Inr 9.6

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Nadine - Just guessing but what kind of pain meds are you using and have you varied the amount you take ? Also, your digestive problems could have afffected the good bacteria in your intestines. Chhris
Pain meds

Pain meds


I have been taking loratabs since surgery though only a half of one at night for last few weeks it helps with the arthritis pain in my back and shoulders, every once in a while I will take a coupe of tylenol during the day for pain or headache. Nothing drastic just what the dr's have advised.

So I am still clueless :D :D :D :D :D :D
Nadine - Make that two clueless ? maybe its the position of Jupitor's moons or the release of a new Harry Potter book. Anyway, take two big salads and call me in the morning. /Chris
back close to normal

back close to normal

Nurse just called INR back to 4.11 The dr on call wants me to hold tonite and go to 5 mgs this weekend retest Mon.

Thanks for all the replies and Thanks Al for answering the Email.
She's not going to explode after all! Coumadin defense team stand down, this was only a test deployment excercise. :D
Hi Nadi-

I was wondering about your INR, so I was glad to see your post. I hope All was able to shed some light on the cause. Happy to hear that it's close to being in range.
defense team

defense team

I don't mind being used for training BUT please used soft bullets next time the bruises hurt!!:D :D :D :D :D :D :D


How about how great life is with out the coumadin? No longer being the human pin cushion:D :D :D
So Aggravated!!

So Aggravated!!

I listened to the nurse Thursday and held again ( I WON'T DO THAT AGAIN) now I'm at 1.6 so now I am back on the regular dose. I am so glad that I didn't hold all 3 days last week like they said. I held Tuesday and Thursday 5 mgs on Wednesday.

This is so frustrating!

Sorry for posting something that has been posted several times in the past.

Thanks for listening/reading
Hi Nadi--

You must be guessing by now that Coumadin isn't the culprit, the people monitoring it sometimes are.

Is there anyone else you could go to to do that? That gal will have you on a rollercoaster forever.

Joe has a wonderful doctor monitoring him now :) , it wasn't always so. He had someone pretty bad several years ago. It can be frustrating.
What if she didn't hold?

What if she didn't hold?

Does anyone have an idea how long it would have taken to become stable or back in normal range if Nadi didn't hold and just continued normal dosage? I have to think at times people double dose by mistake and never know it. I am wondering the lenght of time it would take to get to norm....1 week 2 weeks?
Unfornatately that is the only clinic that the insurance will pay for. unless I want to go to PCP pay $10 to her then the lab charge also, as it is it's only $3 now.

I don't know how long but if this ever happens again I just might try finding out. :D :D

Take care,