It's Spring and INR's are falling??

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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2007
Kent, OH
I had my INR checked this week and it was low, only 1.7. The nurse said that lots of people have low INR's in the Spring because the fruits and vegetables have higher levels of Vitamin K. This seemed strange to me (especially since I haven't eaten any fresh fruit and vegetables lately--I need to improve my diet!). She said that everyone tends to go lower in the Spring and go too high in the Fall. Has anyone ever heard of this seasonal variation??? My bet is that people get outside to exercise more in the Spring.

By the way, I had recently stopped taking an antibiotic and had started a new pain medication, and the pain medication worked so well that I've increased by exercise levels. So my guess is that my values are low because of those factors, not the Spring vegetables.
Seasonal varations do happen, but not yet. I think your right on cue with the increase in excercise being responsible. I've eaten both fruits and vegetables and mine is high this week, so I don't think the fruits or veggies gots anyting to do with it.
By the way, I had recently stopped taking an antibiotic and had started a new pain medication, and the pain medication worked so well that I've increased by exercise levels. So my guess is that my values are low because of those factors, not the Spring vegetables.

Even here in Podunk we get fruits and veggies year-round. My money's on your explanation!
I have to agree with the nurse. Ask any rancher an he will tell you that the spring grass has more nutrients for the cattle than the rest of the year. I grow a garden and I know that fresh vegetables, especially in the spring, have more vitamins. I recently had to adjust my warfarin up to compensate for this (my asparagus is producing now). Prior to spring I had been really steady on the dose that I was on since last August. But, that is why home testing is so great, you don't have to worry about your diet so much:D . So eat your veggies and test regularly!
I agree with Kris, Ross & PJ.

In the spring, we come out of hibernation -- just like bears. We start shopping for swim suits, boats, hit the golf courses, go camping/hiking, etc. etc. We metabolize warfarin more quickly, requiring more warfarin to maintain our previous in-range INRs.
Then, when we go back into hibernation in the fall, we gradually cut back on activities. Our metabolism slows, sending our INR back up, unless we step up our exercise or reduce our warfarin.
Fruits are not a significant source of vitamin K. The nurse uses fruitsandvegetables as if they are one and the same. Warfarin takers should be aware that they are not interchangeable.

A few years ago some of us warfarin managers looked at seasonal variations. I looked at the average INR for my clinic. It was exactly the same (within 0.1 INR units) for every month of the year.
I have to agree with Al..Mine stays the same all year..When I hibernate with my bear in the winter..:D ..or run with my Grandkids (like today) on the lake.:) ..However, we eat the same year round.......Hubby and i were talking on the way home today..maybe we should eat more fruit?I do eat bananas several times a week...But, we don't eat between, I don't see the need to buy fruit?......We do drink fruit juice for breakfast sometimes.( I buy the mixed fruit juices..) Orange, pineapple, banana ect.....Al, if you see this ..I'm wondering what the age factor plays on INR?What is your average age patient at your clinic? In our group here on VR.Com there is a small group over the age of 65 on Coumadin....and I don't see them posting about their range..being low/high?(My age group):( :( :D :p Bonnie
Average age for my clinic is about 70.

The average dose of warfarin is about 4 to 5 mg per day. Older people usually need less than they did when they were younger.