Mitral Valve Regurgitation

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This is my first time to this forum. The info is very good, but I have some questions.

I've been experiencing rapid heartbeat, fatigue, light-headedness and resulting headaches. Just learned I have mitral leakage. I'm assuming it's mild because surgery wasn't mentioned. I was taking 3 gr Thyroid at the time so my cardiologist cut that in half to see if it would help. I thought it did at first, but now am experiencing all those same symptoms and in general feel really bad most of the time.

I don't know whether to contact my cardiologist again or not. I've been under a lot of stress recently with my husband having two surgeries 6 weeks apart and the doctors and hospital being a 3 hr drive away. There have been a lot of trips and of course, the surgeries and recuperations put a strain on the well too.

Sorry for the long post. I just want to know if it's normal for me to feel this way.

Hi Raelen-

Welcome to the site. I'm sorry you're having mitral valve problems, but there are lots of folks here that have had the same thing, some have had surgery and some are in a watching mode. I think you'll find that the people here are very supportive, and you will have a group of built-in friends who understand the things you are feeling, medically.

My husband is the patient here and has had 3 valve surgeries plus loads of other serious medical things.

It's important to keep in close contact with your cardiologist when you are having symptoms that are troublesome to you. Lots of times, medication adjustments can be made to help you, but more importantly you want to be safe in taking care of yourself. Your cardiologist is the professional who can tell you what's going on with your heart. So, if you are experiencing things you aren't comfortable with, by all means call the cardiologist. That's what they're in business for.

I'm sure you will get lots of answers here from people who have had many, many different experiences. There is a lot to learn from each other, as you will find.

I wish you luck, and hope to see you here often.

Feel free to ask any questions you like, we love to talk.
Hello Raelin!

Hello Raelin!

Welcome to this wonderful site. I'm sure you will find a lot of valuable information and support here. I have to agree with Nancy. You have to keep in close contact with your cardiologist, especially when you are not feeling quite right. It is very important to find out as much information about your condition as possible. That will certainly make it easier for you to understand exactly what is going on. Ask your doc as many questions as you have to until you are satisfied. One thing I have learned is to never assume anything just because your doc hasn't brought anything up. I'm not saying that your leak isn't mild, but you need to talk with your doctor. I'm sorry to hear that you are going through all of this. It is not easy. I hope your husband starts feeling better.

Take Care!
Thanks for the nice welcome!!!

I forgot to tell you I had emergency open heart surgery 2/14/96 for the "widow maker" blockages. Did just fine following that. Three years ago I had a heart cath and was told the pressure in the left ventricle was elevated. I have left bundle branch block also. Now, I have mitral regurgitation with this shortness of breath, sometimes chest pain, fatigue, rapid heartbeat and on and on!

My husband had rotator cuff surgery 6 wks ago and extensive back surgery 12/9. Has a long incision about 5" long! He's tough so will soon be perky again!!
Hey, Rae - welcome to VR. This being the weekend, especially close to Christmas holiday, the replies will be a bit slower til Sun night, probably, but you will get more and more. Lots of good experiences shared here. Sorry you are going through a tough time. Cardiologist/staff told me after bypass that stress and anger are to be avoided like the plague, so probably your stress isn't doing you any good. Try to rest as much as possible, but as the others said, check in again w/your cardiologist. God bless
Good luck to you Rae and welcome. You definately should stay in close touch with your cardiologist. I had mitral valve repair surgery last year and its leaking again and Im scheduled to have the mitral valve replaced on Jan. 3 at Duke University medical. I too have shortness of breath,extreme fatigue, and some heart palpitations. My pressures are also up and my left ventricular is enlarged. I also have developed cardiomyopathy after the mitral valve surgery and congestive heart failure several times. Mine was all contributed to taking Redux in 1997 for 2 months!!
Hope all goes well for you and you wont need surgery soon. Keep on top of it! You've been thru enough lately. Hope your hubby gets well soon. I hear that rotator cuff surgery is very hard.
Keep us informed of your progress.
hi raelen!
welcome to this site. everyone here is so wonderful, caring and helpful. you'll see, in no time others will come forward with more answers for you.
first of all, my husband, joey, the patient here, takes thyroid meds too.
he knows or atleast feels when he thinks his dosage needs to be adjusted.
unfortunately, he does not get light headed or fatiqued. when his dose is too high, he feels edgy, maybe will have flutters (you call them rapid heartbeat or palpitations), and these will all go away once his dose is adjusted.
he used to feel very sluggish when he was taking too little medication for thyeoid.

i'm wondering if maybe you should ask your doc again.
i hope you figure this out and feel better.
please let us know how you are feeling and what happens.
be well, sylvia
You could request a copy of your echo report. Or just call and ask your doctor any questions I've been told "thats what we're paying them for".

Hope your husband has a fast and speedy recovery.

I discovered about 2 years ago that I had Moderate to Severe Mitral Regurgitation. After having what was thought to be a TIA. I knew since I was a child that I had a heart murrmur. Later Mitral Valve Proplase. Which I started taking antiobiotics about 15 years ago when having dental procedures.
I'm on medications. None for thryoid problems. I get an ehco cardiogram every 6 months since that incident 2 years ago.
I've also been told in time I will need to fix the valve. So I've made myself at home here. As far as I'm concerned let the drs. keep perfecting the procedure in the meantime.