Kind of down

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2008
Madison, Georgia Go Dawgs!!
Well, went to the hospital today for pre-op, and as luck would have it, ended up staying. They said I have some fluid build up being caused by my aorta. They are givthinging me lasiks and instead of a Wed surgery, looking at probably Tue. Don't get to go home again until after surgery. Really did not like the phrase Congestive Heart Failure, but my cardio and my surgeon both say everything will be fine after fluids re gone. Said once valve is replaced the fluid retention will be as well.
Sorry to hear that you are having this problem and have to stay in hospital until your op.
But at least you are in the right place for them to monitor the fluid and keep an eye on your condition. Before you know it, Tuesday will be here and you'll be all set to get this over and done with.

Good luck:)

I'm sorry to read that you're spending the last few days before replacement in the hospital, but as Bridgette wrote, if you're retaining a significant amount of fluid, that's the place to be so it can be monitored and removed.
I will place you on the calendar for Tuesday, and we will start our well wishes for a successful replacement and recovery, a day early.:)
If you can update us before Tuesday, please do.
Congestive Heart Failure sounds pretty bad, but it is something the docs can do something about. And your doctor is right, once the fluid is gone, you will be feeling much better.

My husband was in and out of Congestive Heart Failure all the time for years and years and with the help of his doctors, it was controllable.

But my guess is that once you have your surgery and have some substantial recovery under your belt, you will do just fine.

So, I guess sooner rather than later is a good thing in this case.

And the hospital is the exact best place for you right now.
Thanks for the response and words of encouragement. I tell myself that it is good that I am here in the hospital on a Friday night, but it is late, I'm awake, and just letting myself get down. Just ready to be on the road to recovery.

Oh Eric, I know exactly how you feel. I went in on a Sunday (ER) and didn't have surgery until that next Thursday. I also did the same as you - focus on the future and what all I wanted to do that next week and the week after and the week after. I made big plans..:D

Course, all this was almost nine years ago now -- so take heart -- and yep, most of those plans have come to fruition...except I still have to see the terracotta soldiers in Xian, China...!
Hope you're sleeping soundly...west coast time at 11pm here. I brought a few extra squishy pillows from home and was so glad I did!!! You might want to get a list going for comfort and boredom....deck of cards, smuggled in foods (NO fast food....too salty!!!!), magazines, taped music, etc. etc..

Waiting is hard no matter where you are. I am glad they are being careful with you and that your doctors are all very attentive. If they say the fluids will no longer be a problem after your surgery, then believe them. Optimism and a positive outlook can really help you breeze through this. It is hard to stay in that good frame of mind, but you must work to keep yourself smiling with the nurses, hugging your family and friends, laughing at jokes. Keep your eyes and ears out for the silver lining in everything right now. So many of us have weathered those last few days to make it over to the good side of things. It really will be fine.

Write as much as you like! We're here for you. We know it's tough. We understand completely!!

Best wishes.

Sorry you are feeling down, like others have said it is probably the best place to be at the minute. All the best with surgery and wishing you a very speedy recovery.
Hey Eric, I just want to wish you the best of luck. You've got my prayers coming your way. I was in a similar situation but mine turned out to be ok and surgery wasn't needed. It was a bad feeling, so I'm saying a prayer you get some peace of mind too, my friend.

Nice signature btw. Good find.
Hi Eric,

Hard to realize it now, because waiting is tough and the hospital is no fun, but it's likely someday you'll look back on all this as a blessing. Sounds like what you need there to get prepped and then have your procedure and start your new life. Prayers coming your way. Hang in there, we'll all sending good vibes and best wishes.
Oh Eric, what a rotten way to spend your weekend, but really, as others have said, you are in the best place. Make the most of it, insist your family spoil you rotten, do everything the nurses tell you to do (and don't be afraid to ask for something to help you sleep, if you need it).

I've never really liked the words "congestive heart failure" - in fact, MY heart nearly failed the first time I heard it, in connection to my MIL. But all it means, really, is fluid round the heart. Take heart (pun intended :D), this is just a minor blip, you'll be over the mountain before you know it, and you can look on this as good training for the days after surgery!
Had a chest x-ray this morning, cardiologist has already been in, said the fluid levels are much better today. He said it looks just like he wanted it to today. Still got some but not as much, no rattle in lungs/chest now.

I appreciate all of thecomments and kind words and I fel much better today. Thanks to all of my new friends for the words of encouragement and support. Helps when others understand your plight.

i am sorry to hear about everything, but you will bounce back. good luck with everything and my prayers are with you.

Hi Eric...if its as hot in Georgia as it is in Kentucky today, you probably couldn't play golf anyway:( so just rest easy in that cool hospital room. In a few days the surgery will be behind you.

You folks in Georgia do field one helluva football team :)
Hey there Eric, been watching this thread and so glad to hear your feeling better.
Hang in there bud and get those friends of yours to smuggle in food like Marguerite suggested.
Thanks guys. My sugeons partner came in and said surgery will still be on for Tue or Wed. Now I feel okay, just bored silly.

dick0236, would love to play golf or be at a football game. My surgeon promises me that I will be ready for the home schedule here in Athens. By the way, Dawgs ranked #1 preseason.