Mid Scapular Pain after TAAD Ascending Aneurysm Repair

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Feb 11, 2007
Jupiter, Florida near West Palm Beach on the east
I had surgery on May 2 to repair an ascending aortic aneurysm and it was my second open heart surgery as my signature shows. I am now five months post op and have recurring pain in the mid back just slightly to the left side. It is the exact spot that caused me severe pain post op and prohibited me from laying flat on my back for days. I notice it now after I lift something a bit too heavy. Is there anyone else who has had similar surgeries with this mid scapular pain that can share any insights. I am assuming it is nerve damage. I also had onset of hair loss and thinning about 2.5 months post op and the dermatologist confirmed it to be telogen effluviam from the stress of anesthesia and surgery which will hopefully slow down over time. My hair is about two thirds of former thickness but I had lots to begin with so I am very blessed. Thanks in advance for any replies.
Hi Scrappy,
I had an aortic aneurysm repaired a little over a year ago and have experienced pain similar to what you have described. I think it is common to have back pain after open heart surgery. My pain is in my mid back up to my shoulders. The pain tends to get worse as the weather changes, which it definitely does at this time of the year where I live. I have tried therapeutic massage, which seems to help in the short term but I am trying to find something that will help with long term relief. I am actually meeting with my doctor soon to discuss any physical therapies that would be beneficial. I would discuss this with your doctor to find options to help alleviate your pain.
I'll let you know if I find anything.
Although I didn't experience it myself, I've heard stories about the hair loss. From what I've heard, it is temporary.

As for the back pain, I had lots of back, shoulder, and neck pain for most of the first year post-op. I took arthritis formula Tylonol for it when I needed to. I still have it now ocassionally (20 months post-op), although not as intense. It seems to come and go with extreme weather changes, the worse being when we have a cold and damp snap. Last week the weather went from hot and humid to cold and damp in literally one day, and that was the first time in months I had to take the arthritis formula Tylonol for it.
Back Pain is Common. Stretching and anti-inflammatories help.

Back Pain is Common. Stretching and anti-inflammatories help.

Hello -

Back pain is pretty common. During OHS, the surgeon opens your sternum and folds you back pretty severely. Think of it as releasing your inner butterfly.

It also massively stresses the back and rib/spine connections. You might have some tendon or ligament damage.

Mine went away after 2-3 months. I did back stretches and that helped. So did anti-inflammaories. Many people recommended massage also.

Good luck -

Back Pain

Back Pain

I had terrible back pain in my rhomboids(?) muscles under scapulas after OHS. I had a nurse that gave me back rubs in the hospital, and likely would've proposed, except my girlfriend was a great massage therapist. Numerous massages did the trick for me. Wishing you similar relief! Brian
I too had this pain...it did go away with the passing of time...a hot-pack and an ice-pack alternately was what gave me most relief,. I also used muscle relaxants sometimes and did some stretches.
scapular pain

scapular pain


I had severe pain mid-scapular, more to the left side of my back. This started about 3 days after surgery. This pain felt like a hot, steel rod being poked through my back. Doctors had no explaination. It took about 2 months post-surgery for it to go away. The pain reoccurs occaisionally but is resolved by a visit to the chiropractor who stated that the ribs are so stretched opened during surgery that is misalignes all the muscles and connective tissure. Whenever this pain comes back, an adjustment from the chiropractor takes is away.
Back Pain Issue

Back Pain Issue

Evelyn, thanks for writing. Yours is the most accurate description of my pain too. I have said it feels like a manual knife sharpener stick poking into one single spot near my left shoulder blade and it is always that same spot. My pain also appeared right after surgery. I will try a chiropractor and pray it gets better over time. Thx for the advice.