Kayaking Pic

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StretchL said:
Sh*t man! Don't you know that all that water falling on you can cause buising if you're on coumidin???!?? :D

Funny you should mention that. Last weekend I took a pretty bad swim through some rapids, Which doesn't happen much. Any how, I ended up taking a beating on my legs from all the rocks. I mean I got the crap beaten out of me. I thought for sure my legs was be brusied on Monday. Come Monday I was sore as hell but only one minor bruise :)
Was this in the North Georgia mountains or somewhere else? The pictures are fantasic but WOW.
Don't delete these photos!!!! We need to link this thread to the next new member that comes on and says "I lead an active life so can't be on Coumadin." :)
terryj said:
Was this in the North Georgia mountains or somewhere else? The pictures are fantasic but WOW.

One was taken at Chattoga River in North Georgia. The others are Tennessee and North Carolina. I have some from Tallulah Gorge that I paddle every year when they release it. I will try to find those pictures as well.

Don't worry Karlynn I won't delete them. That was one of my reasons for posting them.

For those curious, I always wear a helmet, PFD and occassionally elbow and forearm pads to reduce any chance of injury. I always carry a first aid kit and throw rope as well. I'm a certified kayak instructor. I take Advanced Wilderness First Aid course, CPR and First Aid every year and Swiftwater Resuce courses. I plan to take courses for First Responder next year. I'm well prepared as well are the people I paddle with. Every river we run we calculate the risk fatcors involved. There are inherit risk involved as with a lot of sports not just for me but for everybody. There is skill involved and it's not as if I'm some yahoo who just heaves himself off waterfalls. And I'm not on a suicide mission :) The number one cause of injury in kayaking is dislocated shoulder. By simply keeping your elbows below your shoulders you can avoid this problem.

It's a great sport and it takes you to some beautiful places!!!
I'm near speechless at the beauty.

Trying to figure out how you got the pictures/where the person who took these pictures was?
Jkm7 said:
I'm near speechless at the beauty.

Trying to figure out how you got the pictures/where the person who took these pictures was?

Some times we have a person get out of their kayak and take pictures on shore from below the rapid. They could be on rocks, bridges, anywhere really.
If you are familiar with Tennessee, one was taken at the Tellico River in Tellico plains.
Some of these are pics are pre op but I have paddled the same difficulty of rivers since post op. In fact, I think I have much more endurance since surgery :)
Hi Mike,

Great shots... It looks like some extreme fun!

Hey I worked in Cleveland, TN for 3 yrs. It was only 20 min from the Occee River. This was the selected run for 1996 rafting Olympics when Atlanta hosted.

We had several people from the office that also grewup there and were registered river guides.

Have you been down the upper section??

StretchL said:
Ahhh.... the truth comes out... how about something of you post-op, eh? :p

Same stuff Post Op as well. In fact, I'm probably paddling harder rivers now than I was Pre Op. Just haven't taken many pictures. In fact, I'm probably twice as active now than I was before. I'm on a mission :) I spend 5 days a week in the gym (twice a day). Lifting weights and jogging. Spend both days on the weekend paddling at least 6 miles a day Class IV water.
RobThatsMe said:
Have you been down the upper section??Rob

Yes Rob, paddle the Ocoee quite a bit. It's a great and fun river. We go there quite a bit in the summer when it's dry. The Upper Section is awesome. I paddled there last weekend.