Inr 1.4 !!??

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I just picked up the injections and had the nurse show me how to do it. Also had one of my neighbors on hand who is a nurse on the cardiac ward of the local hospital. It went well, I pinched and stuck the spare tire.

I'm unsure of the clinics recommendation because they upped the warfarin when I picked up the script. They said to take 35mg between now and monday. I feel like I will be WAY over and then it will be a scramble to reduce it and I'll be yo-yoing. If I go back to my regular dose, it will be 40mg for the week, compared to the 22.5 I have been taking, and that was giving me an INR over 3.0

WOW, I'm catching on to this.
Yes - it sounds like they're over dosing you. Not quite sure why they just don't have you on your normal dose- if it kept you in range (forgetting about the 2 day oops. :))
Sounds like you learned the Lovenox injection easily. Hopefully you won't have to do more than a few days of it. When do they have you retesting? I hope you go in before Monday. If not - ask to get tested on Friday. No point in being on Lovenox any longer than necessary.
They can't test me before monday, unfortunately. I only have to take 6 doses of lonenox, 3 days. That puts me at Saturday. They aren't open on the weekend.
Sounds like you did the right thing with the Lovenox. Keep us posted on how your doing.
You'll get back on the right track with your INR. Might have to pin up notes on reminding your self to take your meds. :)
I just picked up the injections and had the nurse show me how to do it. Also had one of my neighbors on hand who is a nurse on the cardiac ward of the local hospital. It went well, I pinched and stuck the spare tire.

I'm unsure of the clinics recommendation because they upped the warfarin when I picked up the script. They said to take 35mg between now and monday. I feel like I will be WAY over and then it will be a scramble to reduce it and I'll be yo-yoing. If I go back to my regular dose, it will be 40mg for the week, compared to the 22.5 I have been taking, and that was giving me an INR over 3.0

WOW, I'm catching on to this.

Buy a copy of AL Lodwick's Dosing Guide ($5) from his website You'll be a Pro in No Time!

His recommendation for an INR <2.0 and a desired Range of 2.0 to 3.0 is to "Increase weekly dose by 10 to 15%. Retest in 1 week".

Now you know why everyone went Bonkers when your Nurse told you to increase by 50% !!! She needs a Refresher Course in Coumadin / Warfarin Management, assuming she ever had one to begin with... Her Doc probably needs to take a Continuing Education Course as well...

'AL Capshaw'
I just picked up the injections and had the nurse show me how to do it. Also had one of my neighbors on hand who is a nurse on the cardiac ward of the local hospital. It went well, I pinched and stuck the spare tire.

I'm unsure of the clinics recommendation because they upped the warfarin when I picked up the script. They said to take 35mg between now and monday. I feel like I will be WAY over and then it will be a scramble to reduce it and I'll be yo-yoing. If I go back to my regular dose, it will be 40mg for the week, compared to the 22.5 I have been taking, and that was giving me an INR over 3.0

WOW, I'm catching on to this.

You certainly WILL BE way over! That is not how to handle this situation. You should have just continued your normal dosing and left it at that. It's hard to say whether you needed the Lovenox or not. Some people clot immediately, but it's a very low risk if it's an aortic valve were talking about, not so true for mitral.

Anyhow, when they test you and find you at 5.6, what do you think they'll do then? Slam on the brakes, tell you to stop taking it and start you on the rollercoaster of love.

If they do that, just go back to your normal dose and stay there. It will work out in the end.
They can't test me before monday, unfortunately. I only have to take 6 doses of lonenox, 3 days. That puts me at Saturday. They aren't open on the weekend.

Don't sweat it. You'll be fine. In fact, I'm willing to bet you'll be way over by then anyhow, so Lovenox won't be needed.
Don't sweat it. You'll be fine. In fact, I'm willing to bet you'll be way over by then anyhow, so Lovenox won't be needed.

Thanks, I'm getting that guide. Now I'm debating with myself to ignore the nurse and just start on my regular dosage, or follow her recomendation to jam myself with warfarin and being way over on Monday.
Oh that's good. I was worried you be having to do the Lovenox through Monday, when most likely there wouldn't be a need.

I'm still a bit concerned about the dose they told you to take. As Al C was saying - it looks like they're trying to load you to get the INR back up. Shall we all take bets as to what your INR will be on Monday. It's anyone's guess, INR can be a brat at times and do just what you don't think it will.
What is the side effects of taking Lonevox for an extended period? I'm on my second shot and it make me feel like crap for about 2 hours after the shot.

As far as a wager, I'm game, I'll take 4.2 for Monday. anyone else?
Thats a good idea.

Don't be surprised if they act in defense. Some of these people, there is no talking too.

The lovenox should not affect how you feel at all. Though I will say, it is much more serious when it comes to bleeding then Coumadin is. I'm not saying that to scare you, but to inform you. I had the pleasure of testing that theory when I had my teeth removed.

My bet is you'll be 4.8 to 5.2.

Darn it, all this talk about Lovenox is getting me excited again and I only have 3 doses left. (Must resist urge to inject myself)
I'm wondering if your funny feeling isn't adrenaline related? Getting psyched up to take the shot, the reminder and scare of why you're having to do it. My body kind of reacts that way from time to time.

Hmmm I'll take 4.7.
lOW inr

lOW inr

I just wanted to know, if your inr range is 2.5-3.5 and you were 2.0 last week, dr increased it by 5% and this week it is 2.1, how low below range before you consider lovevox?
I just wanted to know, if your inr range is 2.5-3.5 and you were 2.0 last week, dr increased it by 5% and this week it is 2.1, how low below range before you consider lovevox?

Don't know the answer, I've been on warfarin 42 years and have NEVER had a Lovenox shot. When I have been where your are, we have been able to correct the problem with dosing change. I may be wrong, but I think Lovenox is used when you get well below 2.0 and you can't get it up by dosing increase. I would go with your doc and try to bring it up by increasing Warfarin dose. Your next test may be 2.6:D
I just wanted to know, if your inr range is 2.5-3.5 and you were 2.0 last week, dr increased it by 5% and this week it is 2.1, how low below range before you consider lovevox?

My range is also 2.5---3.5 and my doc will only prescribe Lovenox if I get below 2.0
Your slow conservative increase should work out fine if you check often enough.