Lets Talk Lovenox for a minute.

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If I took a Lovenox shot at 8am in the morning, how long would it take for my body to be completey Lovenox free. I need to know this for bridging purposes.
So I call Sanofi-Aventis for info and they say 12 hours it leaves your system. They ask me why and I tell them I am having surgery and the brakes come on hard. You will have to talk to your Doctor about that, we will not take any position with you on the phone. Your Doctor will have to call us. Okay Dokey


Randy, I've had three surgeries since my OHS, and used Lovenox as a bridge for all three. 12 hours is what the surgeons told me, although each was a little bit different about how soon to restart the injections after the procedure. I assumed it was the difference in the risks of bleeding associated with each operation...:)
Whoever is managing your anticoagulation (Coumadin AND Lovenox) should tell you when to stop the Lovenox injections prior to surgery. Alternatively, your Surgeon or Cardiologist can tell you, preferably in conjunction with whoever is managing your anticoagulation and the concent of the surgeon.

I'm 'thinking' that I was told to take my last Lovenox injection 24 hours before my Colonoscopy but I would need to find the schedule to be absolutely sure.

I 'believe' I restarted the Lovenox injections the night following my colonoscopy (roughly 12 hours after). Again, I'd need to find the schedule to be absolutely sure.

You SHOULD be given a protocol / schedule by whoever is managing your anticoagulation and/or whoever wrote the prescription for the Lovenox.

'AL Capshaw'
There is no official procedure. Lots of ideas, but these are always changing.
You should be under a doctor's care that has experience with this stuff. I had serveral lovenox bridges and the doctors always consult and my cardio always takes the lead in antiocoagulation.
I started my Lovenox today. I always find it so amazing that my INR can drop from 3.1 to 1.3 by not taking my Coumadin for 2 dys. It really comes down fast for me, of course I take 12.5 mg/day.
You are correct. The fact that you require a higher dose to keep you in range is the reason the INR drops so fast when stopping it. I have yet had to stop Coumadin and do a bridge for any procedure. But if for some reason I forget a dose, or in the past, have my dose adjusted to greatly, my INR drops like a rock in water.

Randy, you must have a Ferrari Liver since you take 12.5! I think mine is a Porsche.:D

I picture the warfarin getting to my liver and some bruiser of a liver foreman yelling "Okay boys - let's get this processed and processed quickly!! Then it's drinks on me!"
Bridging is a way of hedging your bets.

There is more risk of bleeding when you bridge but most bleeds are easier to deal with than clots. If you do not bridge then you are more likely to clot.