Metoprolol Tartrate for how long?

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I had an AVR and ascending aorta repair done 02/05/08 and the doctor prescribed Metoprolol to reduce my heart rate. I also had a parocardio window done on 02/11/08. I am taking 1/2 pil(25mg) twice daily. He didn't prescribe more because the medication lowers my blood pressure too much. Is anyone else taking Metoprolol? How long do you think I will have to take it or will I take it indefinitely.
Beta-blockers (Metoprolol - also known as Toprol, Atenolol, etc.) are typically taken after any valve surgery. I am just being taken off mine and it has been 2.5 years since my surgery (I have been taking 12.5mg daily for the past six months). Others have been taken off relatively quickly - some within a few weeks, if I remember correctly. Why do you ask? Are you having side effects? I believe the most common one reported here is vivid dreaming...
I was off in about 2 weeks post op. But my cardio put me back on to lower BP.
Been on Atenolol for roughly 6 months and hope, like Mike, will be off some day in the near future. No side effects for me, but it has helped my BP.
Pray you have a great recovery

AVR 08/24/08 2xBPG
Just wondering how long I will be on it. Just not a big fan of being on any medications more than I have to be. No side effects that I know of. However, I will be on Coumadin indefinitely with a mechanical valve.
I too was on Metoprolol 1/2 pil(25mg) twice daily. And I was on it for almost 7 months. I was slowly taken off it because I was experiencing dizzy and almost fainting dreams though.

After talking to my cardio dude yesterday, he did say that Metoprolol can cause those symptoms I experienced ....."its the bodies way of saying I had enough of this med". So I've been off it since October '07.

I wouldn't panic in regards of the duration of taking this med. Everyone heals differently.

Relax and take your pills for now. Your doctor will know when (and maybe if) you can go off them. Time will only tell.......but don't fret about this. Focus on healing.

Take Care and be good to yourself:)
Im 5 weeks post op and am taking Toprol 100mg once a day. I just actually had the prescription refilled and when I asked my PCP about lowering the dose he deferred to the cardiologist who I meet next week for a followup. Currently when Im simply sitting and am awake my heart rate is around 80 bpm, Im assuming it drops into the lower 70s when I sleep. Didn't really pay attention to this prior to my surgery so I don't know what to compare it against. My BP yesterday was 105/70 so thats not really an issue for me.

I think you can expect to be on a beta-blocker for at least 6 months, probably longer. I suspect I will be on this for at least a year.
I've been on Metoprolol 25mg (12.5 twice a day) since my surgery in 2006.
The dr has never said anything about going off. I have two mechanical valves so really do'nt expect to go off. Helps with your BP with having mechanial valves.
I've never had any side effects from it...
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My Status

dillondog said:
I had an AVR and ascending aorta repair done 02/05/08 and the doctor prescribed Metoprolol to reduce my heart rate. I also had a parocardio window done on 02/11/08. I am taking 1/2 pil(25mg) twice daily. He didn't prescribe more because the medication lowers my blood pressure too much. Is anyone else taking Metoprolol? How long do you think I will have to take it or will I take it indefinitely.

When I initially was switched to Metoprolol, I was taking 50MG twice a day. It made me really light headed since my BP was so low. So my cardiologist switched me to 25MG twice a day. That helped my blood pressure. It was around that time however, that I started having issues with insomnia. After studying the causes of it we determined that it was the Metoprolol. So my cardiologist switched me to 50MG extended release. I take it only in the morning now, and that has helped with my insomnia.

As far as I know, I'm under the impression I will take this for the rest of my life. I guess that could always change.

Hope this helps.
I took metoprolol in a small dose (12.5mg) for about 2 months post MV replacement to control BP. Also on a small dose of lysinopril (5mg).

I pressed my doctor to take me off the metoprolol since it caps your pulse and limits hard exercise. My BP was OK. He didn't think this dose really did much so he told me it was OK and monitor BP at home.

No problems with BP so I'm still off. Still take lysinopril (5mg) and have BP about 120/80.

I was put on Metoprolol for rate control. I have been on it since 2003. I have a pacemaker so it doesn't make my BP go too low. Among drugs, metroprolol is relatively benign and has few side effects for most people. I am fond of it actually. It really works for me.

I think now that I am mostly out of aFib I may get a reduction at my next appt. and I do look forward to it as a sign of progress.
I had an aortic valve repair done on Jan 8th ( i am 25) and I am on Metoprolol 25mg as well. As far as I know my doc wants me to stay on it FOREVER! Which is great news because it is supposed to lower the friction on the repaired valve. He also has me taking two baby aspirin. If you have a BAV the metoprolol is even more beneficial since BAV's tend to ware out when we get older so this should make the repair last as long as possible.
Freddie said:
I too was on Metoprolol 1/2 pil(25mg) twice daily. And I was on it for almost 7 months. I was slowly taken off it because I was experiencing dizzy and almost fainting dreams though.

After talking to my cardio dude yesterday, he did say that Metoprolol can cause those symptoms I experienced ....."its the bodies way of saying I had enough of this med". So I've been off it since October '07.

I wouldn't panic in regards of the duration of taking this med. Everyone heals differently.

Relax and take your pills for now. Your doctor will know when (and maybe if) you can go off them. Time will only tell.......but don't fret about this. Focus on healing.

Take Care and be good to yourself:)

Interesting you say that. I had my surgery a little over a year ago and because of issues with low heart efficiency I was put on more medications than most folks after surgery. I was on as much at 200mg of metoprolol but have been on 100mg for over 6 months. I am due to go back to the cardiologist in May and lately have started experiencing the same dizziness I did after surgery when I stand up. I check my blood pressure and heart rate and it's great. I was thinking the very thing you body may be saying enough's enough or at least time to drop to a lower dose. Figured I would ask my cardio next month.
