Little girl at Duke

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This poor family needs all the prayers they could get. The news just said that the girl is not just brain dead but dead. That under the circumstances she should be unhooked from life support. The family wants a 2nd opinion but Duke won't even give them that. I don't understand why they (Duke) won't have another doctor look at her if it will put some ease in the minds of the family. It is so sad and it was so unnecessary.
After all thats gone on at Duke, Im wondering if I should go back as scheduled March 5th. Its a darn shame because my cardiologist and cardiac surgeon were great! My prayers go out to that childs family. Her Mothers heart must be aching. Why would they not allow her a 2nd opinion and why was it the doctor that did the surgery decided to unplug life support? It does sound fishy to me.
Jessica is dead. They removed her from life support sometime around 5 pm Saturday. :(
"As of approximately 5 p.m., she is no longer on a respirator," a hospital spokeswoman told CNN. Santillan was declared dead by doctors after a series of tests determined she had no brain function, the hospital said in a statement.
Did the family give permission for the Dr. to remove her from life support? I read somewhere that they didn't.

Alicia, if your surgeon and cardiologist are great, I'd feel ok to go back. It was at the fault of her surgeon that she got the wrong organs in the first place. If he would have checked to see what the blood type was vs. Jesica's blood type was, she'd still be alive! 2 seconds! That's all it would have taken, if that!

I feel bad for her family, to have gone through all this and to lose your daughter after having so much hope. It just sort of makes you think as a parent and look at your kids and want to give them hugs, doesn't it?
Too heartbreaking

Too heartbreaking

I cant stand to watch the news anymore... I think I'll spend my 2 weeks left leaving my newspaper on the porch.

God bless this girl and her family...


Duke is probably safer now than most hospitals, only because they will be triple checking everything, especially heart related problem, Jessica's doctor/surgeon was for pediatrics.

You don't need to add this to your worries, if you feel confident with your cardiologist then by all means go back to him/her.

This is so sad what happened to Jessica and her family, the news has been really bad the pass few weeks, I can't stand to watch it either.

Alicia, please forgive my comment about Duke. It was made in a sudden burst of anger. I think Terry40 is right, you will get the best treatment, it's just something that happened that should never have happened.

I have a hard time reading this next news story without tears coming to my eyes.
This news makes me feel more vulnerable. How can this happen!? At a highly respected facility to boot.
My heart goes out to Jesica's family and friends.
Illegal alien...

Illegal alien...

Do you guys realize that this person was an ILLEGAL ALIEN?

Do you think ILLEGAL ALIENS should be put ahead of the TAX PAYING CITIZENS of this country?

Do you think illegal aliens should be allowed to come here seeking medical attention ... and then be allowed to SUE?

I?m sorry for this girl and her family..... I?m sorry for every starving, abused, and sickly child on earth.

Gina, they are saying that it was probably a clerical error. I KNOW, I KNOW... the doctor is ultimately to blame.
I'm not very familiar with how the whole donor program works. Is it a national or international program? I have some opinions on the issue, but I don't know if I completely understand the whole program. If I had all the information, I may change my opinion and share my feelings, but I don't want to comment without knowing all the facts. If an organ was available in another country but was not compatable with anyone in that country, do they open it up to other countries?
Regarding sueing: Everyone wants to go where there is the best medical treatment available. Example: Let's say that someone in the U.S. needed to have something done and the best place to get that procedure done was England. Something goes terribly wrong, by fault of the physician or the facility, and this person is permanently disabled or dies. Do you feel that person or family has the right to sue the physician or facility in England? I am not knowledgeable about the laws in England when it comes to medical malpractice, this is just an example.

Take Care!
Rain, I think I tried to make that point earlier...THe mother was bitching about the US medical facilities, saying that she wishes she never came here to get her daughter help. First of all, how did an illegal alien get on the donor list? I really don'tthink she has any right to sue. Yeah, the child's family is upset and I understand that, but don't go bashing the US when she really has no right to be here in the first place. SHe pays no taxes, and gets away with it. Now she is going to try to sue to become rich. Like the mother said,she should have just stayed in mexico.
" Teaching" Hospitals

" Teaching" Hospitals

I hate to say this but I will do it because the people on this web site are my friends. "Teaching" hospitals like Duke are some of the most dangerous places to be operated. They are mills and a lot of people learning do the work supposely supervised ,but not always. My cardio wanted me to go to Cleveland for my MVR and I was ready to go till I talked with a friend ,an MD oncologist,who went there for an MVR and barely got out alive mainly because his wife stayed with him day and night and when he was on the way out got some top staff instead of the resident to help. I went to my county hospital where I knew the doctors and nurses and they knew me. No residents, just highly skilled fully trained surgeons and their superb PA's took care of me. By the way Senators Helms and Graham recently survived operations at Fairfax. For most conditions this is the best though ,I admit for some operations a "teaching" hospital is necessary. I know I trained at one.
While I know what your getting at by the Illegal Alien thing, please remember that we are talking about a human being. There is a lot of things to blame, be jealous of, mad at, etc,. but bottom line, she was a fellow human in need and I still feel it's our duty to try and do what we can. The whole thing just blew up in the parents faces. I cannot imagine what I would be thinking. I know I'd be very ticked and yes, I'd probably sue too. The problem we all have is that we don't know all the facts surrounding this case and probably never will.

Let's please be compassionate with our fellow humans. What happened could have easily been one of us instead. We are still here for a reason, whatever it may be.
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Ross and Peggy...while you may be wise, the mother has NO RIGHT to complain about the US. Maybe she should be deported? We have enough **** with the terrorist, we do NOT need an ingrateful illegal alien in our country. That's what I was getting at. Like I was telling Peggy, I hate religion. It's a bunch of bull just made up to scare people into being "nice"


Since you have heard the Mother speaking about her child and coming to America for treatment, I have the following question and a comment for you.

La Madre tiene derecho a ir en cualquier parte en el mundo por cuidado de la salud por su hija.

?Sabe que medicos en Mexico son solo requirio tiene seis anos de educacion. Hay mismo pocos trasplantes del corazon hacen en Mexico.

La Madre estaba solo hace lo que penso estaba mejor por la nina...


Ross said nothing about religion so I don't know where that came from and all I got to say to you is that I'll pray for you.
I do not speak spanish, it was on CNN. I just don't think they have any right to complain about us, alright?
Joy, I am not wise, if I were I wouldn't be in the position I'm in.

I've had plenty happen to me that simply tells me that being compassionate to another human can only make lives better. I've been on the receiving end of the other side. It's a great way to tear a person to pieces. No one deserves that, not even animals.
I'm not turning this into a religous debate, I'm merely expressing the feelings that I have inside myself just as you are expressing yours. ;)

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