Inch by Inch

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I saw part of a special on TV last night about a man who survived stage 4 colon cancer (6 years clean) and now gives motivational speeches. He had a retractable tape measure, that he pulled out inch by inch and said he found that "Inch by inch, life is a cinch. Yard by yard life is too hard." He dealt with his diagnosis and treatment by taking it in small increments and tried not to look at the whole picture because it became too overwhelming and it would cause him to want to give up.

In my life, I've found this to be so true, in my health, in my work, in my relationships. Sometimes it's minute by minute, or hour by hour, or day by day. When it gets to week by week, I just get way too overwhelmed.

Just thought I'd pass his saying along.
Pffft, I pull the whole tape measure length out, start there and slowly feed it back in. Too many things have taught me that method.
Pffft, I pull the whole tape measure length out, start there and slowly feed it back in. Too many things have taught me that method.
Look at it this way - inch by inch doesn't give you enough length to hang yourself!!!
I'm kind of in agreement with Ross's way of thinking. I need to keep my mind on the long haul; the short, immediate stuff can be overwhelming.
Other than my long-term goal to make it to 100, I am definitely an inch by inch person. Yards give me a migraine.;):D
I really liked it when it was still measured in yards, but at this age it is come down to inch by inch.:eek:

I'm an inch by inch person, I totally agree, as I sit here and think about it there would be no way I'd be able to deal with everything yard by yard, between school, family life, work and my health I'd be drowning, I'm too scared to think about graduating right now, and at the moment I am working through the decision to have the ablation that I need, if I worried about graduating right now, I'd lose it!