miserable, can't breathe

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I don't know if it's a medicine reaction, but I feel miserable. It's hard to breathe, I feel claustrophobic. They gave me torridol I think, plus anti-nausea meds. I feel so hot and like I want to crawl out of my skin. My husband is at home. I think I need vicodin instead, or oxycodone. I can't have the vic til 9 am though, because I've exceeded my tylenol limit. Please pray that this stops. I wish this tube could come out. It's causing most of my trouble.
I don't know if it's a medicine reaction, but I feel miserable. It's hard to breathe, I feel claustrophobic. They gave me torridol I think, plus anti-nausea meds. I feel so hot and like I want to crawl out of my skin. My husband is at home. I think I need vicodin instead, or oxycodone. I can't have the vic til 9 am though, because I've exceeded my tylenol limit. Please pray that this stops. I wish this tube could come out. It's causing most of my trouble.

Praying to give you comfort, He is there for you, He will give you all you ask for, He is there with you right now.
After they took my breathing tube out I found it very hard to breathe, it was like I could not expand my lungs but it did get better day by day, it is just a very uncomfortable feeling. It WILL get better.
What tube are you referring to?

I do not react well to any pain meds but percocet. Meds can cause the symptoms you are mentioning so please let the nurses know what is going on. Ask them to at least try switching you.
You may very well be having a reaction to the medication, but if you feel your ability to breathe has changed, you need to let someone know. It could be something else developing that needs attention. I'm sorry that you are there alone at this time and I hope that you get some relief soon. Keep us posted.

Breathing problems, once the breathing tube is out, is indicative of a problem. Whether it is med related, stress related or something else is not as important as getting it checked out. Please let them know right away.
chest tube, i had breathing tube out yesterday

Breathing is difficult once they take that breathing tube out. It takes a while for your lungs to get back to capacity. I was quite surprised how hard it was for me to breath after they took that tube out, it just takes time to get those lungs to expand again. Just take it easy, and try to expand those lungs, use the spirometer often. They had to give me breathing treatments for the week I was in the hospital because of my difficulty breathing.
Press that nurse call button!!! Tell them how you are feeling. Make your voice heard!! Then to help relieve some of your anxiety try to concentrate on some small thing in your room...watch TV, watch the second hand on the clock...anything to focus on. It is almost 9:00 so just concentrate on something for a little while longer. You are not alone! God has helped you get this far and he won't leave you now. Also your VR family is here for you! Hang in there! Call a nurse and then focus.
Warm hugs and calm thoughts being sent to you from Tn.
Should you be on the computer while dealing with this difficulty? Has the surgeon made morning rounds? What does he think is causing the problem? I was still on oxygen my second day post-op, they can check your O2 sats and if they're low, increase the volume.
I find it quite fascinating that your lucid enough to even be able to type and make any sense at all. I sure couldn't for a good long time after surgery. I knew where I wanted my fingers to go on a phone, but do you think they'd go where I wanted?
I hope you called the nurse or a doctor. If you are having problems breathing there is a problem it could be anything from fluid around your heart or lungs or a collapsed lung.
I agree with the others that part of your feeling sounds like they coulkd be med related some pain meds make me feel like I want to ruip my skin off because it feels too tight and itchy.
I just noticed it's been a couple hours since your post, so hopefully you told someone.
I agree with Ross. Sounds like to me you're doing pretty good if you can type two days after surgery! Two days after my AVR I was still in ICU for they had to reopen me on day 2. But I was more fortunate than some, I was only on the respirator for 5 days the last time. That was the only tube I don't forget.
Oh, I know I'm doing pretty well. I'm grateful for that. They've been trying to manage my pain. But the brst part is, I got the chest tube out. Yaaaaaay. I feel much better now. It didn't even hurt that much.

I can type a little at a time, but I make a lot of mistakes I have to go back and fix, because I have the kind of oxymeter that sticks on, and it catches 2 letters at once.

Thank you everyone for the support. It helps knowing I can talk to you when my husband isn't here!!
I had to have the breathing tube put back in because my body was too "wet" meaning I had lots of fluid on the lungs. They put the tube back in, took me off all meds and then it was able to come out the next day. Breathing was so hard, I didn't fight the tube going back in. I don't really remember it.
I glad to hear things are going your way. Hopefully you will be going home within a few days. Good luck, and God Bless
You're doing pretty well for 2 days after surgery. Glad to hear the chest tube is out. I can't remember when mine came out, but I know it wasn't this early. Why are they giving you so much Tylenol?

All the anesthesia drugs can make you sweat after surgery. There is another drug I had during childbirth and after my surgery because my blood pressure was high - Mag Sulfate, I think - that caused me to be very hot.

Relax, get some rest, it's way too early to feel good!