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Just wondering if anybody as been on spironolactone and furosemide at the same time. I know i can find out of the doctors its just that its the first time we have had to deal with meds. I have looked them up on the net and they both seem to do the same thing so wondering why he would need both. The consultant said they would draw water from his blood and help Curt to breath eaiser. Thanks for any help
Re: Meds

Hi Paula,
I am currently taking both spironolactone and furosemide and have been for a year and a half. Both are diuretics; however, spironolactone is a potassium sparing diuretic while furosemide is not and requires that supplemental potassium be taken. I've noticed no side effects from taking both drugs together other than the need to make more frequent trips to the bathroom and that's more of an inconvenience than a side effect.
Hi Paula, how did it go yesterday? I assume they put him on these meds just yesterday? I can't help with your question about that - I have furosemide but not the other one you mention - but just wondered what they'd had to say and if you feel happier now about the direction his treatment is taking?
Thankyou for the replys, we have already been warned about needing the loo more.

Lynn, thankyou for your concern, i have already posted a up-date in pre surgery.
Chloe was on both for a couple of years, both before her replacement and just after. I can't say I asked why both at the time so I don't know the answer to that but they were pretty effective at clearing the water until her regurg got too bad for them.
I take 160mgs of lasix and the spiro also. The spiro has cut my potassium pills from 8 20meq to 3meq per day so it does work well to store potassium. I have not noticed more trips to the bathroom at all. I have noticed I don't have the legs aches I had when my potassium was always so low.


I was on both post surgery, the spironolactone was discontinued on the cardio's instruction after about 3 months. The furosemide was discontinued after 15 months at the same time I stopped beta blockers after my heart had remodelled and function was back to normal. :)