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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
hi everyone, Guess i should introduce self better here im 46 female and just figured id pop in see if anyone knows anything about metoprolol drug? any one fill me in if theyve taken it and how they felt........nighmares?????? also on lenoxin, comidin, ezetrol and aspirin a half but not felt good in a year since i started this metoporolol.gotta work at 6am and almost 11 pm now so ill sign out and thanks to anyone who knows abit from experience of this drug .ive been reading more on board than massaging however luv the information and support keep up the good work all of you pros at this.....thanks again and oh spent evening trying to get my dog chicos pic on think i did alleterate haahha .thanks again to any info.
zipper2 sighning out
hey everyone spell check always lol should read messaging not massaging


There's a search field in the upper right of the forum layout. Enter the word "metoprolol" to get a listing of messages containing that word.

I've had some problems with metoprolol causing surprisingly severe depression. Others have reported vivid dreams and other unpleasant effects. My cardio-guy says I couldn't maintain a good ejection fraction without it, but if I had known I'd have to take beta-blocker drugs forever I might not have gone through with the surgery.

Two snorts to port and steady as she goes...
XL Version

XL Version

My cardiologist put me on the XL version of metoprolol, but it caused a nasty side effect. I was allergic to something in the medication and broke out in a major rash shortly after taking 25 mg. The rash was the head-to-toe variety. We never investigated to see if my allergy was related to the drug or one of the binders in the pills.

It's a commonly used med to control high blood pressure. I wasn't on it long enough to see if it caused any other side effects.

Like Phillip..I too was allergic to the drug. Broke out in a terrible rash. I was switched to Atenalol. I have very few problems, honestly I dont' really notice any ill effects from atenalol.
Dick has taken it since surgery ( 4 years ago)- no side effects.
Hello Zipper2 and greetings from ONtario!
Many of us take Metoprolol or Toprol....and many of us have had vivid and somewhat crazy dreams from it. I've been on it for over 2 yrs now and have been able to reduce my dose down to 50 mg per day. I can say that my crazy dreams have diminished and I tolerate the med at a low dose. It does a good job of keeping my BP and heart rate stable.
Welcome Zipper2! I too send you greetings from Saskatoon. So nice to see that you joined this great and informative group. I too was on Metoprolol, but I didn't experience any dreams. I'm sorry I can't help you, I just wanted to say "hi".
When I was in A-Fib a couple of months before surgery, I was put on 100 mg of metroprolol (50 twice a day) and I felt like s--t!! I am now on 25 mg (12½ twice a day) just to keep my heartrate down, and the only thing I have are the vivid dreams, but I feel very good.
I take 75 mg of Toprol XL every morning. I don't seem to have any side effect from it. But a couple of months ago, I was switched to the generic brand, metroprolol .. I started getting constant headaches. I could not figure out what was going on...I usually just never get headaches. I finally figured out that the only thing I was doing differently was the generic Toprol. I talked to my cardiologist and he switched me back to the Brand name. Headaches went away and have not been back.
I've been on between 25mg and 50mg of Metoprolol for the last 2 years. I didn't even know to watch for side effects :D I'll probably start noticing symptoms that aren't there now! hee hee. I was just upped from 25mg/day to 25mg twice daily. I've had no problems. My palpitations have dramatically decreased since increasing my dose. All good for me.
I have been on it at various doses (50-200mg per day). At times I found myself feeling sleepy and/or dizzy from it at higher doses. I also have the wildest dreams, but they are usually quite amusing :D and I look forward to them. It does a great job on my BP and heartrate.
aussigal said:
. I also have the wildest dreams, but they are usually quite amusing :D and I look forward to them. It does a great job on my BP and heartrate.

Ton..You crack me up:D
Maybe I should have read-over my post first....I now have thoughts of my heartrate dancing all over the place at night in-tune to my crazy dreams....with the metoprolol racing around trying to calm things down:D