Losing the fight, off to the hospital I must go...

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Well gang, the old foot is still trying to do me in, so it's off to the hospital for a picc line and IV antibiotics, surgeon consult and possible draining of this infection. Guess I'll get my abdominal echo and whatever else while I'm there. You all know how I love the hospital, so you know I'm clinging to the ceiling and ready to bolt.

There are no beds available at the moment, so if one becomes available tonight, I go tonight. If not, I wait for a phone call in the morning when one becomes available.

Be good, be kind, and behave while I'm gone.
:( so sorry Ross..
Lets hope it gets resolved very quickly.. and that you don't take on another dx while there!
Stay well.. and hurry back!

Sorry to hear you aren't feeling better. I will be praying for you and sending you best wishes for a speedy recovery. We will miss you. Try to get some rest, tho at times it is hard to do in a hospital. Do try to behave yourself, too. Best of Luck.
I'm with Mary, try to behave yourself!! What? We have to behave while you are gone?

My prayers are with you and get some much needed rest (if possible).
Ross, sorry to hear you have to go to hospital abyss. Hope everything is resolved quickly and without event. Prayers going out for you.

Wise & Cindy

Hope it turns out to be a much better hospital visit than in the past, and they fix the problem speedily. Be on the lookout for cute nurses (buit I don't have to tell you that, do I? :D
Hi Ross

Hi Ross

You just get better soon !!
I think that you are the one that will have to behave with all the nurses around you !!
Hoping to hear that you stay in hospital will be a short one.
Best Wishes
Wendy Ernie & Fam.
Oh Ross, what c**ppy news! Really hope they sort you out quickly and you have a very short and uneventful stay there!
Love Emma
Oh Lordy Ross....Hope you get to feeling better...

Oh Lordy Ross....Hope you get to feeling better...

Hope they get this under control and cleared up for you ASAP, Please know that I will be waiting to hear and routing you on all the way.....Harrybaby:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Dear Ross:

Remember, this is just a battle, and not the war. Certainly not great news, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. I hope you can keep in touch with us, in some way, so we know just how you are making out.

God speed.

It's deep seated enough that alarm bells are going off in the Doctors head. If this thing hits my blood stream and sets up shop on the mechanical valve.............

I've made it more then clear that a PICC line goes in first thing, that there will not be multiple sticks and IV relocations and not to let anyone enter my room without washing their hands and gloving up. I won't stand for an open IV line pack coming in either, they can open it in front of me.
I hope you assign someone to post for you..Know, the last time you were in hospital. too many calls...but shows how much we care..:) I know there are many of us that would be willing to help..posting your progress....Hope you can get some help and be out before the Easter weekend.Bonnie
WE will try to behave and have no parties nor fussing and figthtin while you are out of the house. my fingers crossed, you asked? who me? not me!

leavin the light on for ya.............

p.s. yes, I am concerned.