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:mad: Well hes fianlly done it after giving us loads more grief, my son who turned 18 last week. Broke in and stole some of our stuff and Curts ps2 and gameboy.We feel that we didn't have any option but to ring the police, now we have to go through the process of takin him to court, something i don't really want to do but am not sure what his next move will be if i dont :( . Not had much time to worry about, Curts check-up coming up 25th of April. Kids?
Paula, I'm sorry to have to read this.
I'm afraid I would have to do the same thing............tough love is TOUGH!

Good Luck and all the best to you and Curt on the 25th
I'm sorry to read that he's not wised up. Sometimes tough love is the only choice. I'm sure this is very upsetting for all of you.
Sorry to hear about this, but you're doing the right thing. Otherwise, what's next? I'm sure it's tough and I don't envy you. Best wishes and good luck.
At 18 I hope there is still enough "kid" in him to take this as a lesson and turn himself around for the better. I pray that it ends well for you all.
I am so sorry to hear your son's situation.. Unfortunately I understand, we have been down that road with our oldest daughter.. drugs/alcohol, mental illness.. I can be quite painful!
You did the right thing..making him accountable for his behavior!
Sorry it has been a rough time.
Thanks ror the replys, it certainly doesn't make me feel any better knowing iam doing the right thing. He was arrested last night and released on bail untill 3 o'clock today. He never went back to the police station, im not really sure what will happen from here, i know that Curtis is not going to get his things back. I am staying strong in the hope that one day he will realise he his making a big mistake and i know that there is still good in him, he as just lost his way:(
I really know how hard this can be. My youngest son, now 35, went through a lot from his teens to about 30. He now has meet the love of his life and is getting married soon. I am so proud of him, now!!! It will work out, it takes some longer than others but it will work out. What made it so very hard is that his older brother was almost perfect. Everybody loved him. Made school very difficult because teachers remembered older brother and expected as much from him.

My thoughts and prayers are coming your way.
we are proud of you and very sorry for your son and your family. It takes courage to do what you did. I think that if more families would take that step, the children might have an obstacle they couldn't fight anymore if parents all decided they weren't going to take it anymore. Too many enable these children and we all understand why. They are our babies, after all.
Thanks Jackie that makes me feel so much better. It breaks my heart because we havn't been bad parents, we have give him chance after chance, now i realise he needs to want to change his self. Nothing i can do is going to help, i'm just hoping he dosn't hold it against me involving the law because i'am giving him a criminal record. I had my times when i was a teen but times have changed and i would never speak to my parents the way my son as spoke to me. Iam guessing he will sort his self out when he's ready, just feel abit low at the moment as we have Curt's surgery hanging over us too but have hope that it will all turn out good in the end.
and thanks Ann, i know i can't let him get away with it as he will think he can do what he wants and get away with it. He as always been quite good and think he is just mixing with the wrong crowd.
Paula, He will be angry for awhile, I know, I had to do the same thing in a little different way. My son was on drugs and I finally called 911 and had them take him to the county hospital. the worst day of my life. They held him for 72 hours and released him. He was mad and has brought it up quite a few times. However now admits that it was the best thing I could have done. It took awhile but all is well and we can enjoy each other along with his girl friend who says "I love him for the person he is today", I love that girl.

Now you have to concentrate on Curt.

Again, my best wishes.
Just a quick update to say he was arrested on sunday night and bailed until monday afternoon, he didn't go back to the police station and up to know they havn't found him as yet.
Paula. I truly feel for you. My 38 year old son is bipolar and has given us much grief over the years. Right now no-one knows where he is. He has 4 children by 3 ex-wives and does not even call them. He disappears for months at a time. We have tried to help him too many times to count. After the last time about five years ago we had to tell him no more help. We see our grandchildren and help out with then now. I pray that your son will see that you are just trying to help him and will become the son you want.