INR and Diarrhea

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Well-known member
May 13, 2006
Newark, California
I have been sick for a few days. Have very bad diarrhea, the vomating stoped yesterday. The anticoagualtion clinic told me to come in today for a blood draw. What effects does this have on INR?
Diarrhea, especially over several days, can have a considerable effect on INR. If your Coumadin is 'passed' on through, your INR could drop, leaving you less protected.

Do an "Advanced Search" for "diarrhea" in the Anti-Coagulation Forum to find other posts on this subject.

'AL Capshaw'
otoh, if you get your dosage in you and it stays there, your inr can also really shoot up (that's been my experience).

My cardio told me that if I had vomiting and diarrhea for more than two days & couldn't keep meds down, to go to er for testing and bridging if necessary.
My understanding is the INR could go up as your intestines produces vitamine
K naturally - if you have a diarrhea, this effects it/reduces it.

I was foodpoisoned in Portugal recentily, I thought my INR would drop as I
guessed the warfarin just went right through me, when I tested my INR after
one day it was 5.0 after being o.k a few days earlier.

But again, this could probably vary depending upon the reason of an upset
stomach. Best is no doubt to test the INR on asap basis.

The effect is very unpredictable becuase you can't predict warfarin absorption. Even if you too it several hours before you vomited, you may not have been absorbing it very well during that time. Or you could have absorbed it but vomited everything else. Or maybe it just passed right through you.
allodwick said:
The effect is very unpredictable becuase you can't predict warfarin absorption. Even if you too it several hours before you vomited, you may not have been absorbing it very well during that time. Or you could have absorbed it but vomited everything else. Or maybe it just passed right through you.

I did get my results on my INR, it was 2.7, the last three tests have been 3.4,3.3. 3.5. The last was taken two weeks ago. I will be tested again on Mon. 11/27. There was no dose change. I am still having diarrhea. sure hope it will be gone soon. I got this from my 87 year old mother, went to take care of her. I had my flu shot and thought all would be OK.

Thank you all for your input.