all day and on.


Burning a cd is simple to understand. It's the same idea as taping a show with your VCR...all you're doing is putting stuff onto a CD instead of a tape.

Make sense? :)
Hi Gina,

Pssst... You're too young to be thinking about the "Home" hehehe....

I know... Memphis... hmmm.. well it was 71 here in Nashville yesterday.. It was nature teasing us about the weather to come in a month or two..

Hope you are doing well. I am looking forward to Chicago this year. It should be a wonderful time for all.

Music is our family passion - several professionals - many amateurs. My brother is in assisted living. His college education - all the way up to Master's Degree - was music. He has a large collection of some of the finest classical music you will ever find and he spends much time creating CD's (Bonnie, that's burning) to give to others. My taste doesn't run in this line, but it is beautiful.

I prefer country, easy listenin, and the old hymns (the Hopalong Jesus kind) and gospel. My son loves rock (plays guitar), grandson loves that new stuff. Keep the radio on in the car all the time tuned to local station that plays contemporary and country, or National Public Radio which is classical. Have radio on in my bedroom 24/7 tuned to NPR. Little Sister has a radio show on NPR, Sunday mornings called Bravo Baroque and her name on the show is Nan O'Neal - it's on lots of stations throughout the nation, but not all. I listen, not for the music, but just to hear her. Baroque just isn't my thing.
Hey when is chicago this year? Just wondering...I would like to go, but need to save up money first:D Take it easy!