Joe's latest update

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
I thought I'd give you an update on Joe. He had his monthly cardiology appointment today and everything is looking just great. His labs are good, his breathing is good, his stamina is good, his CHF is under control, his pulmonary hypertension is much improved. His heart is fine, his liver and spleen are back to normal size, and he has a terrific appetite.

The past two days he cleaned out the entire garage by himself, and this morning, he did 30 minutes on the treadmill.

This is just so dramatic, that I'm almost at a loss for words well, almost .

For those who don't know what happened, at the end of December of 2002, Joe was very close to losing his life. He had several conditions which had de-compensated very rapidly. He was in Class IV CHF, kidney failure, severe anemia, severe pulmonary hypertension and he had ascites, liver enlargement, spleen enlargement and general weakness. He spent much of the time sleeping and could hardly move. It was the pulmonary hypertension that was at the base of all this.

I found a wonderful pulmonary hypertension and CHF specialist about 20 miles from where we live (Dr. Lawrence Zisman at Albany Medical Center, Albany, New York) and was able to get an immediate appointment. It was just in the nick of time. Joe was admitted directly to the hospital, and even into the heart transplant unit, not that he needed a transplant, but he was that sick. He spent a month in the hospital and had enormous amounts of diagnostic tests and lab work. They reworked all his meds and added Procrit and Tracleer and Imdur. It did the trick.

For all of you who either have pulmonary hypertension, or have been told that you had it in the past, I urge you to keep track of it, and make sure your cardiologist checks this condition. Echocardiograms show it, but the numbers on the echo can vary 10 points either way. It is a rare condition, but I was very surprised to see that there are a few people here who have it in their history. Because it is so rare, not too many doctors have experience dealing with it, and it might get overlooked. In addition, it used to be a disease that had no treatment and a very poor prognosis. That has changed recently. There are now several treatments available, and more in clinical trials, and the prognosis is much more favorable. But you have to seek proper treatment for yourself. It is a sneaky, nasty disease that can mimic other problems and is very often misdiagnosed until it gets to dire circumstances.

I am so glad you have good news to share and that things are going well for your husband! Thanks for keeping us posted on his condition.
Great News!

Great News!

What a wonderful report. I hope his improvement continues and that you two have many many good days ahead.

Come to think about it, you don't hear alot about pulmonary hypertension here on this board. Do you know what kind Joe has? Did he have it first (primary) or was it the result of his other problems? The primary kind is harder to treat. When it's the result of the other problems, if the problem can be eliminated, then the PH sometimes is self correcting if it isn't too terrible severe or hasn't been around for a real long time. I know I have pulmonary hypertension but I think it is probably a result of the backing up pressure from the mitral stenosis. Mine is not too bad at this point but you are right about it being something that needs to be taken very seriously.

I hope you and Joe do something really fun together to celebrate!
Oh Nancy, that is wonderful news! Isn't it greatl to see Joe moving about so freely and active. Those are the days I thank the Lord for my continued gift of "life".
Joe is a lucky man to have such a loving and caring wife devoted to his care.

All the best!
Thank you, Nancy, for updating us on Joe. We remember the incident well - especially when you didn't show up for a couple days and we all got scared. He sounds in such great shape after all of that. God is good, isn't he?


Nancy, You tell an amazing medical story. Obviously Joe helps in making the doctors look good. And so do you!
That is really good news.
For all he has been through (and you too) I'm glad to hear he is able to enjoy his life.
Hi Betty (bvdr)-

After all the testing, it was determined that Joe has primary pulmonary hypertension. All of the valve things that could have caused it have been corrected. And he doesn't have sleep apnea. It was a real sleuthing situation to rule out each cause one by one.

Betty, I wish you luck with yours. It's good that you are quite aware of it. Just make sure that you know all your echo numbers. It would probably be good to get a copy of the written report each time, for your own file. And pay attention to your symptoms. I hope it never progresses.

Here is a link for the Pulmonary Hypertension Assoc. website, in case you don't have it already. It helped me to get the determination to seek help, because I truly didn't have a clue about the nature of this disease.
Thats Great!!

Thats Great!!

That is wonderful News!!

I also have P.H. but since I have been on medication I feel much better. I have not asked yet if mine is from Valve or primary, it is on my list of questions now!.

May you both be able to enjoy the spring now!

hi nancy!
what wonderful news about joe!!!
i can picture him cleaning out the garage!!!!
i am so thrilled to hear that he is doing well. you must be so happy and relieved, especially after this past winter!
hoping joe continues to feel well.
all the best, sylvia
Hi Nancy,

Great news. It is wonderful to see someone who as gone thru so much be active again. It just goes to show how the body can heal with loving care.Not only do you take care of Joe, but you are there for everyone in the VR family. God bless you.
This is GREAT news, Nancy! It is real testament to the value of timely and appropriate medical intervention. I suspect that many people would not have done as well as Joe without such a strong and knowledgable advocate as you.

Thanks for sharing this! Success stories like Joe's make us all feel good :)

Hi Nancy

I'm SOOOOO glad Joe is doing so well!!! I will put him in my prayers and hope he continues for many more years to come!!!

Great news from my fellow New Yorker's. My garage could use his attention if he's up to it!
Nancy, I'm truly happy for Joe -- in two ways. First, that he is so much improved

so that he can enjoy the second reason - YOU!

You are the closest to a saint that we mere mortals can be. You've stayed by his side through good, bad and terrible AND you've become a key leader of his care team (not to mention the beacon you are for the rest of us).

Thank YOU, Nancy.
Great news, Nancy!

You and Joe deserve it.

As usual, your accounts of your trials and tribulations, as well as triumphs, are lessons for us all.

Thank you again for sharing so much.
Way to go Joe!

Way to go Joe!

Hi Nancy! Thanks for the bright news about Joe...that is so great for both of you. By the way, if he gets bored, my barn is waiting for its spring cleaning! Love
I could sure use Joe's help in my garage too! With getting ready to move and all, this place is not looking so much like home sweet home anymore! You guys have a wonderful day! Betty
Great Joe-news

Great Joe-news

Gosh, Nancy, I had no idea (being a newbie) that all of this was going on this winter. Bless your pea-pickin' hearts. All that and the worst winter in eons in your neck of the woods (did that one pile ever melt:confused: )

It's wonderful that Joe's doing so well, and by extension, I'm sure, you're doing so well.

Thanks for everything and hope that spring has really and truly sprung for you guys.