Missed my dose

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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2007
North Texas
Well, for the first time in 15 months, I missed taking my pills at dinner last night. So figuring if I take my coumadin 12 hours late it's better than waiting for tonight's dose, or doubling tonight's dose (not!), I took it this morning. That is the correct thing to do, yes? I figure I'll get a fast answer from y'all than waiting for the INR nurse to call me!
Most of us just split the missed dose up over the next two days or just plain don't worry about it. It all works out in the end anyhow. Your not the first person to be human.
YEP, if you miss an evening dose but catch it the next morning, just go ahead and take it.

If you don't realize you missed your dose until the next night, it may be better to split it in half, taking 1.5 doses for two nights.

I 'think' the information sheets say not to take a double dose so splitting the missed dose over 2 days helps avoid a Big Bump. I seem to recall Al Lodwick commenting that taking a Double Dose ONE time "probably" would not result in any adverse affects.

'AL Capshaw'
ALCapshaw2 said:
I seem to recall Al Lodwick commenting that taking a Double Dose ONE time "probably" would not result in any adverse affects.

'AL Capshaw'
Especially if your low to start with. I just double dosed mine and back to smooth sailing.
Thanks. It certainly felt like the right thing, but I appreciate the comfort of your experience.
How on earth I could sit at the table eating dinner with that pill box in front of me and forget it, I don't know!:p
Have a great day!
AgilityDog said:
Thanks. It certainly felt like the right thing, but I appreciate the comfort of your experience.
How on earth I could sit at the table eating dinner with that pill box in front of me and forget it, I don't know!:p
Have a great day!
Hey I had mine in my hand, set it down to go get the coffee and that was that!
It must be an epidemic! I forgot to take my nightime meds on Wednesday night, but didn't notice until I went to take last night's dose (what would we do without pill boxes?!). I've done this a couple of times and just kept going as usual. As far as I know, I've never had an issue. I never thought of splitting the missed dose up over the week... May have to keep that in mind.
When I finish eating my dinner and put the fork down, I take my coumadin.
Pill box is staring at me....fool proof, right? Wrong.
If someone shows up at the door, or I get an important phone call, once or twice the pill has been forgotten.
My back up plan:
I have a BP med that I take in the late evening.
If I go for it and the coumadin is still in the pill box with it, I'm saved from missing it.
No big deal. I've been on the stuff forever and I MISSED (was 12 hours late) a dose several days ago. I just took my normal dose when I noticed my error and resumed my normal dose the next day. Had an INR test today and was right in range.
Warfarin has a half-life of approx. 2-3 days, so I'm not expecting a dramatic impact when you forget to take your dose for a day. Plasma levels won't drop that much since there's still significant levels of warfarin from previous days.
Boy I'm glad you all are here. I just missed last nights dose of Warfarin and didn't know what to do. No problem, just do a search on vr.com and voila!

I run low so I think I'll do the old split-em-up routine over the next couple of days rather than pass on the dose. Nice to know there are other folks out there who forget too, I've been kicking myself around the block about how I could be so forgetful with medication that is so important. In my next life I'll have more memory installed. :p

Thanks again. Peace and Goodwill to you all. Ruth
Missed my Coumadin last night too

Missed my Coumadin last night too

Just thought that if you could stand one more post, two might be a-ok!

Woke up this morning to find that I missed my dose last night..dang! Took the full dose right away and will make up the balance over the coming week.
I have done this more than a few nights, so I think I will just change to mornings. Since we home test, that should not pose a problem.
