I'm new here - Surgery is March 10

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2009
Houston, Texas (USA)
Hello all,

Well I am new here. I read quite a bit last night but was approved to be a part of the site this morning.

I have bi-cuspid aortic valve and will be having my surgery next Tuesday for valve replacement, the 10th. I live in Houston, so I will be at the Texas Heart Institute under Dr. David Ott (surgeon) and Dr. Michael Sortori (cardiologist).

I have felt at peace all week with good thoughts of how good I am going to feel once all this is over, but I woke up scaring myself this morning.

I have a disabled son and I guess my biggest fear is not waking up and he has no mom to raise him. I hate negative thoughts, so I could really use some encouragement.

Thank goodness for this site.
I just put you on our surgical calendar, so you're part of the group!:)
Quite a few of our members are from Texas, so I'm sure they'll chime in pretty soon.
In the meantime, relax, and make yourself at home. You're with people who understand what you're going through.:)
Welcome to this circle of wonderful people. It's only natural that our minds go places where they shouldn't be. Don't worry, it will all be fine. Just focus on all the positive things and how much better you are going to feel when all this is over. I too had a bi-cuspid aortic valve and thought for my age and weight I was doing so-so before surgery. Well now that I am almost 10 months post-op I have so much more energy than I ever dreamed I would. So just post when you get scared or have a question or just need to vent. Someone will always be near with a suggestion or comforting thought.:)
First of all, welcome to the VR family. You will find a ton of support and answers here. Your worries are normal and the best advise I can give you is to keep yourself busy and try and focus on the positive. I am a mother of 5, ages 4-13 and I am scheduled for 3/23and I too (as I am sure alot of other members) have had those same feelings of the "what if things go wrong". When I have those thoughts, I just think of the recovery and getting back to my kids and in the meantime spending as much time with them as possible before surgery. Stay busy and know we are all here for you.
Welcome to the group. The people on this site are absolutely amazing and supportive. My son is the one who had the surgery, but his was too late to avoid permanent damage. I know how much more conservative I am these days because I know I need to be there for him so I can only imagine what you are going through knowing you have to have this surgery. Please rest assured though, you sound young and healthy and you are at a great hospital. Keep reading about others experiences and take as much comfort as you can from them.
Please keep us posted on how you are doing.
Welcome to VR. Sorry for the circumstance but glad you found us. Fears are normal, but as you can see here, lots of us have been through this and pick up our lives where we left off. Best wishes and good luck.
Welcome from another bi-cuspid! This surgery is a big deal, but you are at a top-notch institution, so they know what they're doing. The most likely outcome is that you will feel much better (after a few months) as a result of valve replacement, and be back here to reassure others.
Welcome! I'm glad you found us. Another way to look at it is that if this surgery was not available, your fear of leaving your son would be a certainty. Now it's a very small risk.

Best wishes!
Welcome to the club. There are plenty of people here to answer any questions that you may have. Wishing you the best of luck!:)
Welcome to VR! Just think of all of the many more years you will have with your son now that you are having surgery. Keep reading here. Everyone is great and you can get some great advice. However big or small. Keep us updated!
Here's some ~~~~Warm~~~~, *****Fuzzy****, +++Positive+++ thoughts and ((((((HUGS)))))) coming your way. Don't worry things will turn out OK.
Take care,
Welcome aboard. It is scary and it is crazy. Your emotions will be a little unsettled to say the least. But it's crazy at how common these surgeries are now. When you wake up, give the first person you see a wink and a thumbs up. It'll catch them off guard and the smile you get back is PRICELESS. Hope to hear from you asap after surgery so we can welcome you to the otherside of the mountain.
Thanks so much everyone....I feel so much better hearing from all of you.

I just saw on the news tonight where former Mrs. Bush (age 83) underwent valve replacement today at the hospital right next door to where I will be. She is already awake and smiling tonight. Knowing that the former President of the United States' wife uses the same facilities I will be using makes me feel much better.
Welcome aboard and keep focussing on the good positive outcome of the surgery...you will be there to take care of yourself and those you love in a healthier and more energetic way that you would wish you had this surgery a way before next Tuesday.

Good luck and keep us posted :)
Welcome to the forum. As others have said, try and stay busy. We are here if you have a question. Someone will have the answer. I hope the time goes fast for you.
Welcome, just wanted to wish you all the best. Wishing you a successful surgery and a speedy recovery.
Sorry that I am kind of late in responding to your post but I just want to wish you well with your surgery next week. I have heard that Dr. Ott is an awesome surgeon & the care you receive at St Luke's is tops as far as I am concerned. I've had all three of my OHS there & the staff is wonderful!

I will be thinking of you on the 10th & you'll be in my prayers!

I want to send along my best wishes for your surgery and recovery. Your letter voices the biggest fear I had too, and it does help alot to focus on the positive outcome. I was told at the hospital that not waking up just didn't happen in people who are young and healthy (I'm 56 - it's nice they consider that young!) and I chose to believe them.
I was still scared of having major surgery but I got through it and you will too. Already I feel better than before - I have more vitality and am optimistic about the future. It's a wonderful feeling - hang in there!

My son was about 1 year old when i had aortic valve replacement. That was 18 years ago this past january. Before surgery i could not carry him in my arms or walk with him without shortness of breath. Two weeks after surgery we could walk down the street to a lake and back together. Without surgery i would of not seen him grow up and become a man. I would of missed seeing him go to school the first day, become a christian, eagle scout, teach him to drive, take him to alaska fishing, prom, graduate high school, leave for college ! I was lucky to be able to see him grow up. Your life will be much better after your surgery.

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