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Hi all.... called the cardio yesterday at last. I have been having episodes of irregular heartbeat for some time... runs in cycles... 4-5 days of IR and then 2-3 days of nothing before it all starts again. I had seen my PCP earlier and he had ordered a Holter... nothing happened of course!!! This Saturday it happened again. I took my bp and it was 82/54 with hr of 52! That scared me some... but of course I resisted going to the ER! Stubborn mule that I am!!!

I called the PCP yesterday... he said to quit caffeine... which I had with no results! So called the cardio's nurse.... she about freaked out... wanted me to come over to their office today... 1-1/2 hours away (in this weather????) to get an event monitor. I asked her if I couldn't just get one here instead so she ordered it and made an appt. for me with the cardio Feb. 8. His secretary then called back and changed appt. time to an earlier one... he now wants me to have another echo. I also have strict instuctions to get my fanny to Spokane if this happens again. Hmmmmmm......

When I last saw the cardio in December and told him about this I think that he misunderstood and thought that my bp was high. It was that day for me... 120/75 (LOL). He mentioned that he would have to put me on a beta-blocker if it didn't straighten out. When I talked with his nurse and told her this I also said that I didn't think a beta-blocker would be a good thing... she certainly agreed!!!

I am glad that I finally called them as my pcp was blowing this off somewhat. He had to do his ER rotation over the weekend and that turns him into an old bear! Usually he is very good about keeping a close eye on these things.

I have been putting it off because of the recent bone marrow aspiration and the good news of the CML being in remission. Didn't want to face anything that would put a damper on THAT!!! lol

Take care,
Hey Zazzy - I can see where getting positive news can make you want to forget to deal with an irregular heartbeat. Plus a doctor who is tired from a long weekend of work can't help. Hmmmmmm. I think you should keep the pressure on them. Don't hesitate to call them. Easy for me to say. Please stay good and healthy.
Now, Zazzy, don't go messin around with something that ought to be taken care of stat. You know that, of all people. You are much to precious to us for you to screw up now - don't even think of it. Just joshing w/you, you know. I am sure you will stay on top of this til it's cleared up to everyone's satisfaction. And do keep us posted. God bless:)
hi zazzy!
boy, you sure keep things exciting here!!! i'm so happy that the cml's in remission, but please take care of this thing soon, ok?
never a dull moment, huh? please let us know what happens. we're praying for you.
be well and God bless,
Okie Dokie everyone! Got the event monitor today. The tech ran a baseline of course.... then went in the other room to download it. When she came back in she showed me the strip.... I had had two episodes just on the test strip! She asked me if I had felt them when I had pushed the button... Nope! But when the big ones come I KNOW IT!

Had some confusion this morning and was beginning to wonder if I was even going to get the monitor. The orders sent by my cardio were stuck somewhere between my pcp's nurse and the lab... hmmmmm. A quick phone call to his nurse took care of that! I haven't met her yet (she has been there for four months and I haven't been to the Spokane office lately... my cardio comes down here) but she seems a force to be reckoned with! hee hee

I'll keep you posted!

Take care,
Hrmph.... hmmm.... hrmph...

Hrmph.... hmmm.... hrmph...

As you and I seem to get ourselves into trouble frequently :rolleyes: and even though I have already told you what I am about to say at an earlier point I am still going to say it...
You know perfectly well what arrhythmia in a cardiomyopathy patient might entail so you better do as everyone says. I am happy they moved your appointment up and good luck with the event monitor. Whenever I wore one I would have less episodes which was kind of annoying lol.
Hope they catch the episodes and that they can make them lesson.

And Zazz, if your husband at some point suggest you go ER:ing because of the problem I suggest that you, you know, go lol!

All my best as always,


/Jessica :D
Message received oh wise one!!! lol

So, being in frequent trouble... does that make us the trouble twins??? hee hee

I am being a good girl :p and pigs DO FLY once in a while wearing purple or whatever color dresses!!! lol

And yes, if my husband suggests ERing I will do as told... though I do so hate THAT!!!

Take care my Swedish friend,

Good God, Zazzy!

You are my heart hero! Please take care.....and quickly.



Having to go ER:ing sucks... As you know I had a little excursion myself just a few days ago... I know how much you hate it because I hate it too but at some points you just have to cease and desist.

And we could take whatever zoo animal and dress them up in the appropriate clothing and they would all buzz around in the air LOL as I still maintain that arrhythmia when you have CM is not something that will go away on its own. Unfortunately. If they get the arrhythmia under control then you could really enjoy the CML remission!

Take care, hugs,

/jessica :D
Oh Zazzy-

I know what you mean about going to the ER. Joe's been there so many times, I can't even count. It's so s-s-s-slow. And sometimes, when you really need it, it seems as if no one is helping.

One time when Joe had a TIA (one of about 15 or 16 that he's had) they kept him on a stretcher for 7 hours because they didn't have a bed in the unit he needed, he was so uncomfortable. He's not the most patient person (by a long shot) and was feeling better, so he unplugged himself, got down from the stretcher and told the nurse he was going home, that he could get better care there. No amount of pleading by her or by me would dissuade him. He was furious.

They did chase him down the hall to sign a release, though, LOL.

As it turned out, everything was OK. But he certainly is an itch when it comes to convincing him that he needs emergency care.

However, I can really put my foot down when I need to. So lady, you get yourself to the ER when it's warranted, take your medicine, and stop complaining. YOU TOO, JOE!:p :p :p :D

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