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Good news!

Good news!

I am so glad to hear things went so well! Thank you for letting us all know so quickly. Tell him we were all praying for him. I hope his recovery goes as easy!

nanookyaya said:
Hi everyone!!! I just wanted to let everyone know that Jim's surgery went flawlessly :) We arrived at the hospital at 6:00 a.m. and Jim was in the OR by 7 a.m. At 9 a.m., the sweetest nurse I have ever met (and my two best-friends in the world are nurses, so this is the highest compliment I can give!) came out to tell us that Jim was the perfect patient. His pulse before going into the OR was an amazing 64. He responded to the anesthesia really well (apparently he was thinking about Amanda in her princess costumes :) ), and by 9:00 a.m., the surgeon had already dissected his aortic valve. Jim was out of surgery by 11:30 a.m., and his mother was able to peek her head into the ICU and reported back to me that he is looking "angelic" and that he has good color in his face. I am so relieved :D Thank you everyone for your support throughout this first hurdle. I spoke with Jim's surgeon and he said that everything went so well, he expects Jim to be out of the hospital in five days. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Anyways, he will be out of the ICU tomorrow and I can't wait to see him. I plan on spending the day with him at the hospital, but I will report back to you guys as soon as I get home. Thank you all again for helping Jim and me get through this.
Hi Nathalie

Hi Nathalie

So glad to hear that Jim is doing so well.
Please give him our best wishes. Try and get a bit of rest yourself.
Keep us posted how he is doing.
Very best wishes to you both
Ernie & Wendy
Hi Nathalie,
It's great to hear Jim's doing so well.
Make sure you get plenty of rest too, you'll need it for when Jim's out of hospital. And tell him to take it easy (but to take little walks and do all the breathing exercises) and do everything the doctors, nurses, and you tell him ;) .
Thank you for posting

Thank you for posting

I have been so wrapped up in my own surgery, I have not been all that aware that this procedure continues to happen everyday for many other people.

Please give Jim my best, it sounds like everything went very quick.

Hi Nathalie

What wonderful news for you and Jim.....Please send him the very best wishes possible. Take care of yourself, too......I'll keep him in my prayers till he walks through the door at home

Thanks for keeping us updated.

Thank you for the update, Nathalie. I'm glad things are going well. Please continue to give him our best.
Good morning my VR friends :) I am back home for the first time in over 24 hours. Everyone at the hospital told us that yesterday would be the worst day for Jim, so of course he had to prove them wrong. Jim woke up raring to take a walk. He walked about five or six times yesterday. They took him off dilauded and put him on extra strength vicodin, and he is much happier. The dilauded made him too tired and Jim hates to sleep ... :eek:

Anyways, Jim got tons of visitors yesterday and everyone was amazed at how good he looks. He would stand up to greet his visitors and I was so impressed with his agility after such a major surgery! Amanda came in her nurse costume and took her Daddy for a long walk- Jim is doing so well, he got a 20 minute pass to walk outside in the hospital?s courtyard. Then, after everyone left (at 9:00 p.m.), I was tired and went to bed. Jim woke me up at 3:30 a.m. and told me that he hadn't been able to fall asleep all night. He had just gone to see the nurse to get a sleeping pill, but the nurse said that it was too late. Jim and I stayed up talking 'til five a.m. when we both finally fell back asleep. Of course, all of the nurses, doctors, nutritionists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, volunteers, etc. started making the rounds at 6 a.m., so poor Jim didn't get a lot of sleep. I was a little smelly and cranky so I just came home to take a shower and a catnap.

Thank you all for your continuing support. I am going to heed your advice and try to get some rest now ;) Thanks! Nathalie
Very pleased!!

Very pleased!!

Yes, do that!! For now, there are lots of people around to take care of Jim, but once he's back home, he'll need a lot of looking after from you, just like a new-born baby in a way. Will there be other family members there to help you? It's so good to hear that he's got his sense of humour too. Some people tend to get a bit gumpy and even depressed for a while, but with him, that doesn't seem to be a problem at all. Keep us posted on his progress, but I'm sure he'll soon be doing it himself. Take care and say hello to Jim and wee Amanda for me.
Débora :)
Sounds like he's breaking all records for a remarkable recovery. Don't let him overdo the company or the exercise- it will catch up with him and be sure to take what time you can for yourself now. So glad that Amanda got to be his nurse for a while. Be sure to give him our best wishes and tell him we look forward to hearing that he is on his way home soon.
Jim sounds like he's doing great, but as other members can testify, he doesn't want to do the "one step forward, two steps back" number.

Alot of people feel pretty good initially and overdo as a result. The surgery isn't the only hurdle to get over; he also needs to watch for complications that arise during the recovery process. I personally think the recovery stage has been much more difficult and involved than my surgery was.

Again, give him my best, but add that I'm sending a word of caution his way. It's always best to be safe than sorry (how's that for a cliche?) ;) ;) ;)
Glad to hear that he's feeling so good. Don't let him overdo it to the point of being overly tired. Many of us have had experience with the "Oh, I'm doing so great! Look what I can do!" and then our hearts have a way of showing us that we are overdoing. He should definately do the things that he feels up to doing, but call it quits at the point where he knows he's pushing it.

Same for you Missy!!! :cool: Make sure you are getting your rest and nutrition too!

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