Jennie Garth

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Active member
Apr 9, 2006
Apparently, she has a leaky valve (the article is sort of vague about which one-- is she talking about her aortic valve?):

It's great to see a young female celebrity speaking out about valve disease-- maybe now people will stop telling me that I'm "too young to have heart problems.":rolleyes:
It's nice to see :)

I've heard that "you're too young for heart problems" thing a lot too.
Back around the time when I had surgery, my sister Liz (a publicist) was doing media relations for the Heart and Stroke Foundation - she didn't have to go far to find a "face" for the campaign to do the media touring!
(I still haven't watched the videos, though ;))
I second (third?) the replies here. I loved watching the original "90210" and am a fan of the new series. I had no idea that Jennie Garth has a valve problem. But maybe now we can see more recognition of valve and other heart diseases, and that they just don't affect older people.
kinds of strange... I never felt my valve flutter. I had arrythmias that flutter.

I was at a cookout on Sunday and I had my heart pillow with me... still sore from that pulled muscle and sternum still a bit sore (5 weeks post op). there was an RN there that asked where I got my pillow. I told her about it and said "you have to have OHS to get one" she said "aren't you a little young for heart problems"... I was thinking ummmmm "did she really just ask that"... anyway shortly after that I got up to go get something and she said "did you just have this done or something?"... i said it would be 5 weeks post op tomorrow. she said "Well your sternum shouldn't still hurt and you shouldn't be carrying around a pillow".... I looked at her and explained my injury and my unexpected sneezes and thought... Man, I am glad this lady wasn't my nurse in the hospital. Some people are so insensitive and dumb about heart disease.
i've decided that the next time a professional doctor tells me i'm too young to of had heart surgery i'm going to punch them in the face :D
She has a video at gored, but the one thing that bothers me, is she says she has a leaky valve, but then goes on to say that the heart is a "very forgiving organ" and you can repair it by making healthy choices...which makes it seem like you can fix a leaky valve that way... sure the information is good for aquired heart disease, which is go reds main focus, but it's not really fair to say that while talking about valves, since people already assume IF you have heart problems YOU did something to cause it by choices you make thru out life, and if you life more healthy you'll fix it. I don't think the AHA helps things by info like this, they should make distinctions about aquired vs congenital heart problems so people understand no eating right and excercise won't keep people with birth defects from needing more surgeries. Instead somepeople will think IF the AHA has a video saying it it must be true. oops forgot video I was busy on my soap box
Lyn, I just watched the video, and you're right, it is misleading. It is completely frustrating when people assume that all heart problems are caused by poor diet or lack of exercise, and can be fixed by changing those habits. Likewise, I have the hardest time explaining to people that I've had heart problems since I was a baby, but it's not some kind of genetic birth defect (I had viral dilated cardiomyopathy when I was six months old). Most people have no idea that heart problems can be caused by a virus-- you would think they would get a clue since this has been a storyline on Grey's Anatomy, ER, and every other medical show I can think of.

Anyway, at least I can now say that I look just like Jennie Garth-- on the inside, haha!
i've decided that the next time a professional doctor tells me i'm too young to of had heart surgery i'm going to punch them in the face :D

I'm with you there. Last year, when I went to the hospital for a procedure with my cardio, everyone in the cath lab/prep area fawned over me: "Oh, you're so young!" "I can't believe you have heart problems--you're too young!" Sheesh! If I had a dollar every time someone says that, I could retire!

I could get on my soapbox about all the other annoying comments regarding my valve/heart stuff, but I'll leave that for another thread.

Good grief.

Lyn--It's amazing that people to this day think that many heart problems are something you can "fix" on your own or "grow out of."
Agreed, all around. Laura, I'm pissed on your behalf at that know-it-none woman. Honestly, I wish sometimes people could step into our shoes for just a second. You should have told her "Oh, I guess you have a handbook for how I'm supposed to feel! I never got mine in the mail." GRRR people make me so mad sometimes!

Like Debi, I'll leave it at that before I go on too much of a rant. Suffice it to say that it takes all kinds, right?
If you choose to see the best in the video, you could see her as suggesting that healthy living can help while pointing out that she still has problems even though she leads a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately the phrasing is open to more than one interpretation.

Just wanted to add a different opinion.
Lyn, I just watched the video, and you're right, it is misleading. It is completely frustrating when people assume that all heart problems are caused by poor diet or lack of exercise, and can be fixed by changing those habits. Likewise, I have the hardest time explaining to people that I've had heart problems since I was a baby, but it's not some kind of genetic birth defect (I had viral dilated cardiomyopathy when I was six months old). Most people have no idea that heart problems can be caused by a virus-- you would think they would get a clue since this has been a storyline on Grey's Anatomy, ER, and every other medical show I can think of.

Anyway, at least I can now say that I look just like Jennie Garth-- on the inside, haha!

I have the same problem... I was born with pulmonary stenosis as a baby and I had to have my valve replaced because of regurgitation. Two completely different things.
Agreed, all around. Laura, I'm pissed on your behalf at that know-it-none woman. Honestly, I wish sometimes people could step into our shoes for just a second. You should have told her "Oh, I guess you have a handbook for how I'm supposed to feel! I never got mine in the mail." GRRR people make me so mad sometimes!

Like Debi, I'll leave it at that before I go on too much of a rant. Suffice it to say that it takes all kinds, right?

LOL... i wish I would have thought about that.
You should have told her "Oh, I guess you have a handbook for how I'm supposed to feel! I never got mine in the mail." GRRR people make me so mad sometimes!


That's priceless.... I have a friend who will have AVR next month. I will have to relay that to her ... just in case some idiot who's never had OHS is a know-it-all.