KMan Update

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My dad wanted me to let you all know that he made it through his surgery and is so grateful to all of you for the support and terrific information you provided him before his big day. He had the surgery Monday morning and by Monday night was able to participate in a rousing game of "doped up" charades with family and medical personnel. Through his hand signals we were able to discern that: a) he wanted his breathing tube removed immediately, and b) he wanted to be released from the hospital in 3 days. :) He was more than a little disappointed that they kept the breathing tube in for a few hours past the time he woke up, but because he was prepared for the tube he didn't resist it. If all goes according to plan, he will be out of the ICU and onto the sub-acute floor today. I will be seeing him tonight. Again, thanks for all your support. Hopefully the next post you receive will come from my dad directly.
thanks so much for the report. He sounds like he'll be inj fine fettle soon. In the meantime he might as well sleep - well, besides the walks they will send him on. Remind him not to sneeze. Let him know we have the light on for him. Blessins..........
Thanks for the update. It sounds like he is doing great, and I look forward to hearing from him directly. Let him know we welcome him to this side of the mountain, and give him our best wishes for a smooth, uneventful, recovery.
I'm glad to hear this news, and I have to say I laughed outloud when I read his intention of being discharged in three days. If positive thinking can result in a short hospitalization, your dad will be out of there in record time!
Please give him our best, and we'll wait for a post from home.:)
Thanks for the update. It looks like your father's positive attitude is working well for him. Please give him our best wishes for a speedy and uneventful recovery.
Kind regards,
Thanks for the update. Awesome news.

I think he'll enjoy that new bovine valve of his. I sure love mine!

Moo!! :D

Best wishes,

I'm going to have to try that 3-days thing when I'm in the ICU recovering - sounds like it just might work!

Glad to hear everything is going so well! He'll be home in no time :)
Congratulations on the good news about your Dad. It is good to hear that he is doing so well - just warn him to not over do it. He will need time for his body to heal, especially the sternum. Resting, walking, and using the spirometer should be his most important jobs right now.
More Cow Bell For Sure!

More Cow Bell For Sure!

Thanks for the happy news! Tell him we're all rooting for him. Brian
Thanks so much for posting for your Dad. It sounds like his attitude will get him up and going pronto! I look forward to his first post.
Mary said:
I have to say I laughed outloud when I read his intention of being discharged in three days. If positive thinking can result in a short hospitalization, your dad will be out of there in record time!

...and wouldn't that be cool if he garnered that record???!?!?!!!! he he

Excellent news about your Dad ... thanks for sharing with us!

Kman ... thoughts/prayers coming your way for a continued SUCCESSFUL recovery :).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"Get the word out" ... Collective Soul ... 'Feeling Better Now'
It only gets easier from here. kman, you'll be out and about by the time you read this. Get to walking as soon as you can and you'll be absolutely amazed at how quickly you'll recover. You will feel like a super dad now.

I haven't been on the board recently and missed your posts on the surgery, you'll be a happy man in a few weeks. I'm at 11 weeks post op now and aside from some chest muscle discomfort every now and again I wouldn't know that I had OHS.