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Could it be our hopeful nature????

Could it be our hopeful nature????


To answer your question, I think that many of us who did not vote for President Obama still would like to hold strong the beliefs that things can change for the better.

It does not matter how we cast our vote. Obama is President of the United State. He is Commander and. Chief of this United States of America. I am willing to support the President of my United States and give him the opportunity to prove himself.

This does not take a great effort on my part. He is the President.......... What other choice is there ????

Hi Blanche,

I am hopeful too since he is in the White House and I wish for the success of our nation. However, if the thread is supposed to stay apolitical and just be about the inauguration it should apply to all sides.
MARY , I have been a member since last year, just before I had my valve surgery. I will be celebrating my anniversary on Feb. 11th. I had an aortic valve replacement with a Medtronic Mosaic valve. I am still dealing with Pericarditis, but other than that, my valve is working fine.

I have posted a number of times, quess you missed it.

Best regards, Kathy

Your public profile says you joined VR on January 21, 2009. It also says you've made three posts, and the one I referred to was # 1.
If you've posted a number of times, apparently I'm not the only one who missed it, unless you posted under a different user name?
Are you registered twice?
I'm glad that many people picked up the idea of my post. I didn't start it so people could again express their opinions about him or the past president.

Actually, Gina, I was asking people to stay on track in this partially quoted post as well. I was just nicer about it. If you read the second sentence, you'll notice I referred to Bush as well. Unfortunately, some people on both sides continued. Sorry my nastier post happened to come after an anti-Obama post, but that happened to be the one that was there when I signed on this afternoon.

I actually think it's funny that you're accusing me of being biased toward Obama! Other than some of the social platforms, I'm about as much of an ultra-conservative diehard Republican as you can get. However, I was honest with myself and gracefully admitted defeat back in November.
Hi Lisa in Katy,

Hope you are doing well. I guess it just kind of turned into a political blog.

I sure am sorry if I offended some people, but I have a tendency to be very opinionated at times, especially when I think it's right. Maybe your right. Lets stick to health related issues? (ha)

Best regards, Kathy

Yes, I found it offensive, and I'm a Republican! However, there were other posts that I found offensive as well, so you're in good company. I'm sad that this group seems to have such a problem with maturity when it comes to particular topics. Anyone that was here for the last true political thread (as well as a few other topics) knows that I will argue with the best of them when appropriate. Granted, I don't get to decide the appropriate time, but this is kind of like going to a wedding and bad mouthing the groom. This was his party. Now we get to see what he can do on a day to day basis. I'm hoping for lots of good surprises!
Actually, Gina, I was asking people to stay on track in this partially quoted post as well. I was just nicer about it. If you read the second sentence, you'll notice I referred to Bush as well. Unfortunately, some people on both sides continued. Sorry my nastier post happened to come after an anti-Obama post, but that happened to be the one that was there when I signed on this afternoon.

I actually think it's funny that you're accusing me of being biased toward Obama! Other than some of the social platforms, I'm about as much of an ultra-conservative diehard Republican as you can get. However, I was honest with myself and gracefully admitted defeat back in November.
You misunderstood my post. I regret using your "stay on track" term since it implied I was referring to you and that is not the case. This goes back even to earlier in the thread. People seemed to take offense at any post that was not pro-Obama and you were not the only one that requested a refrain from politics. I was just trying to understand some posts that seem to attack a side that was not pro-Obama. Even my original post which merely expressed why I did not watch the inauguration was quoted in a negative manner by many when it was just my viewpoint.
When all is said and done

When all is said and done

more is said than done.

I finished my novel and checked in to see how things were going with this interesting thread.

What we saw was a train wreck. This started out to be a wonderful thread. I loved it. The posts were instructive, funny, insightful and rather interesting....and, maybe a bit sassy.

Than, out left or right field, up jumps the devil. A really nice thread now becomes an unintersting battleground.

There's nothing left!!!!!!! There is no place to go from here!!!!!

The last posts have been..."Who shot john?" and "Ain't it crappy in france?" (or pick a country of your choice).

Come on Folks. Let's get back to the topic of this thread and post your political concerns in places where they are appropriate. This thread was not supposed to be a political diatribe or a venue for some to air political negative musings.

Those of us who wish to disclose our negative feelings about the government and and the like have at least four more years to do so....

As I sit here late at night agonizing with a very enjoyable kidney stone and many many percocets having been consumed over the past 4 days, I wonder why it is that folks get so worked up about topics like this.

The important things are how we treat others, and how we prepare ourselves and our families for the rainy days ahead.

The house that is built upon a rock - will not be washed away by any single commander in chief.

Act according to what you feel in your hearts to be the truth, and all will be fine.

And one correction - Someone said that since they had started this thread that they owned it. That would be incorrect. Al Gore owns the internet because he invented it.
As I sit here late at night agonizing with a very enjoyable kidney stone and many many percocets having been consumed over the past 4 days.

These can be painful,I hope its not a stone,but gravel,and the percocets
should help a little. There are some herbs that can help dissolve these;
Gravel root, Goldenrod,Barberry and Hydrangea.. if you subscribe to some
of the herbal cures as I do.Hope you feel better--Dina
I didn't want Obama to win.

But win he did.

Now he is the commander in chief and has to be respected as such.

While I don't believe in his methods or beliefs, I have the feeling that he will leave the country better than he found it.

As our founder has said above, Pro or Anti Obama, it doesn't matter. He is the president and is to be respected as such. There is no need to discuss the matter. If it were pre election, maybe, but it's a done deal, so lets keep it to the inauguration please.
Well, then I will say - the thing that I think tainted the inauguration was commentators, celebrities, politicians and many others couldn't just make it about Obama taking office. So many had to get their last pot shots in at Pres Bush, and some in some very vulgar ways at the Inaugural Balls. For respect to be given, respect must be shown. This not only goes for all of us personally, but for those we support - and don't support. Don't tell me to respect your presidential choice, if you did not respect mine. It is a two way street. (This wasn't said to anyone here, just a general comment on my feelings.)

I was not a huge fan of W's in his last term, but I felt sorry for both him and Obama. Pres Bush was booed when he entered the inaugural stage for the ceremony. Most TV and Radio cut the sound down a bit so it wasn't as noticeable, but hearing people who were there, it was pretty loud. As cool as it is to see our democracy in action in the form of the swearing in of our newly elected president, I was very disappointed in the lack of respect shown to the outgoing president. So when I have people tell me that I should respect Pres Obama, even though I didn't vote for him, I have to ask them if they respected Pres Bush. I will wait to give respect to the man that is in the office after I see how he does his job. But I do respect the office. Not giving respect is different from acting or speaking disrespectfully. And many throughout this country acted and spoke disrespectfully towards President Bush starting from day one of his first term.

I do respect the office. Any other country that tries to denigrate my president will not receive my thanks. Unfortunately this was not the case for so many people during the Bush administration. And it just played out on Inauguration Day in so many ways. I was very disappointed.
The thing I loved the most was knowing the nervousness present by all being sworn in. I had to do a double take at the TV during the 1st swearing in of the President. That caught Barrack off guard as much as it did me. At first, I wondered who bumbled it, then I realized what happened.
Karlynn, I agree. Bush had a very difficult 8 years and I believe that he did the best that any human could do given the circumstances. Unfortunately, functioning in a reactionary mode hardly ever brings out the best in anyone. Another thing he had going against him was the Internet, which spread like wildfire in the last 8 years (@#$* Gore!). I've found that lots of people get on the Internet and post anything and everything, without regard to truth. I personally look forward to the day when they start holding individuals responsible for the libel they have spread via the Internet. I didn't agree with everything he did, but my husband will tell you that I don't agree with lots of what he does and yet I stick with him!

Here is a link that I find interesting about the approval ratings of the more recent presidents. Notice the similarity between Bush and Truman as far as the very high and very low points. His peak was his response to 9/11, he also had a bump when the war in Iraq began. (Funny since the majority of people now claim they NEVER supported the war!) I also find it interesting that Clinton was at his highest approval rating about the same time he was being impeached.

As I said, Obama has had his party, and other than a few issues (the BOO was disheartening and disgusting), it was grand. We'll see where he is after he's been given time to show his stuff.
The thing I loved the most was knowing the nervousness present by all being sworn in. I had to do a double take at the TV during the 1st swearing in of the President. That caught Barrack off guard as much as it did me. At first, I wondered who bumbled it, then I realized what happened.
I think it was an equal opportunity bumbling. Listening to the one done correctly the next day, it appeared that Barack first jumped the gun before the Chief Justice was done with the first phrase. Then the Justice after being thrown off his phrase, in turn, not having a note card, messed up the next line. I was glad to see that both men laughed it off and went on.
Karlynn, I agree. Bush had a very difficult 8 years and I believe that he did the best that any human could do given the circumstances. Unfortunately, functioning in a reactionary mode hardly ever brings out the best in anyone. Another thing he had going against him was the Internet, which spread like wildfire in the last 8 years (@#$* Gore!). I've found that lots of people get on the Internet and post anything and everything, without regard to truth. I personally look forward to the day when they start holding individuals responsible for the libel they have spread via the Internet. I didn't agree with everything he did, but my husband will tell you that I don't agree with lots of what he does and yet I stick with him!

Here is a link that I find interesting about the approval ratings of the more recent presidents. Notice the similarity between Bush and Truman as far as the very high and very low points. His peak was his response to 9/11, he also had a bump when the war in Iraq began. (Funny since the majority of people now claim they NEVER supported the war!) I also find it interesting that Clinton was at his highest approval rating about the same time he was being impeached.

As I said, Obama has had his party, and other than a few issues (the BOO was disheartening and disgusting), it was grand. We'll see where he is after he's been given time to show his stuff.
Lisa - did they have a graph for Congress' approval ratings? As low as Bush's got, Congress' was always lower. I'd be interested if that was the case for other presidents. I'd guess "yes".
I do find it sad that so much has been made of words being fumbled. It is easy to do so when the world is watching you no matter how good a speaker you are. Being thrilled, proud and wanting to do your best is a perfect recipe for making a mistake. If we were all taken to task for messing up words, there would be a lot of hand slapping.

Even Princess Diana messed up Charles' name at her wedding and everyone thought that was cute. Too bad we can't be as kind to our president no matter what our views.

Karlynn, that's the best I could find, and it's really not what you wanted, but if you look at the first graph and the graph on the other site, it does look like Congress is almost always lower than the President, even when the President is very low. Congressional approvals never seem to be very high, except after terroristic attacks. If you look at the second graph where it is separated by party affiliation, what it seems to say (to me) is that Republicans like Republicans, Democrats and Independents don't like anybody very much, but we all agree that the current Congress isn't very good! In fact, Republicans like the current Democrat congress more than the Democrats do! At least as of mid-2008.