I'm on the waiting list!!

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The letter fell on the mat on Saturday morning to say that my Pre-op day is in a fortnight's time on the 28th October, so I guess the big one won't be too long after that. Aaaaaaargh!!!

I have just re-read all the information you gave Scottie for her pre-op, and it has been a real help. Hope you continue to improve, Scottie.

I am (literally) hoping to have it all zipped up for Christmas. The whole thing feels a bit unreal at the moment.

Many thanks again. I can't imagine how I would cope without you all.
Hi Jane.....I guess we should say "Congratulations," but somehow that doesn't seem right. I'm so glad you now have a date. I think that's one of the most important milestones. Everything does settle in once that is decided upon. Enjoy your 2 weeks---don't try to do too much to get everything done.....even though that's easier said than done!! We will put you in our prayers starting now, and especially on the 28th. This is a wonderful support group. I remember how I felt when Tyce was having his surgery in June---I couldn't have done it without this group. We are all here for you......

I know you will be so glad to get it all over with and by Christmas you ought to be feeling pretty good. but don't overdo as it really takes a good while to be your old/new self again. Oct 28 is 2 weeks and maybe you will have it done next day??? Please keep us posted so it can be put in the calendar. God bless
Dear Ann, I think the next day is a little optimistic for the NHS, but who knows??? I'll keep you posted.
Lots of love,
Jane, You will be fine

Jane, You will be fine

You will do just great..Remember all that you have read here. We are sincere..Have your homework done so when you come home..everything will be ready to go for a quick recovery. Bed set up near bathroom..someone to stay with you the first week, ect.Take that pain med and walk, walk, walk..:D :D :D Bonnie
hi Jane

hi Jane

thanks for your good wishes ..just wanted to let you know I'll be thinking about you on the 28th ...because I came from so far away from the hospital they did my pre op stuff on the Monday and the op on the Tuesday ..so let us know ...is there anything you particulary want to know that you think I may know NHS style ?..if so just ask ....
I go for my five week checkup with the cardio on Wednesday so I'll let you know what he says ...
Take care and try to get some decent sleep
weight issues

weight issues

Hi Jane,
Glad your surgery is scheduled, and that you can look forward to much improved health. Thinking about that a little every day before surgery really helped me get through the waiting period.

You asked about being just a little over-weight. In the normal course of things, it probably makes little difference, but their is a big HOWEVER here. I had major complications during surgery, and it ended up lasting 14 hours. Most people don't survive that. I was told afterwards that having my weight just right, and having taken good care of myself with daily moderate exercise likely saved my life. So, since nothing is guaranteed with these surgeries, my advice is to do everything you can to get your weight exactly where it should be, and get what ever exercise your doctor feels appropriate for you now.

I know the whole "cleavage issue" is something that is concern for women facing this surgery, and there is some embarassment in discussing it around men. But, I am going to give you the male perspective on this because I think it is important.

The truth is, we guys don't even care about the scars or "rearrangement of cleavage" as long as we get you back healthy and happy. This scar won't make you one bit less desirable, and, to quote a recent script, "Our scars are reminders that our pasts are real."

Keep your spirits up during this waiting time, and know that you have a whole ton of folks cheering for you!

I'll second that, Ann.

It's nice to know, John, that there are some great men out there who are into real women as opposed to Barbie dolls!! I think my husband will also be fine about the scar. He's pretty accepting of me as I am - he's more worried about facing having to do the cooking in the early days after the op!

At the moment I am really busy trying to get our household affairs in order. A major task. Also sorting out a few Christmas presents so I won't have to face the last minute rush if I am feeling a bit wobbly!!

Thanks also to Bonnie and Scottie for your support. How soon could you get into 'normal' clothes, ie t shirts and sweaters as opposed to front opening shirts after surgery? Do you have any tips about what to and what not to take into hospital??

I probably won't be logging on till next week now. Ihave to go 'home' to Shrewsbury, (just inside England on the Mid-Wales border) as my dear Uncle died recently of a massive m.i. He was 82 and had his first m.i. 28 years ago. He has been well for all these years since then. His funeral is on Friday. It will also be my last visit to family till after surgery. Husband, Nick, and son, Joe (17) will come too.

Thanks again.

:) :)
take slippers that you slide your feet into. I took no gowns as they put the open-front kind on us and when they herd you out into the hall, there are all these other zombies trudging along in theirs flapping in the breeze, but we were all concentrating so hard on our own walking nobody noticed! I did not take any book as the pain med keeps you drowsy and unable to concentrate for long. Entertainment was talking - to anyone who was there or to noone who was there (lol). Do be sure to take a big tee shirt to wear home as you don't want anythng touching your stitches. Be sure to get your pillow either from hospital or take one (the little one, you know, that is your constant companion for a few weeks). Don't forget to block ALL sneezes! To use Janie's coined phrase, "they are evil", so don't do them. Just sleep lots, take advantage of the 'service' and things they do for you, learn from them what you can do at home and let the outside world stay outside. God bless
hi Jane

hi Jane

Was just catching up here when I noticed that Hensylee said that she did not take gowns into hospital with her,however I was back in my pjs the day after the op ...and I wanted a fresh pair every day ...slippers , two sponges or flannels , I didn't read books :too tired ..but I did look at magazines ...I wanted really cold drinks ..mostly water or ice ...I didn't wear a bra home ..and didn't wear one at home for ages ..too sore ...loose clothes were a must for going home. The hospital in Edinburgh would only let visitors in for two hours a day ..not a lot out of 24 hrs ...they counted hubby as a visitor and kids under 12 were not allowed . My GP phoned the ward before I went in to ask if hubby could stay as much as possible ...they okayed this ...for which I was really thankful ...I really wanted him there as much as possible ...he came in every morning about 10am and stayed all day until about 8 or 9 pm ...sometimes we both just slept but it was important for me that he was there .
Scottie ....ps any more questions ?
I'm glad you have an idea when your surgery will be. I will be saying extra prayers for you. I was reading Scottie's post about havingher husband with her in the room. Cleveland let my husband stay with me 24 hrs a day if he wanted. They even had a cot for him to sleep on. They were so great. My big thing was not being able to take a shower while I was in the hospital. They wouldn't let me. I could sponge bath, but my hair, let's just say it needed some major attention. They used this neat little cap that was nice and warm and soaped up and washed my hair. Not perfect, but made me feel a little better. I agree that you should get as much information from the docs, nurses, techs etc....as you can. Do your breathing exercises. You may not feel like it, but it really does help in getting you out faster. Also, walk, walk walk. Once it is done, you will be so glad it is over and done with. Good Luck with everything. I will be thinking about you. Let us all know how things go.

Take Care!
My hospital also let my hubby stay with me 24 hours. Actually, my hubby AND my mother stayed with me 24 hours a day for the whole week I was there! My mother slept on the floor with a thin padding, and my hubby slept on a day bed they provide in all the rooms (it is a children's hospital, so they always want at least one person staying with the child). My hubby tried to get mom to sleep on the day bed, but she refused. Originally it was to be just hubby staying, but mom just couldn't let go. I didn't mind, but I'm sure my hubby got annoyed from time to time.

As for the soapy caps for "washing" hair, I felt better for only a few minutes after using those things, and then my hair felt dirtier. I was finally able to convince my nurses that I could lean over the sink while my mom or hubby did the washing (hugged a pillow wrapped in a plastic bag while leaning). I felt SO much better after that.


Hi ..just to say that in Edinburgh ..I had the op on Tuesday ...and was washed and changed by the nurses in ITC before going back to the ward on the Wednesday ..on Thursday a nurse helped me to the shower and stayed with me ...and I had a shower every day after that ...
Best Wishes Jane

Best Wishes Jane

Hi Jane,
Just want to send you my best wishes from New Mexico, USA. My daughter-in-law thinks that I have enhanced cleavage since my surgery, but its no big change. Overall I feel that I did well. I'm certain that everything will go well for you.
AVR; 4/12/02; Cleveland Clinic; Dr.Cosgrove; Bovine Tissue Valve
T shirts and sweaters

T shirts and sweaters

Thank you for all your kindness and information. All you good friends here can take the credit for preserving my sanity at this very anxious time.

One silly little thing I need to know is can you get your hands above your head to put a t shirt on, or sweater, or will I have to have front buttoning things??

I expect I will have a clearer idea of when the op will be after the pre-op day on Monday. The cardiologist said they could ask me to go in at 24 hours notice if they have a cancellation. Alternatively, it could all be delayed if they have emergencies in. I guess I will just have to be flexible.

I am feeling a lot more tired this week, so surgery cannot happen too soon. I probably will only log on about once or twice a week from now until the op as I am so low on energy and as you know I have to go to the local library to log on. I'll let you know as soon as I have a date.

I am hoping to ask a friend to give you an update as soon as I have had the avr.

Thanks again.
Hi Jane-

I hope they call you soon for surgery. Just in case you don't have a chance to get back on line, my very best wishes for an excellent surgical result and we'll all be waiting to hear how things went. So talk to you later. Good luck, you'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
Best of luck to you Jane,

The waiting certainly is difficult,

As for putting your arms over your head. Front buttoning is by far the easiest way in and out of things. I was able to put tee shirts on and off with some help, one arm at a time.

Everyone is somewhat different. Good fitting tee shirts are much harder than oversized one.

Good luck again and Godspeed.

I just wanted to let you know that they day I went home I put on an oversized t-shirt. My hubby helped me out. Open front shirts would certainly be better, but a big t-shirt will work. My surgery was so unexpected, I went for a second opinion and they flew me to Cleveland. I had nothing with me. I just want to wish you the very best with your surgery. Let us know how things go. You will certainly be a brand new person afterwards.

Take Care!
Hi Jane, Let see.....Make sure you don't eat anything before the surgery. I made the mistake of putting a hershey kiss in my mouth, but spit it out when I realized what I was doing. It was 3AM...half asleep, you know. Don't fight with your hubby on the way to the hospital. I did and I started crying, and when he noticed that, he apologized right away and felt bad. Other than that, trust your surgeon. I had my husband bring in pajamas for me. That is all I think... Good luck!

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